- Onaran, Ö. , Guschanski, A. and Rabensteiner, T (2024), Business case for a New Deal for workers: what is good for workers is good for the economy. #PB33-2024
- Onaran, Ö (2024), The macroeconomic effects of public spending in health and education and capital and progressive taxation of profits and wealth. #PB32-2024
- Tippet, B. and Wildauer, R. (2024) "The good life at the top continued: analysing the Sunday Times Rich List 1989-2024." GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB31-2024
- Tippet, B., Onaran, Ö. and Wildauer, R. (2024) "The case for a progressive annual wealth tax in the UK updated." GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB30-2024
- Tippet, B. and Wildauer, R. (2023) "The good life at the top: analysing The Sunday Times Rich List 1989-2023." Greenwich Papers in Political Economy, University of Greenwich #PB29-2023
- Kapeller, J., Leitch, S. and Wildauer, R. (2021) "Policy Brief: A European Wealth Tax", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB28-2021
- Stronge, W., Calvert Jump, R. and Michell, J. (2020) "Guaranteeing incomes: modes of delivery", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB27-2020
- Botta, A., Caverzasi, E. and Russo, A. (2020) "Fighting the COVID-19 emergency and re-launching the European economy: debt monetization and recovery bonds", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB26-2020.
- Onaran, O., Oyvat, C. and Fotopoulou, E. (2019) "A policy mix for equitable sustainable development in the UK: the effects of gender equality, wages, wealth concentration and fiscal policy", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB25-2019.
- Oyvat, C. (2018) "The End of Boom and the Political Economy of Turkey's crisis", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB24-2018.
- Onaran, Ö. and Guschanski, A. (2018) "The causes of falling wage share: sectoral and firm level evidence from developed and developing countries – what have we learned?", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB23-2018.
- Onaran, Ö. and Guschanski, A. (2018) "What drives the four decades-long decline in labour's share of income?", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB22-2018.
- Ugur, M. (2018) "Deconstructing European appeasement of dictatorship in Turkey: Policy change is required urgently.", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB21-2018.
- Ugur, M. (2018) "Innovation, job creation and productivity: implications for public policy.", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB20-2018.
- Onaran, Ö. (2017) "Forgotten macroeconomics in the manifesto debate", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB19-2017.
- Onaran, Ö. (2017) "A Brexit deal that minimizes damage for working people?", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB18-2017.
- Onaran, Ö., Nikolaidi, M and Obst, T. (2017) "The role of public spending and incomes policies for investment and equality-led development in the UK", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB17-2017.
- Onaran, Ö. and Tori, D. (2017) "Productivity puzzle? Financialisation, inequality, investment in the UK", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB16-2017.
- Onaran, Ö., Nikolaidi, M. and Obst, T. (2017) "A coordinated mix of public investment and incomes policies for sustainable development in Europe", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB15-2017.
- Onaran, Ö. and Tori, D. (2017) "Policies to stimulate investment in the age of financialisation in Europe", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB14-2017.
- Onaran, Ö. and Guschanski, A. (2016) " The Political Economy of Income Distribution: Industry level evidence from Austria", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB13-2016.
- Cozzi, G. and McKinley, T. (2016) "The United Kingdom's Brexit vote leads to a major economic shock", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB12-2016.
- Cozzi, G. and McKinley, T. (2016) "Framing economic policies to confront global and European imbalances", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB11-2016.
- Onaran, Ö. and Guschanski, A. (2016) "Rising inequality in the UK and the political economy of Brexit: lessons for policy", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB10-2016.
- Onaran, Ö. (2016) "The working people of the UK are stronger in Europe", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB08-2016.
- Onaran, Ö. and Stockhammer, E. (2016) "Progressive policies for wage-led growth in Europe" GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB09-2016.
- Ugur, M. (2016) "Denial of academic freedom exposed: the case of academics for peace in Turkey", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB07-2016.
- Ugur, M. (2015) "The Paris attack: people are made to pay for disastrous government policies", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB06-2015.
- Onaran, Ö., Guschanski, A., Meadway, J. and Martin, A. (2015) "Working for the economy: The economic case for trade unions - Policy Brief", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB05-2015.
- Onaran, Ö. and Obst, T. (2015) "The empirical case for a wage-led recovery policy for Europe", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB04-2015.
- Ugur, M. (2015) "On Turkish elections and the political economy of state-orchestrated violence", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB03-2015.
- Onaran, Ö. (2015) "The case for a coordinated policy mix of wage-led recovery and public investment in G20", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB02-2015.
- Cozzi, G. and McKinley, T. (2015) "Addressing the Pressing Need to Reduce Global and European Imbalances", GPERC Policy Briefs, University of Greenwich, #PB01-2015.