Key details

Professor Jenny A Marie
Pro-Vice Chancellor Education
Professor Jenny Marie joined the University of Greenwich in November 2019, and has been the PVC Education at the University of Greenwich since 2023. Jenny co-developed the University of Greenwich’s Student Success Sub-Strategy and is co-leading its implementation.
Jenny is an active member of University Alliance’s PVC Teaching and Learning Network, having chaired the network and a working group on micro-credentials, and is also a member of London Higher’s equivalent network. She has extensive experience as an Academic Developer, with an international profile for Students as Partners work.
Responsibilities within the university
Jenny works with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor to develop, implement, deliver and monitor progress against the University’s strategic priorities set out in the Student Success Sub Strategy.
She ensures the University delivers an inclusive educational experience which draws on practice based, technology-enhanced learning, with integrated work-based opportunities to prepare our graduates for the world of life and work.
As a member of the University’s leadership Team, Jenny proactively engages in the delivery of the University’s strategic priorities for education without boundaries.
Strategic leadership
Jenny co-developed the University of Greenwich Student Success sub-strategy and have contributed to its implementation by leading and overseeing strategic projects, recruiting resource, overseeing the creation of working groups, contributing to business plans, acting as chair of the Student Success Board and Steering Group, co-developing theories of change for the KPIs.
Co-led the development of the university’s Curriculum Framework, which was approved in 2021, and defines expectations that a curriculum needs to meet for approval.
Co-authored the university’s 2023 Teaching Excellence Framework submission, which led to an overall Gold TEF rating.
Jenny oversees processes to enhance student outcome indicators (continuation, completion & progression) and ensure that the university meets the rest of the updated Office for Students’s quality and standards conditions. She is also the institution’s operational lead for managing risk around student experience.
2018 - National Teaching Fellow (NTF)
2018 - Principal Fellowship (PFHEA)
Research / Scholarly interests
Jenny has published extensively on student partnership, including practical guides to scaling up partnership and partnership for programme leaders. This included leading the UCL team’s contribution to a HEFCE funded project on engaging ‘hard-to-reach’ students.
She led the University of Greenwich team’s contribution to an 8-university collaborative research project into inclusive assessment attributes, funded by the QAA. Several papers have been published on assessment and feedback, including Open Educational Resources (OER) to aid the development of student feedback literacy. This has led to consultations on the TESTA methodology with Kings College London and Queen Mary University, London, and on inclusive assessment with Edinburgh University.
Jenny has also published a book chapter on institutional change and an OER on embedding wellbeing in the curriculum through a Curriculum Framework.
Recent publications
- Marie, J. & Sims, S. 2023. “Control, freedom and structure in student-staff partnerships.” In: Lowe T. (ed). Advancing Student Engagement in Higher Education. The need for reflection, critique and challenge. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Teeside University, University of the West of England, Birmingham City University, Oxford Brookes University, Greenwich University, Kingston University, University of Brighton and University of Hertfordshire. 2022. Assessment Design Attributes for use across the Higher Education Sector. Quality Assurance Agency. Available online: Developing a Set of Inclusive Assessment Design Attributes for use Across the Higher Education Sector (
- Marie, J. 2021. Enhancing Programmes through Student-Staff Partnership: Why, How and What to pay Attention to. QAA Scotland. Available online:
- Marie, J. 2020. “Reframing educational enhancement at University College London.” In: Potter, J., & Devecchi, C. Delivering Educational Change in Higher Education: A Transformative Approach for Leaders and Practitioners. Oxon and New York: Routledge, ch. 14.
- Mercer-Mapstone, L., & Marie, J. 2019. Practical Guide: Scaling up student-staff partnerships in higher education. Institute for Academic Development: University of Edinburgh.
- Marie, J., McGowan, S. 2017. “Moving Towards Sustainable Outcomes in Student Partnerships: Partnership Values in the Pilot Year.” International Journal for Students as Partners 1 (2):