Key details
Dr Stef Garasto
Senior Lecturer in Data Science (AI and Ethics)
Stef Garasto is a Senior Lecturer in Data Science at the University of Greenwich, with a focus on Natural Language Processing as well as ethics and justice in data science.
Prior to joining Greenwich, Stef worked a researcher at Imperial College London and at Nesta. As a Principal Researcher in Data Science at Nesta, they used novel sources of data and machine learning algorithms with a view to building a more resilient and inclusive labour market. This included developing measures of jobs accessibility and skill demand using a variety of datasets.
Stef obtained a PhD in Computational Neuroscience from Imperial College London. Their PhD research focused on stimulus reconstruction methods to investigate how the brain processes sensory information (specifically vision) and population coding principles.
Being passionate about using “data science for social good”, Stef also volunteers at DataKindUK to further the use of responsible data science in the UK non-profit sector.