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How to prepare for your interview

Our course leaders have selected a range of resources to help you prepare. Some courses have further tasks for you to complete before your interview.

If you require additional support email and we will consider all requests on individual basis and make necessary adjustments where possible.

Further preparation

It is worth revisiting the syllabus on your course page before the interview.

Any candidates for education or health courses should also review our mandatory statutory checks and the types of identification we will need to see. We welcome any questions on these.

Candidates for animation, design and architecture-based subjects will need to bring a portfolio to the interview day.

All further requirements are below.

Animation / Graphic & Digital Design (BA / HND)

Before your interview, you must:

On the day

The interviews take place either for a full morning session or a full afternoon session. There will be a 15-minute introductory talk followed by a 20-minute informal face-to-face interview with a member of the teaching team. You will also have an opportunity to tour the School of Design facilities.

The interview will consist of a conversation and questions about your portfolio. There will be time for you to demonstrate your knowledge, skills, motivation, achievements, and interest in creative work (and animation / graphic design and related practices in particular).

Please note applicants for this programme are allowed one request only to reschedule or DNA (did not attend), subject to availability.

Architecture (BA)

Before your interview, you must:

On the day

The interviews take place either for a full morning session or a full afternoon session. There will be a 15-minute introductory talk followed by a 20-minute informal face-to-face interview with a member of the teaching team. You will also have an opportunity to tour the School of Design facilities.

The interview will consist of a conversation and questions about your portfolio. There will be time for you to demonstrate your knowledge, skills, motivation, achievements, and interest in creative work (and animation / graphic design and related practices in particular).

Please note applicants for this programme are allowed one request only to reschedule or DNA (did not attend), subject to availability.

Drama / Drama and English Literature (BA)

In the Audition Workshop, you'll participate in collaborative tasks, contribute ideas and show us your interest and skills in drama. You don’t need to prepare a speech but should arrive ready to participate - please wear comfortable clothing that you can move around in. You'll also get the opportunity to ask us about studying drama at Greenwich. The session will be led by Course Leader, Jillian Wallis, and/ or members of the teaching team. It will be held at Bathway Theatre, Woolwich, which is the University of Greenwich drama studios and theatre.

Applicants who are unable to make one of the Audition Workshops will have the opportunity to book an online interview later in the year. If this applies to you, we will be in touch to confirm the details.

Please note applicants for this programme are allowed one request only to reschedule or DNA (did not attend), subject to availability.

Early Years (PGCE)

You should be prepared to talk about your skills, experience, and motivations, and how you will use to skills on this programme.

There will also be an opportunity for questions and answers on a one-to-one basis with an interviewer.

You will also be asked to complete and return some documents on the day of your interview:

  • An initial declaration about criminal convictions.
  • A School Experience Agreement.
  • An online literacy task.

Please note applicants for this programme are allowed one request only to reschedule or DNA (did not attend), subject to availability.

Further Education & Skills Sector (PCE / PGCE)

You will receive a PowerPoint presentation prior to the interview. Please feel free to ask questions at the interview.

Interviews for this programme will take place online.

Written activity

A 45-minute task. You’ll be asked to read an article and answer a question, followed by some additional questions focussing on spelling and grammar.

We will be looking for:

  • Accuracy in your written work.
  • Your ability to write clearly, accurately, legibly and coherently using correct spelling and punctuation.
  • Your ability to convey concepts and ideas with clarity.
  • Use standard English grammar.
  • Use vocabulary relevant to the situation.

You will also be asked to:

  • Fill in an initial declaration about criminal convictions.
  • Sign a Memorandum of Understanding in relation to your professional behaviour on the course.

Please note applicants for this programme are allowed one request only to reschedule or DNA (did not attend), subject to availability.

Landscape Architecture / Urban Design (BA)

Before your interview, you must:

On the day

You'll receive a 20-minute introductory talk where you can find out about life at Greenwich.

This is followed by a 20-minute face-to-face interview with a member of the teaching team. We'll discuss why you've chosen to study at Greenwich, and we’ll ask you to describe your portfolio.

Please note applicants for this programme are allowed one request only to reschedule or DNA (did not attend), subject to availability.

Music and Sound Design (MA)

Interview Process

All suitable applicants to the MA Music and Sound Design programme will be invited for interview.

Interview Preparation

If you are invited for an interview, you can prepare yourself by doing the following:

  • Think of possible questions that you may have for your interviewer(s).
  • Have a look at the course page where you’ll find information about modules, course structure and more. Do also have a look at the School of Stage and Screen webpage, along with the SOUND/IMAGE Research Centre webpage.
  • Revisit your application and personal statement as your interviewer(s) may ask you questions about something you’ve referenced in your personal statement.
  • Think about what your portfolio says about you and your practice – the interview should be seen as your opportunity to discuss the portfolio and display your skills and talents.
  • If your interview is online, test your connection and login details, and connect 5-10 minutes earlier

Please note applicants for this programme are allowed one request only to reschedule or DNA (did not attend), subject to availability.

Nursing and Midwifery (BSc/MSc) 

This section covers interview preparation for the Adult Nursing, Children’s Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, Learning Disability Nursing and Midwifery programmes

Before your interview you must:

On the day

Adult Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, Learning Disability Nursing, Children's Nursing and Midwifery interviews will take place online, via Microsoft Teams.

Please note, your interview may be recorded.

At the interview be prepared to:

  • Show your photo ID
  • Go through your online Suitability Declaration Form.

Resources to help you prepare ahead of the interview

Watch the video to find out how to prepare for your interview.

Take some time to research current writing on the subject. A good place to start is the Nursing and Midwifery Council website, the Royal College of Midwives websiteNHS Nursing and NHS Midwifery pages.

More information about the programme can also be found at:

Please note applicants for this programme are allowed one request only to reschedule or DNA (did not attend), subject to availability.

Operating Department Practitioner (BSc)

The interview will consist of an online interview via Microsoft Teams with our academic team, which could include a clinical practitioner or a service user. You will need to complete a Health Sciences Suitability Declaration Form before attending.

Please note, your interview may be recorded.

The interview will include a number of short questions to demonstrate motivation, achievements, transferable skills and knowledge for the course.

Please note applicants for this programme are allowed one request only to reschedule or DNA (did not attend), subject to availability.

Paramedic Science (BSc)

Take some time to research current writing on the subject. A good place to start is the Health and Care Professions Council website and the NHS website.

Interviews for these programmes will take place online, via Microsoft Teams. You will need to complete a Health Sciences Suitability Declaration Form before attending.

Please note, your interview may be recorded.

Watch the video to find out how to prepare for your interview.

Please note applicants for this programme are allowed one request only to reschedule or DNA (did not attend), subject to availability.

Pharmacy (MPharm)

It is essential that you bring a valid form of identification with you to your interview. Please view acceptable types of identification.
Before your interview, you should familiarise yourself with the ‘Standards for Pharmacy Professionals’ which are published by the regulator, The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC). As you will be required to complete a Fitness to Practice Declaration Form on the day of your interview.

Please note applicants for this programme are allowed one request only to reschedule or DNA (did not attend), subject to availability.

Pharmacy (MPharm) with Preparatory Year

It is essential that you bring a valid form of identification with you to your interview. Please view acceptable types of identification.
Before your interview, you should familiarise yourself with the ‘Standards for Pharmacy Professionals’ which are published by the regulator, The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC). As you will be required to complete a Fitness to Practice Declaration Form on the day of your interview.

Please note applicants for this programme are allowed one request only to reschedule or DNA (did not attend), subject to availability.

Physician Associate (MSc)

Preparing for your interview

The interview will consist of value-based questions and patient scenarios.

Successful applicants will have shown that you are able to adjust and perform well in unfamiliar situations, communicate effectively and work within a team.

At the interview you will be required to show your photo ID.

Before your interview you must:

Resources to help you prepare ahead of the interview.

Watch the video to find out how to prepare for your interview.

Take some time to research current writing on the role of Physician Associate. A good place to start is the Faculty of Physician Associates, Royal College of Physicians

Questions cover the following categories.

  • Communication skills.
  • Critical thinking.
  • Problem solving/Teamwork.
  • Empathy.
  • Interpersonal skills.

You will be asked questions relevant to undertaking a MSc Physician Associate at the University of Greenwich, so ensure that you read widely around the subject.

Consider current ideas and arguments around the topics of the NHS and healthcare that you have encountered at work and in the media.

Review your personal statement; if you have spoken about relevant work experience or engaged in further reading, think about how you might expand on this if asked to discuss in your interview.

Please note applicants for this programme are allowed one request only to reschedule or DNA (did not attend), subject to availability.

Physiotherapy (BSc)

On the day

An initial 20-minute presentation that will explain the day and introduce you to the course will be the first part of the day.

You will then move through three rotations, each up to 1 hour in time. These three are a group task, 5 individual questions and a campus tour.

At the selection day/interview be prepared to:

  • Show your photo ID
  • Go through your online Suitability Declaration Form BEFORE your interview
  • Prepare by thinking of possible questions that you may have for your interviewer(s).
  • Have a look at the course pages where you’ll find information about modules, course structure and study modes.
  • Revisit your application and personal statement as your interviewer(s) may ask you questions about something you’ve referenced in your personal statement.
  • As your interview is face to face arrive at least 20 mins earlier to the destination.

Resources to help you prepare ahead of the selection day/interview

Take some time to research current writing on the subject. A good place to start is the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) under the careers and jobs tabs. Also see the Health Care Professions Council and NHS physiotherapy.

Watch the video to find out how to prepare for your selection day and interview.

See the presentation for further information on the University of Greenwich Physiotherapy programme.

Please note applicants for this programme are allowed one request only to reschedule or DNA (did not attend), subject to availability.

BA Primary Education

Introduction to BA Hons Primary Education

Before your interview:

  • Complete a Suitability Declaration Form
  • Send a piece of writing for the panel to consider, this can either be a marked piece of work from university/school or if you have not recently been in full-time education, it can be some writing from your work. This should be sent to with your full name and BA Primary Education in the subject line.

On the day

Interviews will take place online, via Microsoft Teams. The link will be sent to you 2 days prior to the interview.

At the interview be prepared to:

  • Show your photo ID.
  • Discuss the piece of writing submitted prior to interview.
  • Discuss your Suitability Declaration Form and be prepared to answer the following questions:
  • Have you ever been on an ITT/E programme previously? (Note additional checks would be needed if the answer is yes).
  • Is there anything which might come to light/call into question your suitability to work with children?

Group activities will take approximately 1 hour and will focus on current issues in primary education. To prepare for this, we recommend that you do some reading and think about examples of any experience you may have had to support your views. This will help us gain insight into your ability in speaking, listening and communication skills.

  • To convey concepts and ideas with clarity.
  • Use standard English grammar.
  • Use vocabulary relevant to the situation.

The interview will consist of a group interview with our academic team, which could include a school partner. The interview will include some short questions to demonstrate motivation, achievements, transferable skills, and knowledge for the course.

You will also be asked to:

  • Fill in an initial declaration about criminal convictions.
  • Sign a School Experience Agreement.

Please note applicants for this programme are allowed one request only to reschedule or DNA (did not attend), subject to availability.

PGCE Primary Education

Introduction to PGCE Primary Education

Before your interview:

  • Complete a Suitability Declaration Form
  • Send a piece of writing for the panel to consider, this can either be a marked piece of work from university/school or if you have not recently been in full-time education, it can be some writing from your work. This should be sent to with your full name and PGCE Primary Education in the subject line.

On the day

Interviews will take place online, via Microsoft Teams. The link will be sent to you 2 days prior to the interview.

At the interview be prepared to:

  • Show your photo ID
  • Discuss the piece of writing submitted prior to interview.
  • Discuss your Suitability Declaration Form and be prepared to answer the following questions during the interview process:
  • Have you ever been on an ITT/E programme previously? (Note the additional checks that would be needed if the answer is yes).
  • Is there anything which might come to light/call into question your suitability to work with children?

Group activities that will take approximately 1 hour and will focus on current issues in primary education. To prepare for this, we recommend that you consider the following article and think about examples of any experience you may have had to support your views on this. This will help us gain insight into your ability in speaking, listening and communication skills.

  • To convey concepts and ideas with clarity.
  • Use standard English grammar.
  • Use vocabulary relevant to the situation.

The interview will consist of a group interview with our academic team, which could include a school partner. The interview will include some short questions to demonstrate motivation, achievements, transferable skills, and knowledge for the course.

You will also be asked to:

  • Fill in an initial declaration about criminal convictions.
  • Sign a School Experience Agreement.

Please note applicants for this programme are allowed one request only to reschedule or DNA (did not attend), subject to availability.

Secondary Education (PGCE)

Written activity

You will be asked to spend 30 minutes summarising a level 7 article before the interview takes place.  The article link is provided approximately 2 days before your interview.  This is to be handwritten and uploaded to the link provided.

We will be looking for:

  • Accuracy in your written work.
  • Your ability to write clearly, accurately, legibility and coherently using correct spelling and punctuation.
  • Your ability to convey concepts and ideas with clarity.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the content of the article


The interview will take approximately 45 minutes and will focus on current issues in your subject in secondary education. We ask you subject-specific questions and discuss these with you.

  • All interviews will be conducted in a group setting, however where this is not possible, one-to-one interviews may be given.

For this, we recommend that you do some reading, prepare your subject knowledge, and think about examples of any experience you may have had to support your views.

What we're looking for:

  • Your ability in speaking, listening and communication skills.
  • Conveying concepts and ideas with clarity.
  • Use of standard English grammar.
  • Use of vocabulary relevant to the situation.
  • Demonstration of subject knowledge

You will also be asked to:

  • Fill in an initial declaration about criminal convictions.
  • Sign a Memorandum of Understanding.
  • Complete a subject knowledge audit.
  • Complete a feedback form.

Interviews for this programme will take place online.

Please note applicants for this programme are allowed one request only to reschedule or DNA (did not attend), subject to availability.

Social Work (BA / MA)

Individual online interview:

During your interview you will be asked six social work related questions. To help you prepare please consider undertaking the following:

  • Think about why you want to be a social worker and your transferable knowledge, skills and experience (voluntary, paid or work experience).
  • Read widely about the Social Work profession, in particular its key roles and the people they try and support.
  • Research UK Social Work professional frameworks and codes e.g. BASW Code of Ethics Code of Ethics | BASW and Social Work England Professional Standards Home - Social Work England.
  • Read in full the pre-interview guidance that will be sent to you before your interview date.

Please note applicants for this programme are allowed one request only to reschedule or DNA (did not attend), subject to availability.

Speech and Language Therapy (BSc)

Take some time to research current writing on the subject. A good place to start is the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists' website.

Interviews for this programme will take place online.

Please note applicants for this programme are allowed one request only to reschedule or DNA (did not attend), subject to availability.