Key details

Dr Joshua D. Y'Barbo
Research Fellow in Co-Design
Joshua is a practice-led researcher specialising in critical pedagogy, socially engaged art, and institutional critique theory. He recently completed a PhD in Art History and Theory titled: Chelsea Salon: Institutional Critique, Critical Pedagogies, and the London Art School after the Educational Turn in Art. Through practice-led research, he discovered a framework for evaluating how artists, curators, and designers use participatory structures, such as direct and indirect collaboration or voluntary and nonvoluntary participation, to engage different audiences within institutional contexts.
Using this expertise, Joshua contributes to the team’s analysis of outcomes produced by the Empowering Youth through Entrepreneurial Skills (EYES) project at the University of Greenwich and the co-design, participatory methods used to gather and collect data. The project aims to fight fragmented knowledge and labour market exclusion by co-designing entrepreneurial education and personal coaching into a digital platform that provides inclusive support systems for young people (aged 15-34 years) in North-West Europe (NWE), who are not in employment, education, or training (NEET).
Joshua is also an artist, and a curator. His studio work over the years reflects postmodernity’s visual allegory and personal metaphor through an impulse to piece things more significant than oneself together into a narrative of simultaneous singular experience and uneasy collective guesswork.
External websites:
Responsibilities within the university
As a Research Fellow in Co-Design on EYES at Greenwich, Joshua is responsible for analysing and interpreting data on participatory methods and interdisciplinary social design generated and collected by a £4.2 million EU-funded research project. He is also responsible for disseminating analytical outcomes and research content through publications, exhibitions, and digital platforms
Research Studentship from the Team LEWIS Foundation, fully-funded PhD research at Chelsea College of Arts, UAL.
Research / Scholarly interests
Socially engaged art, participatory art, dialogical aesthetics, relational aesthetics, critical pedagogies, feminist pedagogy, institutional critique, the educational turn in art, and traditional and digital printmaking.
Recent publications
Review of Leap into Action (2020) by Lee Campbell, ed., for Art & the Public Sphere (Journal), 2020, volume 8.2.
Paper on Material Dialogue in Socially Engaged Art for the Locating the Social in Architecture (2018) symposium, co-organised by the ICA, the Architecture Space and Society Centre at Birkbeck, and the Consortium for the Humanities and the Arts South-East England, UK. Links: