When you arrive in the UK, there are a number of things that you need to do. Firstly, we recommend that you read our guidance on arriving at the UK border so that you are prepared for your arrival at the airport.
Once you have entered the UK, you should engage with our International Student Welcome Programme, as this will give you an introduction to the university and help you settle in.
You may need to register with your local police - this depends on your nationality. If you have a student visa in your passport, you'll also need to collect your BRP visa card once you have arrived.
It's also really important to make sure that you register with a doctor's surgery so you can access healthcare. We've explained how you can do this, as well as loads of other suggestions in our arrival tips.
Contact us
The International Student Advice Service provides free and confidential immigration advice to applicants and students of the university.
University of Greenwich graduates may also be eligible. Please see our guidance on accessing the service for more information.
Arriving at the UK border
Arriving at the airport or border can be an exciting, but also nervous experience! Below you can find all the information you need for your arrival at the UK border.
International Welcome Programme
Our online international student welcome programme is specifically designed for international students and will help you prepare for student life in the UK
Arrival tips
If you have recently arrived in the UK, there are a number of things that we recommend that you do within the first two weeks of your arrival.
Collecting your BRP
When you arrive in the UK, you'll need to collect your BRP (Biometric Residence Permit) from the university or a local Post Office.
The information on this page is correct at the time of writing. Whilst we try to make sure the information we provide is accurate, immigration policy changes frequently. You should therefore always refer to the official gov.uk website to ensure that you have up-to-date information.