Francesco Pugliese

Dr Francesco Pugliese PhD, MRes, MEEES, Meng, BEng, MICE, YMG

Lecturer in Civil Engineering

Dr Francesco Pugliese (PhD, MRes, MREEES, MEng, MICE) joined the University of Greenwich in 2024 as a Lecturer in Civil Engineering. Previously, he served as an EPSRC Doctoral Prize Award Fellow at the University of Nottingham. Dr Pugliese holds a PhD in Civil and Seismic Engineering from the University of Liverpool, focusing on the reliability assessment and seismic vulnerability analysis of ageing reinforced concrete structures with plain rebars. He also holds a Master of Research (First Class with Distinction) in Decision Making under Risk and Uncertainty. Additionally, he obtained an advanced Master's degree in Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology from a consortium of universities including Patras, Pavia, Ankara, and Grenoble. He also holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in civil and environmental engineering, both earned with honours from the Second University of Naples (Aversa, Italy).

Dr Pugliese is actively involved in several professional and scientific organizations related to Civil and Earthquake Engineering. He contributes as a member of the Review Committee and Technical Secretariat for national and international conferences and serves as a reviewer for peer-reviewed journals in these fields. Dr Pugliese has authored and co-authored numerous technical articles published in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. Currently, he holds an associate member status at the University of Nottingham, UK, affiliated with the Resilience Engineering Research Group, where he collaborates with Prof. John Andrews and Dr Darren Prescott. Additionally, he is an associate member of the Earthquake and Geotechnical Engineering team at the University of Bristol, UK, collaborating with Dr Raffaele De Risi and Dr Flavia De Luca.

Responsibilities within the university

  • Module leader of Analysis and Design for Seismic Action (CIVI-1001, MSc)
  • Module leader of Analysis and Management of Risk in Civil Engineering (CIVI-1021, MSc)
  • Co- Module leader of Advanced Materials Engineering for Construction (CIVI-1137, MSc)
  • Co-Module leader of Group Design Project (CIVI-1164, MSc)
  • Supervising Master Research Project
  • Supervising and Co-Supervising PhD students (at the University of Greenwich and as a part of international collaborations)
  • Research Activities (Technical papers, Grant submission, Laboratory testing)
  • Open Days
  • Administrative roles


EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship – RAMACI – Risk Asset Management of Ageing Critical Infrastructure (2022);

Best Paper in the Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham (2023);

Ground Engineering Award (2022) for the International Project of the Year. EEFIT Mission for HAITI 2021. (Link:;

EPSRC and ESRC Centre for Doctoral Training on Quantification and Management of Risk and Uncertainty in Complex Systems Environments Grant No. (EP/L015927/1) 2018-2022;

PROPOSITION DE STAGE DE MASTER 2 – 2018 scholarship to work as a Research Assistant at the joint collaboration UMR Geoazur Lab and CEREMA (France)

MEEES scholarship for the Advanced Master In Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (MEEES)


2021 - present   Membership of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE, Structural Engineering Institute). ID: 12220665

2020 - present   Membership of the Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE) ID: 92445268

2021 - present   Membership of the Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE). ID: 088420796

2021 - present   Membership of The Earthquake Engineering Field Investigation Team (EEFIT) (This body is part of the IStructE membership)

2020 - present   Membership of the Fib International – Young Member Group

Research / Scholarly interests

Dr Pugliese's research interests span a range of topics including: risk asset management of ageing critical infrastructure under the effects of climate change, reliability assessment of existing reinforced concrete (RC) structures and infrastructure under climate change effects, development of new methodologies for assessing the residual capacity of aged RC components, seismic risk analysis of aged RC structures subjected to various earthquake scenarios for decision-making strategies, experimental and numerical studies of artificially and naturally corroded steel reinforcing bars under monotonic and cyclic loading, machine learning and artificial intelligence applications to real case studies, and the development of probabilistic approaches for time-dependent phenomena.

Key funded projects

  • Early Career Researcher Network – FES (2024-ongoning), Artificially-induced accelerate ageing of plain reinforcing bars: fatigue behaviour (University of Greenwich)
  • EPSRC Doctoral Prize Award (2022-2024), University of Nottingham, Risk Asset Management of Ageing Reinforced Concrete Infrastructure

Recent publications

  1. Pugliese F., Prescott, D., Andrews, J. (2023). Advanced Petri-Net model for optimised condition-based maintenance schemes of ageing critical transportation infrastructure under climate change effects. (under Review)
  2. Pugliese F., De Risi, R., De Luca, F., (2023). Seismic vulnerability assessment of RC framed structures using artificial neural network and Bayesian optimisation tools. (Under Review)
  3. Pugliese F., De Risi R., Di Sarno L. (2022). Reliability assessment of existing RC bridges with spatially-variable pitting corrosion subjected to increasing traffic demand, Reliability Engineering & System Safe-ty, Volume 218, Part A, 2022, 108137, ISSN 0951-8320, Q1 (DOI:
  4. Pugliese F., Di Sarno L. (2022). Probabilistic structural performance of RC frames with corroded smooth bars subjected to near- and far-field ground motions. Journal of Building Engineering, Volume 49, 2022, 104008, ISSN 2352-7102, Q1 (DOI: h
  5. Whitworth M., Giardina G., Penney C., Di Sarno L., Adams K., Kijewski-Correa T., Black J., Foroughnia F., Macchiarulo V.,Milillo P., Ojaghi M., Orfeo A., Pugliese F., Dönmez K., Macabuag J. and Aktas Y.M (2022). Lessons for remote post-earthquake reconnaissance from the 14th August 2021 Haiti Earthquake. Frontiers in Built Environment - Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 8, ISSN=2297-3362, Q1 (DOI: 10.3389/fbuil.2022.873212)
  6. Di Sarno L., Pugliese F., De Risi R., (2021) Non-linear finite element optimisation for inelastic buckling modelling of smooth rebars, Engineering Structures, Volume 240, 2021, 112378, ISSN 0141-0296, Q1 (DOI :
  7. Di Sarno L. , Pugliese F (2020). Numerical evaluation of the seismic performance of existing reinforced concrete buildings with corroded smooth rebars. Bull Earthq Eng, 18 (2020), pp. 4227-4273, Q1 (DOI: 10.1007/s10518-020-00854-8).
  8. Di Sarno L. , Pugliese F (2020). Seismic fragility of existing RC buildings with corroded bars under earthquake sequences. Soil Dyn Earthq Eng, 134 (2020), pp. 106-169, ISSN 0267-7261, Q1 (doi: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2020.106169).
  9. Di Sarno L. , Pugliese F (2020). Effects of mainshock-aftershock sequences on fragility analysis of RC buildings with ageing, Engineering Structures, Volume 232, 2021, 111837, ISSN 0141-0296, Q1 (DOI:

Book chapters

  1. Pugliese F, Di Sarno L, Mannis A (2019). Numerical evaluation of reinforced concrete frames with corroded steel reinforcement under seismic loading. Chapter of Sustainable Buildings and Structures: Building a Sustainable Tomorrow (1st ed.). CRC Press. (DOI:

Peer-reviewed conference Paper

  1. Pugliese F., Prescott D., Andrews J. (2024).  Dynamic And Dependent Fault Tree Analysis Of Shipping System. Advances in Reliability, Safety and Security ESREL 2024
  2. Pugliese F., Prescott D., Andrews J. (2024).  Petri Net Framework For Modelling Standby Dependencies In Fault Trees.  Advances in Reliability, Safety and Security ESREL 2024
  3. De Risi, R., Pugliese, F. (2023).  A Simplified Framework for Reliability Assessment of Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders Under Travelling Loads in Dynamic Regime. 14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP14 Dublin, Ireland, July 9-13, 2023
  4. Di Sarno L, Pugliese F (2019) Critical review of models for the assessment of the degradation of reinforced concrete structures exposed to corrosion, Conference SECED 2019. Earthq Risk Eng Towards Resil World. (DOI:
  5. Di Sarno, L., Pugliese, F. (2019). Seismic Performance of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Structures, in Atti del XVIII Convegno ANIDIS L'ingegneria Sismica in Italia: Ascoli Piceno, 15-19 September 2019.(DOI:
  6. Di Sarno, L., Pugliese, F. (2020,). Response analysis of existing RC buildings with corroded rebars under earthquake sequences.17th World Conference in Earthquake Engineering (17 WCEE). (DOI:
  7. Pugliese F., Di Sarno L. (2022). Probabilistic Seismic Assessment of existing RC framed structures under earthquake sequences and exposed to pitting corrosion. 1st Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering. (DOI:
  8. Pugliese F., Di Sarno L. (2022). Machine learning Optimisation strategy for the inelastic buckling modelling of un-corroded and corroded reinforcing plain bars. Current Perspectives and New Directions in Mechanics, Modelling and Design of Structural Systems - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, 2022, 2023, pp. 723–728. (DOI:10.1201/9781003348443-118 )
  9. Whitworth, M., Giardina, G., Penney, C., Di Sarno, L., Adams, K., Kijewski-Correa, T., Macabuag, J., Foroughnia, F., Macchiarulo, V., Ojaghi, M., Orfeo, A., Pugliese, F., Dönmez, K., Black, J., and d Aktas, Y.: Remote Reconnaissance Mission to the 14th August 2021 Haiti Earthquake; remote sensing and building damage assessments , EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-10192,, 2022.