Answers to some of the more common questions relating to the Enhanced Disclosure process.
Is any help available when applying for an Enhanced Disclosure?
We provide a service to our students and applicants in processing the DBS application and providing assistance with completion where necessary.
As you are required to produce original documentation in person, a number of drop-in sessions have been arranged so that you can bring in your documents for checking. All documents will be handed back to you on the day.
How will I know when the process is complete?
Once the checks have been completed your Disclosure Certificate will be sent to the address you provided in your application. If you change address after you have submitted your form, you should make arrangements for the Disclosure to be redirected to your new address.
If there are no convictions or cautions listed you need take no further action. Do not contact us when you receive your Disclosure certificate, but keep it safe and remember the school, hospital or employer you undertake your placement with may ask you to produce it.
Can I challenge the information on my Disclosure if it is incorrect?
When you receive your Disclosure please check it carefully for any errors or inaccuracies, for example, the spelling of your name. If there are any errors, notify the DBS immediately. You can do this by telephone, mail or e-mail. Contact details are available on the reverse of the Disclosure.
What does the University of Greenwich do with the information?
The university complies with the DBS Code of Practice. Details are available via their website. The DBS issues strict guidelines on the use, storage and disposal of data, and a full list of these guidelines can be obtained from the DBS.
What if I lose my Enhanced Disclosure certificate?
You should keep your certificate safe as you may be required to produce it at any time during your placement by the employer or other organisation where you are working or volunteering.
The university cannot accept responsibility for any circumstances arising out of the loss of your Enhanced Disclosure certificate. If you do lose it, you will need to apply for a new Disclosure and all costs associated with this will be paid by you.
What if I was born outside the UK or lived or worked outside the UK particularly in the last 5 years?
If you have lived outside the UK within the last 5 years, you must obtain a Certificate of Good Conduct (a police records check) from the country of residence. To do this, you should seek advice form the relevant embassy or high commission of that country in the UK.
You may also wish to contact the police authorities in the areas in which you were resident.
You should present this certificate to the Student Centre at or before registration in addition to completing the DBS application form.
What are the contact details of official agencies related to the Enhanced Disclosure?
Disclosure and Barring Service
PO Box 110, Liverpool, L3 6ZZ
Tel: 0870 90 90 811
Apex Charitable Trust, St Alphage House, Wingate Annexe, 2 Fore Street, London, EC2Y 5DA
Tel: 0870 6084567
Fax: 020 7638 5977
10-12 Lawn Lane, London, SW8 1UD
Tel: 0800 0181 259
Foreign and Commonwealth Office – Foreign Embassies in the UK
King Charles Street, London, SW1A 2AH
Tel: 020 7008 1500
What if I receive a caution, reprimand or conviction after receiving a Disclosure certificate?
If you receive a caution, reprimand or conviction AFTER you have received an Enhanced Disclosure certificate, you must inform the university immediately.
What if I'm a transgender applicant and don't want details of my previous identity shared?
Transgender applications
Contact the DBS sensitive applications team if you're a transgender applicant and you don't want to reveal details of your previous identity to a potential employer.
DBS sensitive applications team
Sensitive applications team
Customer services
PO Box 165
L69 3JD
I already have a DBS Enhanced Disclosure certificate - can I reuse it?
If you already hold an Enhanced Disclosure that you have registered with the DBS Update Service then yes, you may be able to re-use it. If it covers you for the relevant workforce we will run a status check on it. In this case you will only be required to obtain a new Disclosure if the information contained therein doesn't remain current and further information had been identified since it's issue.
Will a conviction or caution appear on the Disclosure Certificate?
New regulations have been introduced in relation to 'The Disclosure Barring Service' (DBS). The regulations mean that certain offences need not be disclosed by applicants. These are called the 'Filtering rules for criminal record check certificates':
For those 18 or over at the time of the offence
An adult conviction will be removed from a DBS certificate if: 11 years have elapsed since the date of conviction; and it is the person's only offence, and it did not result in a custodial sentence
Even then, it will only be removed if it does not appear on the list of offences which will never be removed from a certificate. If a person has more than one offence, then details of all their convictions will always be included.
An adult caution will be removed after 6 years have elapsed since the date of the caution and if it does not appear on the list of offences relevant to safeguarding.
For those under 18 at the time of the offence
The same rules apply as for adult convictions, except that the elapsed time period is 5.5 years The same rules apply as for adult cautions, except that the elapsed time period is 2 years.
If you are unsure whether these regulations affect you please refer to this link.
If you attend a selection interview you will be asked:
'Do you have any convictions, cautions, reprimands or final warnings which would not be filtered in line with current guidance?'
You are only required to disclose in accordance with these regulations. However please be aware that it is your responsibility to ensure that you do disclose when required to. Failure to disclose will lead to withdrawal of offer or removal from the programme.
Visiting our Obtaining an Enhanced DBS Certificate pages should provide you with a step by step guide on how to complete the DBS process, however below you will find a series of common question concerning the check.
If you cannot find an answer to your question on our guidance pages or here then please contact the Student Centre.