Our policies and procedures of governance ensure that the University delivers its goals within a transparent set of fair and ethical guidelines.
Research Integrity
The university recognises its obligations to uphold the integrity of academic research, and is committed to ensuring and supporting research integrity (2012).
Research Ethics
The University has a research ethics governance structure to ensure that research requiring ethical approval is reviewed by the appropriate ethics committee.
Research Degrees Committee
Overseeing the registration, progression and recommendations for the award of research degrees for research students in Schools and Institutes comprising Faculties.
Research & Knowledge Exchange Board
Responsible for the strategic development of the research and enterprise environment and activities of the University and the delivery of research degree provision.
In preparation for the Research Excellence Framework (REF) the university is undertaking an annual cycle of assessment entitled Greenwich REF Assessment Trials (GREAT).
Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers
The University of Greenwich has signed up to the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers - a set of principles that underpin support for researchers - as well as working closely with Vitae.