Journal Articles Simpson, J. and Mulcahy, R. (2025) The Hidden Pandemic: Consequences of and Responses to Qanon, Emerald Publishing. Simpson, J. and Rand., H. (2024) Sex Work Politics and Consent: Problems and Unintended Consequences in James-Hawkins, L. and Ryan-Flood, R. (Eds.) Consent: Gender, Power, and Subjectivity, London: Routledge. Simpson, J. (2024) The emergence and undermining of sex worker-led freelance feminism. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 27(3), pp.491-497. Simpson, J. and Beer, C. (2022). Stigma and the Hostile University: A Cross-National, Comparative Analysis of Student Sex Work in the UK and Australia. In: Jones, D., Sanders, T. (eds) Student Sex Work. Palgrave Advances in Sex Work Studies. Simpson, J. (2021) Whorephobia and reputation management in Higher Education: A reflexive account of researching cis-women’s experiences of stripping while at university, Higher Education, Simpson, J. and Smith, C. (2020) Students, Sex Work and Negotiations of Stigma in the UK and Australia. Sexualities, 24(3):474-490. Simpson, J. (2020) Degrees on the Side: Student Employment and the Neoliberal University, Soundings, 76, 10.3898/SOUN.76.05.2020. Simpson, J. (2019). Poles apart? A comparative analysis of female university students and graduates working in the UK stripping and hospitality industries. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City, University of London embargo lifted 23 November 2023) Simpson, J. (2018) “I’m not a bloody slave, I get paid and if I don’t get paid then nothing happens”: Sarah’s experience of being a student sex worker. Work Employment and Society, 33(4): 709-718. Book Review Simpson, J. (2017) Mary Laing, Katy Pilcher and Nicola Smith, Queer Sex Work, Routledge: Abingdon, 2015. Sexualities, 20(4): 515-517. |