Dr Tao Gao

Dr Tao Gao

Research Fellow

Tao Gao was awarded a BSc in Mathematics from University Paris VI in 2009, an MSc in Applied Mathematics from Imperial College London in 2010, an MSc in Mathematical Modelling in 2011 and followed by a PhD in Mathematics from University College London in 2016. Prior to joining the University of Greenwich as a research fellow in 2019, he worked successively at Imperial College and the University of Bath as a postdoc.

Tao Gao has expertise in free boundary problems, numerical mathematics, and applied mathematics

Responsibilities within the university

Research Fellow - Numerical and Applied Mathematics Research Unit


The QJMAM Fund for Applied Mathematics 2018;

London Mathematical Society 150th Anniversary Postdoctoral Mobility Grant 2016


The Society of Actuaries' Committee on Knowledge and Extension Research (CKER) Grant by CKER and the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) 2016;

Short Research Visit (SRV) grant funded by the UK Fluids Network (UKFN) 2018;

Research / Scholarly interests

My research is concerned with studying physical problems governed by partial differential equations with free boundaries. One common example is the water wave which is usually dominated by gravity or surface tension depending on the length-scale of the problem. The phenomenon can be easily observed in a pond, a lake, an ocean and etc. With the inclusion of electric fields, such extension in the capillary scale is called electrohydrodynamics (EHD) which enjoys various industrial applications.

Recent publications


Doak, A , Gao, T, Vanden-Broeck, J -M (2022), Global bifurcation of capillary-gravity dark solitary waves on the surface of a conducting fluid under normal electric fields. Oxford University Press. In: , , , . Oxford University Press, Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 75 (3) . pp. 215-234 ISSN: 0033-5614 (Print), 1464-3855 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/qjmam/hbac007).

Gao, T. , Milewski, P. A., Wang, Z. (2021), Capillary-gravity solitary waves on water of finite depth interacting with a linear shear current. Wiley. In: , , , . Wiley, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 147 (3) . pp. 1036-1057 ISSN: 0022-2526 (Print), 1467-9590 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/sapm.12422).

Doak, A , Gao, T, Vanden-Broeck, J-M, Kandola, J J S (2020), Capillary-gravity waves on the interface of two dielectric fluid layers under normal electric fields. Oxford University Press. In: , , , . Oxford University Press, Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 73 (3) . pp. 231-250 ISSN: 0033-5614 (Print), 1464-3855 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/qjmam/hbaa009).

Gao, T. , Wang, Z., Milewski, P. A. (2019), Nonlinear hydroelastic waves on a linear shear current at finite depth. Cambridge University Press. In: , , , . Cambridge University Press, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 876 . pp. 55-86 ISSN: 0022-1120 (Print), 1469-7645 (Online) (doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2019.528).

Gao, Tao , Doak, Alex, Vanden-Broeck, Jean-Marc, Wang, Zhan (2019), Capillary–gravity waves on a dielectric fluid of finite depth under normal electric field. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 77 . pp. 98-107 ISSN: 0997-7546 (Print), (doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.euromechflu.2019.04.007).

Gao, Tao , Milewski, Paul, Vanden-Broeck, Jean-Marc (2018), Hydroelastic solitary waves with constant vorticity. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Wave Motion, 85 . pp. 84-97 ISSN: 0165-2125 (Print), (doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wavemoti.2018.11.005).

Asimit, Alexandru V. , Gao, Tao, Hu, Junlei, Kim, Eun-Seok (2018), Optimal risk transfer: a numerical optimization approach. Taylor & Francis. In: , , , . Taylor & Francis, North American Actuarial Journal, 22 (3) . pp. 341-364 ISSN: 1092-0277 (Print), (doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/10920277.2017.1421472).

Gao, Tao , Vanden-Broeck, Jean-Marc, Wang, Zhan (2018), Numerical computations of two-dimensional flexural-gravity solitary waves on water of arbitrary depth. Oxford University Press. In: , , , . Oxford University Press, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 83 (3) . pp. 436-450 ISSN: 0272-4960 (Print), 1464-3634 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/imamat/hxy007).

Gao, T. , Milewski, P. A., Papageorgiou, D. T., Vanden-Broeck, J.-M. (2017), Dynamics of fully nonlinear capillary–gravity solitary waves under normal electric fields. Springer. In: , , , . Springer, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 108 (1) . pp. 107-122 ISSN: 0022-0833 (Print), 1573-2703 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10665-017-9912-z).