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- 14 December 2016: "Alleviating the Childcare Constraint for Women: Empirical Evidence from the UK", seminar by Dr Gabriella Cagliesi, jointly organised by GPERC, FEPS and the department of International Business and Economics (IBE). University of Greenwich Stephen Lawrence building, room SL106. Time: 13:00-14:00.
- 10 December 2016: One-day workshop, exhibition and round-table discussion: "Democratic Transformations, Kurdish Women and Regional Conflict: Lessons from Rojava and beyond", jointly organised by GPERC and Peace in Kurdistan – Women's Alliance for Kurdistan, Iraq and Syria. University of Greenwich, King William Court room KW002. Time: 09:30-18:30
- 7 December 2016: "Migration in Kenya: Beyond Harris-Todaro", seminar by Dr Cem Oyvat, jointly organised by GPERC, FEPS and the department of International Business and Economics (IBE). University of Greenwich Stephen Lawrence building, room SL106.Time: 13:00-14:00.
- 23 November 2016: "Prosperity without Growth in a Finite Planet" by Professor Tim Jackson, University of Surrey. Jointly organised by the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET), GPERC and the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS). University of Greenwich, Queen Anne Court room QA080. Time: 17:00- 19:00 talk.
- 10 Nov 2016: "Money and Totality", by Professor Fred Moseley, Mount Holyoke College, USA, jointly organised by GPERC and FEPS. University of Greenwich Queen Anne Court room QA065. Time 17:00-19:00. No registration required, but spaces are limited.
- 12 October 2016: "How much is enough" by Professor Lord Robert Skidelsky, jointly organised by the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET), GPERC and the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS). University of Greenwich Stockwell Street Library, 10 Stockwell Street, room 11_0004. Time: 16:00- 17:00 coffee welcome, 17:00- 19:00 talk.
- 10 October 2016: "Capitalism: Competition, Conflict, Crises" by Professor Anwar Shaikh, of the New School University, USA, jointly organised by GPERC and FEPS. University of Greenwich, Queen Anne Court room QA180, time: 17:00- 19:00.
- 28 June 2016: One-day workshop: "Smart Urban Transport Policy Futures III", co-organised by GPERC, FEPS and STIR (Sustainability Technology and Innovation Research Group) University of Greenwich, Queen Anne Court room QA210, time: 09:30-18:30. The event is partly funded by a British Academy/ Society for the Advancement of Management Studies grant.
- 20 June 2016: One-day workshop: "Small steps towards sustainability: Exploring the distributed, fragmented and piecemeal aspects of socio-technical change", co-organised by GPERC, FEPS and STIR (Sustainability Technology and Innovation Research Group) University of Greenwich, Queen Anne Court room QA210, time: 10.00-16.00.
- 15 June 2016: Panel discussion: "Remain for Change: Building European solidarity for a democratic economic alternative", with Keir Starmer MP, Matt Wrack (General Secretary, Fire Brigades Union), Ann Pettifor (Director, Policy Research in Macroeconomics-Prime), John Weeks (Emeritus Professor, SOAS), Jeremy Smith (Convenor of EREP & Co-Director of PRIME), Jo Michell (Senior Lecturer, University of the West of England), Ozlem Onaran (Professor, University of Greenwich, GPERC), Engelbert Stockhammer (Professor, Kingston University) and Mehmet Ugur (Professor, University of Greenwich, GPERC), jointly organised by GPERC and FEPS. University of Greenwich, Queen Anne Court room QA080. Time: 18:00-20:00. The report of EREP can be downloaded here.
- 10 June 2016: 26th Post Keynesian Study Group (PKSG) Annual Workshop, University of Greenwich. Organised by: Dr Maria Nikolaidi, University of Greenwich, Professor Ozlem Onaran, University of Greenwich, and Professor Engelbert Stockhammer, Kingston University. Jointly organized by PKSG, GPERC and FEPS.
- 9 June 2016: Post-Keynesian Study Group (PKSG) Annual PhD Student Conference. Organised by: Professor Gary Dymski, University of Leeds, and Professor Ozlem Onaran, Eurydice Fotopoulou, Alexander Guschanski, Thomas Obst, Daniele Tori, University of Greenwich. Time 9:00 - 19:00, University of Greenwich, Queen Anne Court, Room QA080. Jointly organized by PKSG, GPERC and FEPS.
- 23 May 2016: Conference and Book Launch: "Investment Policies for Sustainable Growth" with Massimo D'Alema (Former Prime Minister of Italy and President of FEPS), Richard Burgon MP (Shadow Minister – Treasury), Markus Berndt (Head of Division at the European Investment Bank), Professor Ozlem Onaran, Professor Jan Toporowski, Dr. Ernst Stetter (FEPS), Dr Giovanni Cozzi, jointly organised by GPERC and FEPS. University of Greenwich Queen Ann Court, room QA080. Time: 16:00-18:45. More information about the book edited by Giovanni Cozzi, Susan Newman and Jan Toporowski.
- 18 May 2016: Research seminar: Yun Kim: "Political Aspects of Household Debt", jointly organised by GPERC and FEPS. University of Greenwich, Queen Anne Court room QA020, time: 17:00-18:30.
- 4 May 2016: Research seminar: Professor Mehmet Ugur: "Firm R&D intensity and employment: Evidence of inverted-U relationship in UK data", jointly organised by GPERC and FEPS. University of Greenwich, Queen Mary Court room QM268, time 17:00-18:00.
- 28 April 2016: Report launch: Decent Jobs and Wage-led Growth in the UK and Europe, co-organised by GPERC, FEPS and TASC (Ireland), with John McDonnell MP; Professor Ozlem Onaran, Professor Engelbert Stockhammer, Professor James Wickham, Dr Alicja Bobek, Professor Francis Green, Dr Geoff Tily, Dr Ernst Stetter, Mr David Begg. Time: 14:45 - 20:00, University of Greenwich, King William Court, Room KW303. Our press release can be found here.
- 21 April 2016: Research seminar: Dr Ceyhun Elgin, Bogazici University, "Informality: Measures, Causes and Consequences" jointly organised by GPERC and FEPS. University of Greenwich, Queen Anne Court room QA210. Time: 17:00-19:00.
- 6 April 2016: GPERC- STIR (sustainability technology and innovation research group): Public launch of the Association for the Study of Innovation, Science and Technology (AsSIST-UK) with Dr Anne-Marie Coles. British Sociological Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, time: 19.00.
- 9 March - June 2016: PhD lecture series in selected topics in Post-Keynesian, Institutional, Feminist and the Marxian Political Economy, University of Greenwich and Kingston University. Jointly organised by GPERC, FEPS and Kingston University.
- 9 March 2016: Research seminar: Dr Alberto Botta, "The Theoretical Weaknesses of the Expansionary Austerity Doctrine and its Disastrous Implementation in the Eurozone", Joint International Business and Economics (IBE), GPERC and FEPS research seminar series, at the University of Greenwich, Hamilton House, HH103, Time 16:00 - 17:00.
- 2 March 2016: Research seminar: Dr Giovanni Cozzi, "Investment-led recovery for Europe: modelling alternatives to austerity", Joint International Business and Economics (IBE), FEPS and GPERC research seminar series, at the University of Greenwich, Queen Ann Court, room QA063, Time 16:00 - 17:00.
- 10 February 2016: Meta-analysis as a method of evidence synthesis: A workshop, by Mehmet Ugur, University of Greenwich, Queen Anne Court, room QA210, Time 13:30-17:00. Please find here the notes and do files.
- 20 January 2016: Research seminar: "UK subsidies and private R&D: Is there input additionality?", by Mehmet Ugur, Eshref Trushin and Edna Solomon. Joint International Business and Economics (IBE), FEPS and GPERC research seminar series, at the University of Greenwich Queen Anne Court, room QA063. Time 16:00-17:00.
- 19 January 2016: GPERC Launch Conference: "Building equitable and sustainable society, four decades of Political Economy at Greenwich", jointly organised by GPERC and FEPS. University of Greenwich, Queen Ann Court, room QA080. Time: 17:00 - 20:30.