Research activities

Research & Knowledge Exchange Projects

The Institute for Inclusive Communities and Environments works closely with many different external organisations, policy-makers, communities and individuals to co-create new knowledge and ensure it is used for the benefit of the economy and society.

Below we highlight some of the recently awarded externally-funded research projects and some of our key knowledge exchange initiatives and partners.

Captivate: Spatial Modelling

Reanimating sites of historical interest using scanning and image processing technologies to bring to life long-forgotten treasures and makes them available to a wide global audience through interactive web-based archives.

Knowledge Exchange Partners

  • Local Governance organisations such as the Royal Borough of Greenwich, London Borough of Newham, Royal Parks and the Greater London Authority
  • Metropolitan Police Service and HM Prison Service
  • NHS Trusts, health authorities and clinical networks
  • Members of Parliament, Home Office and other UK Government Departments
  • Local, national and international charities and civil rights organisations such as Liberty, Human Rights at Sea, Power the Fight, Partisan UK, Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network and Citizens UK.
  • Royal Museums Greenwich, The Tramshed Theatre, Greenwich Theatre, Venice Biennale for Architecture, Cinema Audio Society, Association for Motion Picture Sound, Mo-Sys and many other creative, media and heritage organisations and networks.
  • Overseas organisations such as the European Parliament, the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the International Labour Organization, the European Institute for Chinese Studies and the United Nations Development Programme.
  • Numerous Higher Education and research institutions in the UK and around the world.