Attending your interview
Your interview will take place online or in person, depending on your course. Find out more about how to join.

How to prepare for your interview
Find out about any further reading or preparation you should complete for the best chance of success at your interview.

What ID do you need?
Candidates for courses in education or health will be asked to present an ID document during the interview. Find out what you need.

Creating your portfolio
If you are invited to interview for animation, graphic design and architecture / urban design courses, you must prepare a portfolio. Find out more.
If you can't make it
If you are unable to attend your interview, you are able to rebook this using the link in your confirmation email. If you cannot attend on the day of your interview, please contact us as soon possible. We can't always guarantee you will be offered another interview date, but if you fail to attend and don't contact us beforehand, your application may be withdrawn.
- Animation, Graphic and Digital Design, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design | design_admissions@gre.ac.uk
- Drama / Film & TV Production | stageandscreen_admissions@gre.ac.uk
- Education / Teacher Training | EducAdmissions@gre.ac.uk
- Health | hsc-admissions@gre.ac.uk
- Pharmacy | espadmissions@gre.ac.uk