
Roles and responsibilities of a supervisor

The Academic Regulations for Postgraduate Research Awards and the Postgraduate Research Student's and Supervisor's Handbook provide an overview of the research supervisor's main responsibilities.

The Academic Regulations for Postgraduate Research Awards and the Postgraduate Research Student's and Supervisor's Handbook provide an overview of the research supervisor's main responsibilities; however, some of the key milestones are listed below. A supervisor should:

  1. Ensure the student registers as a student of the university (and pays their fees as appropriate). If not registered the student is not entitled to supervision and will not be allowed to use the university's facilities, e.g. library, computers, etc.
  2. Ensure the student receives an induction when they start. The student will have received a checklist for new research students when they received their offer letter. This is supplemented by induction information at the front of the Research Student Log and Professional Development Portfolio. This will form the basis of identifying any skill or knowledge gaps that need to be met. For mature students it can be easy to assume skills and knowledge, and the fear of being seen as patronising can result in important knowledge and skill gaps being missed if care and sensitivity are not used.
  3. Ensure your student engages with the available online and face to face blended learning opportunities that are available both centrally (e.g. Epigeum Research Skills and the Postgraduate Researcher Development Programme) and at the school/institute level.
  4. In conjunction with the student, ensure their degree programme is registered with the Faculty Research Degrees Committee (using form RDA1). Except in exceptional circumstances this should be completed within six months of starting.
  5. Help the student assess whether the research needs ethical clearance (see the link below to access guidance pages, the university's research ethics policy and the application form)? If yes, the student will need to apply for ethical approval from the appropriate Ethics Committee. For informal guidance on the most appropriate route, please contact the administrator for the university's Research Ethics Committee.
  6. Ensure the student submits an annual progress report to the Faculty Research Degrees Committee (Form RDA4).This is important as this document is taken into account when making a decision on whether to allow a student to progress to the next year of study. The Research Student Log and Professional Development Portfolio, if maintained, should provide a source of information and material to include in these annual reviews.
    1. Ensure the student applies to the Faculty Research Degrees Committee to transfer from MPhil to PhD registration (RDA2). The student will need to produce a transfer report, partial thesis or published papers to support their application. In addition, the student will be required to attend an oral assessment, before the FRDC will consider confirming the transfer (RDA3) (Does not apply to MPhil only or PhD direct entry students).
  7. Ensure the student applies to the Faculty Research Degrees Committee for any requested changes in registration, e.g. change of mode, change of supervisors, requests for interruptions and/or extensions to registration, using form RDA5. RDA5s should NOT be used retrospectively except in exceptional circumstances
  8. Ensure the student writes their thesis to a format and standard that will meet with the university's standards for the relevant level of research degree – encourage early writing wherever appropriate.
  9. Oversee the selection of appropriate internal and external examiners and apply for approval from the FRDC (RDA6).
  10. Help to prepare your student for the viva voce oral examination process.


Supervisors should ensure their own professional skills are kept up to date. There have been fundamental changes in who studies for a research degree in the 21st century and why. Allied to the increased amount of internal and external oversight it is important that supervisors keep up to date with developments in supervisory practice. To assist this, the university organises new supervisor development sessions and bi-annual supervisor conferences where best practice and the latest developments can be shared.

The need for initial professional development and continuous professional development are now embedded in the QAA Code of Practice and also the Researcher Development Framework, which applies to supervisors and other research staff as much as research students.

Further information

Academic Regulations for Postgraduate Research Awards 
Framework and criteria for the assessment, examination and awarding of a research award.

Postgraduate Research Student's and Supervisor's Handbook
Download the Postgraduate Research Student's and Supervisor's Handbook.