Student Services

Student Complaints

If any part of your university experience is unsatisfactory, find out when and what you can complaint about.

At the University of Greenwich, while we strive for everything to run smoothly, we understand that issues may arise. If they do, please inform us as soon as possible so we can address them.

We are committed to supporting you and resolving any concerns. Our Student Complaints Procedure helps us improve our services and ensure we meet your needs. Before submitting a complaint, please read the information below and note that this is only guidance. It complements but does not replace the Student Complaints Procedure, which we also recommend you read.

Who can make a complaint?

  • Current students of the university.
  • Students on an approved leave of absence (for instance, interruption of studies).
  • Graduate or former students, provided that your complaint is lodged within three months of completing or formally ceasing your studies.

If you are studying for an award at a partner institution, you should initially follow your college’s complaints procedure.

Who can't make a complaint?

  • Students who have admission to the university but have not yet been accepted and registered.
  • Graduate or former students but failed to submit a complaint within three months of completing or formally ceasing your studies.
  • Postgraduate research students unhappy about a role as an employee of the University. Complaints about employment should be directed to the University’s People Directorate Department.

What you can make a complaint about?

You can make a complaint about any academic or non-academic service provided by the University, such as:

  • Misleading or incorrect information provided by us.
  • Aspects of your learning and teaching experience including PGR supervision.
  • Facilities, learning resources or other services provided by us.
  • Other organisations or contactors providing a service on our behalf.
  • Issues with University managed accommodation.
  • Complaints about behaviour by members of staff that come under the remit of the Student Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy.

What you can't complaint about?

  • Your results: This will correlate to the Academic Appeals Procedure (Taught)  or Academic Appeals Procedure (Research) to request a review.
  • Other students’ behaviour: Contact your faculty or, for incidents in University-managed halls, reach out to Accommodation Services.
  • The Greenwich Students’ Union: Refer to their own Policy and Procedures.
  • Admissions decisions: Follow the Admissions Policy and Procedure.
  • Previously considered issues: If an issue has already been addressed through academic appeals, fitness to practise, or disciplinary procedures, you can only complain about the handling of these processes.
  • Ongoing police investigations: Issues currently under police consideration cannot be complained about.

When should I make my complaint and how do I do it?

You need to raise your complaint within 4 weeks of the issue or incident that you are complaining about.

Raising a complaint with staff in the area where the issue occurred is usually the quickest and most effective way to resolve an issue, which is why we expect you try to resolve your issues at the Stage 0: Informal Stage first. You can do this with any relevant member of staff who works in the area the issue arose. If your complaint is about academic-related issues, this may be the Module Tutor or Programme Leader, or your Research Supervisor. If your complaint is about a University service, then you should talk to an appropriate member of staff from that service.

Further guidance and all the forms that you may need can be found here Student Complaints Procedure.

What can I expect from the complaints process?

There are three stages:

Stage 0 - Informal Resolution

We aim to resolve complaints quickly and locally by encouraging early resolution within the department that provides the service. Sometimes a matter will have to be referred to more than one member of staff to find the right answer, or receive approval for an outcome, but we will keep you informed as we go along. If you are not satisfied with the response we give at this stage, you can take your complaint to Stage 1 of the procedure.

Stage 1 - Formal Investigation

Stage 1 deals with complaints that have not been resolved at Stage 0 and those that are complex and require detailed investigation. We will tell you who is dealing with your complaint and provide you with an outcome as soon as possible, normally within 28 calendar days. If our investigation will take longer, we will tell you.

Stage 2 - Review including Review Panel

Stage 2 is the review stage and looks at complaints that have not been resolved at Stage 1. There are a range of reasons why you can ask for a review. We will consider your request and either let you know that we will not be considering your complaint any further (and you will be told how to take it to external review) or your complaint will be passed to a Review Panel for further consideration.

Full details of all stages can be found in the Student Complaints Procedure.

How will you resolve my complaint?

Complaint outcomes may include an apology, alterations to a process or to a service that we provide and, exceptionally, compensation for loss or damage suffered. We aim to ensure that proposed outcomes are reasonable and appropriate to the nature and circumstances of the complaint. Financial compensation is usually only considered when a practical outcome is not available or is inappropriate or insufficient.

Help and advice

Students’ Union

Free independent advice and advocacy is available from the Greenwich Students’ Union at any stage of your complaint:



Online contact form:

University Chaplaincy

Faith communities appoint our University Chaplains to work at the University to care for students and staff of all religions and beliefs, and also for those who do not have a faith background. You can contact the chaplains by dropping in to one of their regular events, or by emailing them on