Research activities

NUSC | PhD Supervision

Current research students

Banusha AruchunarasaHow can the integration of digitalization and sustainability in supply chains result in improvement of business performance?
Steven Brown Bridging the gap between practical and critical: a network analysis approach to strategy as practice.
Silvana Croft Heterogeneity in the transition from analog to digital within the British Film Industry.
Shaika Jannat Cultivating sustainable consumer behaviours within the sharing economy: An empirical study of bike-sharing.
Rafeekh Kanakkan Thodi Innovation diffusion through managerial networks.
Hanhua Li The influence of internal social media use on the innovation performance of corporate employees.
Bertha Okpara The role of collaboration and social networks In achievement of change management and project success in the pharmaceutical sector.
Balint OsmanAn exploration what facilitates the uptake of new technologies and innovations in the development of drugs and new medicines in the pharmaceutical industry.
Eleftheria Panagiotopoulou Governance of digital tokens: How digital tokens policy is developed from a social systems perspective.
Md Kamruzzaman ShaponThe rising influence of AI in digital marketing
Mohamed Shedid The interplay of online and offline networks in the development of high-tech clusters and technology incubators.
Minli Song Mainstream consumers driving new energy cars: A qualitative analysis of acceptance and satisfaction.
Neda Tabatabaei User innovation in online communities.
Kaiyue Yang Blockchain applications in healthcare.
Luciana Weatherall How do fintech SMEs use innovation to compete in the ethical finance market in the UK?

Potential PhD Topics:

We are particularly interested in the following research areas:

  • Supply Chain Management
  • closed loop supply chain (Zhou)
  • waste management (Zhou)
  • supply chain strategy (Adebanjo, Z. Liu)
  • sustainable supply chains (Adebanjo)
  • operational research (Zhang)
  • sustainable/green supply chain & logistics (Ali)
  • circular economy/net zero/carbon neutral supply chain (Ali, Z. Liu)
  • supply chain partnerships/collaboration (Ali, Z. Liu)
  • lean Six Sigma in the supply chain (Ali)
  • halal supply chain and logistics (Ali)
  • Transport
  • cycling, electric vehicles, SNM (Ieromonachou)
  • sustainable transport (Bogaars)
  • transport poverty (Bogaars)
  • Business Ecosystems
  • circular economy transition, business model, ecosystem (Chan, Coca Stefaniak, F.A. Arranz, Z. Liu)
  • eco-, sustainable-, social-innovation & entrepreneurship (Chan, Coca Stefaniak, F.A. Arranz)
  • industrial sustainability and manufacturing systems (Zhang)
  • business strategy and ecosystems (Zhang)
  • business ecosystems, entrepreneurial/innovation ecosystems (Chan, Hansen-Addy)
  • legitimacy and entrepreneurial ecosystems/teams (Baig)
  • STI (science and technology-based innovation), and DUI (innovation based on learning-by-doing, by-using, and by-interacting) innovation modes (Hansen-Addy)
  • virtual production processes (Conaldi)
  • regional economic clusters (Cronin, Conaldi, Gorgoni, Chan)
  • digital creative, cultural and heritage sector (Chan, Coca Stefaniak, Cronin)
  • Digital Economy
  • digital platform ecosystem (Chan)
  • digitalisation/Industry 4.0 in supply chain management (Ali)
  • blockchain (Vasudevan)
  • ethics of Artificial Intelligence (Von Schomberg)
  • digitalisation/sustainability relationship (Guandalini)
  • Innovation Management
  • Innovation management (Chan. Hansen-Addy, Z. Liu)
  • living labs (Coca Stefaniak)
  • entrepreneurial orientation (Chan, Coca Stefaniak, Dioszegi)
  • institutional entrepreneurship (Baig)
  • responsible innovation (Von Schomberg)
  • sustainability and change management (Guandalini)
  • Innovation in sport (Von Schomberg)
  • knowledge transfer via international entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial teams (Hu, Mingchu)
  • knowledge creation and sharing within multinational enterprise (Cronin, Hu, Walia)
  • International Business
  • international trade and investment (Gorgoni, Cronin, Bui)
  • value creation and capture (Gorgoni, Cronin)
  • business internationalisation (Cronin, Bui, Hu, Walia)
  • Institutions, internationalisation and entry modes (Walia, Hansen-Addy, Hu)
  • international business partnerships (Hu)
  • business operations and innovation strategies in Africa (Hansen-Addy)
  • Chinese MNEs (Bui, da Gama, Cronin)
  • Latin America (da Gama)
  • Corporate Networks
  • corporate networks (Cronin, Popov, De Vita)
  • director interlocks (Cronin, Popov, De Vita)
  • business-government relations (Cronin, Popov, Bui)
  • Inter-firm governance and relationships (Chan)
  • Organisational Networks
  • leadership and organisational behaviour in networks (Dioszegi)
  • off/online human dynamics (Conaldi, Cronin)
  • dynamics on/of networks (Conaldi, Cronin)
  • discourse network analysis (da Gama)
  • guanxi (Cronin)
  • Public Relations
  • public relations in the non-profit sector (Garston)
  • the development of specialisations in public relations (Garston)
  • corporate communication (Garston)
  • public relations (Garston)
  • Social Systems
  • NGO supporter networks (Garston)
  • social resource management (St Hillaire)


We periodically offer PhD scholarships. Each scholarship provides a stipend equivalent to the national minimum doctoral stipend (NMDS) set out by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), £18,622 for 2024/25 and a full waiver of tuition fees to home tuition level, currently £4,712. Scholarships are available for three years from the date scholars first register as an MPhil/PhD student with the university. Candidates must demonstrate that they have achieved a minimum classification of 2:1 (Upper Second) in their first degree in a relevant discipline (UK or UK equivalent).

See Current PhD Scholarships below


Dr Ali Al Busadi -  State Bank of Oman

Dr Anusha Anusha - University of Greenwich

Dr Aya Awad - University for Modern Sciences and Arts, Cairo

Dr Christos Bassayannis - SAP, Shanghai

Ann Braithwaite - Managing Director, TurquoiseNZ

Dr Terry Brett - IBM

Dr Quang Dong - University of Greenwich

Dr Dawn Foster - Pivotal

Dr Xiaoyu Gu - Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Dr Yehui Hu

Dr Cornell Jackson - University of Leeds

Dr Nicolo Gozzi - YOOX Net-a-Porter Group

Dr Qiwen Hu - Western International School of Shanghai

Dr Le Thuy An Dang

Dr Lin Huang - Nottingham University, Ningbo

Dr Emmanuel Igwe

Dr Hoang Luong - Goldsmiths University

Dr Stefanos Michiotis - Tetras Consulting

Dr Tiep Nguyen - Westcon-Comstor

Dr Truong Nguyen - Brunel University

Bankole Olagibaye - Centrica

Dr Fanny Paschek

Dr Anna Piazza - University of Greenwich

Dr Jingwen Qu 

Dr Thitika Ratanachaikul

Dr Mohammed Sadek - University for Modern Sciences and Arts, Cairo

Dr Sadiye Sadanoglu - University of Greenwich

Dr Yasaman Sarabi - Heriot-Watt University

Dr Julia Schoenbrunn - Koester & Partner

Dr Matthew Smith - Heriot Watt University

Dr Sergey Sosnovskikh - Salford University

Dr Srinidhi Vasudevan - University of Greenwich

Dr Feng Zhang -  Yangtze Delta Region Institute of Tsinghua University

Dr Xu Zhao -  Beijing Transport Institute

Dr Zsofia Zador - Northeastern University, London