Research activities

Thames Papers in Political Economy

The Thames Papers in Political Economy were edited at the Thames Polytechnic from 1974 to 1989 by Professor Philip Arestis, Professor Thanos Skouras, and Dr Yiannis Kitromilides.

We are grateful to Professor Philip Arestis and Dr Yiannis Kitromilides for donating their collection, to Professor Malcolm Sawyer, Professor Sheila Dow, Professor Alan Freeman, Professor Peter Skott, and Professor James Forder for providing relevant copies; and last but not least to Eurydice Fotopoulou, Dr Giovanni Cozzi at GPERC, William Robley, Fraser Nicolaides and the other colleagues at the University of Greenwich Library for their valuable support in digitalising this valuable collection.


Graziani Augusto: The Theory of the Monetary Circuit.  Thames Papers in Political Economy | Spring 1989 TP/PPE/89/1

Lee Frederic S.: G. C . Means's Doctrine of Administered Prices. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Summer 1989 TP/PPE/89/2


Chick Victoria and Dow Sheila C.: A Post-Keynesian Perspective on the Relation Between Banking and Regional Development. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Spring 1988 TP/PPE/88 /1

Asimakopulos A.:The Theoretical Significance of Keynes's General Theory. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Summer 1988 TP/PPE/88/2

Tribute to A. Eichner.

Dutt A. K.: Competition, Monopoly Power and the Price of Production. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Autumn 1988 TP/PPE/88/3


Arestis Philip: Post -Keynesian Theory of Money, Credit and Finance. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Spring 1987 TP/PPE/87/1

Sawyer Malcolm: The Political Economy of the Phillips Curve. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Summer 1987 TP/PPE/87/2

Morgan Bob: Can the UK be  as Abnormal as Sweden? Thames Papers in Political Economy | Autumn 1987 TP/PPE/87/ 3


Davidson Paul: A Post- Keynesian View of Theories and Causes for High Real Interest Rates. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Spring 1986 TP/PPE/86/1

Nell Edward: On Monetary Circulation and the Rate of Exploitation. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Summer 1986 TP/PPE/86/2

Grahl John: Productivity Slowdown and Financial Tensions. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Autumn 1986 TP/PPE/86/3


Guttmann Robert: Crisis and Reform of the International Monetary SystemThames Papers in Political Economy | Spring 1983 TP/PPE/85/1

Skott Peter: Vicious Circles  and Cumulative Causation. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Summer 1985 TP/PPE/85/2

Auerbach Paul: Market Structure and  Firm Behaviour: An Empty Box? Thames Papers in Political Economy | Autumn 1985 TP/PPE/85/3


Moore Basil J.: Unpacking the Post- Keynesian Black Box: Wages, Bank Lending and the money supply. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Spring 1982 TP/PPE/84/1

Arestis Philip and Driver Ciaran: The  Macrodynamics of the US and UK Economics Through Two Post-Keynesian Models. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Summer 1984 TP/PPE/84/2

Shackle G. L. S.: General Thought – Schemes and the Economist. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Autumn 1983 TP/PPE/84/3


Eichner Alfred S.: The Post-Keynesian Paradigm and Macrodynamic Modelling. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Spring  1982 TP/PPE/83/1

Skott Peter: An Essay on Keynes  and General Equilibrium Theory. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Summer 1983 TP/PPE/83/2

Bhaduri Amit, and Steindl Josef: The Rise of Monetarism as a Social Doctrine. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Autumn 1983 TP/PPE/83/3


Arestis Philip: Is there a Crowding Out of Private Expenditure by Fiscal Actions? Thames Papers in Political Economy | Spring 1982 TP/PPE/82/1

Harcourt G. C.: Post- Keynesianism: Quite Wrong and/or Nothing New? Thames Papers in Political Economy | Summer 1982 TP/PPE/82/2

Sawyer Malcom C.: Towards a Post- Kaleckian Macroeconomics. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Autumn 1982 TP/PPE/82/3


Kitromilides Yiannis: The Formation of Economic Policy: A Question for Economists. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Spring 1981 TP/PPE/81/1

Currie David: Monetarist Policies and Neo-Keynesian Alternatives. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Summer 1981 TP/PPE/81/2

Rowthorn Bob: Demand, Real Wages and Economic Growth. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Autumn 1981 TP/PPE/81/3


Driver Ciaran: Productive and Unproductive Labour: Uses and Limitations of the Concept. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Spring 1980 TP/PPE/80/1

Against Demand and Supply: Two Essays Thames Papers in Political Economy | Summer 1980 TP/PPE/80/2

-  Freris A.: A Critical Reappraisal of Textbook Treatment of Demand & Supply.  PPE/80/2/1

- Skouras Thanos: The Tools of Demand and Supply: Good for an Economist or a Parrot? PPE/80/2/2

Arestis Philip and Hadjimatheou George: Macroeconomic Policies  of the 1974-1979 Labour GovernmentThames Papers in Political Economy | Autumn 1980 TP/PPE/80/3


Foster Alan: Revisionism  Revisited: An Essay on British Evolutionary Socialism. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Spring 1979 TP/PPE/79/1

Eatwell John: Theories of Value Output and Employment. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Summer 1979 TP/PPE/79/2

Peston Maurice: When is a Problem of Economic Policy Solvable? Thames Papers in Political Economy | Autumn 1979 TP/PPE/79/3


Chick Victoria: Keynesians, Monetarists  and Keynes: the End of the Debate – or a Beginning? Thames Papers in Political Economy | Spring1978 TP/PPE/78/1

Palma Gabriel: Underdevelopments and Marxism: from Marx to the theories of Imperialism and DependencyThames Papers in Political Economy | Summer 1978 TP/PPE/78/2

Minsky Hyman P.: The Financial Instability Hypothesis: A Restatement. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Autumn 1978 TP/PPE/78/3


Green Francis: Empiricist Methodology and the Development of Economic Thought. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Spring 1977 TP/PPE/77/1

Skouras Thanos: Political Concomitants of Rapid Industrialization. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Summer 1977 TP/PPE/77/2

Shaikh Anwar:  Crisis Theories in Economic Thought. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Autumn 1977 TP/PPE/77/3


Coddington Alan:  Varieties of KeynesianismThames Papers in Political Economy | Spring 1976 TP/PPE/76/1

Note: This item is undated but listed as Spring 1976 on inside back cover of PPE/77/3

Nore Petter: Six Myths of  British Oil PoliciesThames Papers in Political Economy Summer 1976 TP/PPE/76/2

Hadjimatheou George: Economic Theory  and Expanding State ActivityThames Papers in Political Economy | Autumn 1976 TP/PPE/76/3


Singh Ajit: An Essay on the Political Economy of Chinese Development. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Spring 1975 TP/PPE/75/1

Skouras Thanos: Government Activity and Private Profits. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Summer 1975 TP/PPE/75/2

Harcourt G. C.: Capital Theory:  Much Ado about Something. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Autumn 1975 TP/PPE/75/3


Robinson Joan: History versus  Equilibrium. Thames Papers in Political Economy | Autumn 1974 TP/PPE/74/1