Centre for Sustainable Cyber Security (CS2)


Open positions, updates and articles from the Centre for Sustainable Cyber Security (CS2).

Open positions

LLM security researcher position for EPSRC CHAI | deadline: to appear soon

We accept interns and PhD applications throughout the year. Please contact Dr. Georgia Sakellari (g.sakellari@gre.ac.uk) to express your interest before you apply.


April 2024. CS2 (P.I. Professor George Loukas) has been awarded a new Horizon Europe project called Ganndalf, which brings together cyber security experts, law experts, psychologists, social scientists and cyber crime forensic investigators from 17 organisations from across Europe to develop new approaches that will make detection, response and investigation of advanced cyber crime more practical, more efficient and more effective. CS2's role will be in developing the Cyber Hygiene 2.0 visiοn, where citizens are not only helping in preventing cyber crime but also in detecting and reporting it. Our novel technology will allow this vision to materialise and help citizens better protect themselves and their communities against cyber threats.

26 October 2023. CS2 hosting the RITICS quarterly event on Cyber Security for Maritime Systems.

5 October 2023. Professor Loukas giving a keynote on "AI Security and You" at SAP Group’s global Cyber Security month event.

15 September 2023. Professor Loukas received IEEE Transactions in Information Forensics and Security journal's Outstanding Editor award.

14 September 2023. Professor Panaousis sit on the panel “Leaders Debate - Learning from Experience” with the Leader of Gloucester City Council, the Chair of Surbiton Neighbourhood Committee (Kingston Council), and the Convener and Chief Operating Officer of the Cyber Centre of Excellence to share prior experiences from successful cyber attacks and advise on how organisations across public sector can be best prepared in the event of an incident. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7wwMAbKn3k&t=794s

18 May 2023, Professor Samakovitis's team was awarded two of the total four awards at the Financial Conduct Authority's Register Data TechSprint, for implementing a Trusted Language Model for FCA Register data dissemination to the consumer.

11 May 2023. Dr. Sani presenting “Net Zero” at Nomura Talks.

17 January 2023. Dr. Sani presenting “Operational Technology Cybersecurity” at Purdue University.

11 October 2022. Professor Loukas participating at the UK Parliament's DCMS select committee on the security of connected technology “Connected tech: smart or sinister?”: https://www.parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index/1ecb4b7f-1b6b-45cf-b15d-27566c1978e1

4 August 2022. Professor Loukas's TEDx talk is now live: https://youtu.be/pb1A5w4f3PA?si=Er-mekM0uvZ9wZG2