2024-25 Summary of changes to Academic Regulations for Postgraduate Research Awards
Academic Policies
These documents include regulations about assessments, your conduct during assessment, extenuating circumstances and attendance.
- Academic Regulations for Postgraduate Research Awards
- Academic Regulations for the Masters by Research (MRes)
- Postgraduate Research Student External Supervisor Policy
- Postgraduate Research Student's & Supervisor's Handbook
- Postgraduate Student Research Misconduct Procedure
- Research Ethics Policy
- Student Attendance Policy, Attendance Appeal and Authorised Absences
- Intellectual Property Policy and Guidelines
- Accommodation Conduct Procedure
- Postgraduate Student Research Misconduct Procedure
- Principle Conditions of Registration
- Student Charter
- Student Confidentiality Policy
- Student Disciplinary Procedure
- Student Social Media Policy
- Staff Social Media Policy
Complaints and appeals
How to raise issues about your university experience or appeal an academic decision.
Welfare, diversity and equality
- Alcohol and Drugs Policy
- Contagious Disease Incident Procedure
- Equality and Diversity Statement
- Fitness to Study Procedure
- Pregnancy and Maternity Policy for Students
- Religion & Belief Policy
- Student Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy
- Student Protection Plan
- Students Giving Cause for Concern
- Assistance Dogs on University Premises: Student Guidance
More information about the University's Access and Participation Plan can be found in this document - Access & Participation Plan | Documents | University of Greenwich
Fees, funding & finance
Including information on current and future tuition fees, and when you need help and advice.
More information on student finance can be found on their website - https://www.gre.ac.uk/finance
IT & Library services
A complete list of all IT and library services regulations can be found on their website - IT Policies and Procedures | IT and Library Services | University of Greenwich.
A general Library guide and rules can be found here - https://libguides.gre.ac.uk/library/regulations
Estates & environment
International students
More information for international students can be found on their website - https://www.gre.ac.uk/international.
Research Degree Forms (RDA Forms)
All RDA Forms can be accessed here - https://www.gre.ac.uk/research/support/rda-forms