Dr Panos Kloukinas

Dr Panos Kloukinas

Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering

Dr Panos Kloukinas joined the University of Greenwich in September 2018. He was previously a Senior Research Associate in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Bristol, UK (since December 2013). He holds a 5-year Diploma Degree in Civil Engineering (2003) and a MSc Degree (2006) from the University of Patras, Greece. In 2012 he earned a PhD degree from the same institution, with dissertation title "Contributions to Static and Seismic Analysis of Retaining Walls by Theoretical and Experimental Methods" (Advisor: Professor George Mylonakis).

His research interests include Earthquake Geotechnics, Wave Propagation, Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction (with emphasis on Dynamics of Retaining Structures), Computational Geomechanics (with emphasis on finite-element and finite-difference formulations), Limit Analysis, Foundation Engineering and Engineering Geology. He has broad experience in analytical, computational and experimental research, including field and laboratory testing methods on soils, construction materials and structures. His previous research post was exclusively related to Earthquake Engineering problems and Shaking Table modelling.

He has also professional consulting experience and significant teaching experience on the same topics:

University of Bristol, UK: Teaching Assistant 2014-2018.
Computer Laboratory courses on: Soil-Structure-Interaction

University of Patras, Greece: Teaching Assistant 2006-2012
Laboratory courses on: Soil Mechanics, Geotechnical Exploration Methods and Geology for Civil Engineers

Technological Educational Institute of Patras, Adjunct Lecturer 2007 – 2011
Laboratory courses on: Soil Mechanics and Rock Mechanics & Tunneling

Dr Kloukinas is a member of various professional and scientific bodies and associations related to Civil and Earthquake Engineering. He has been member of Review Committee and Technical Secretariat in national and international Conferences, and reviewer for peer-reviewed journals in the field. He as authored and co-authored more than forty articles in peer-review journals and conference proceedings, as well as a number of chapters in special publications and web-reports. He currently holds an honorary visiting researcher status at the University of Bristol, UK, being affiliated with the Earthquake and Geotechnical Engineering and the Engineering for International Development research groups. He participates as a University of Greenwich partner in the EPSRC Global Challenges Research Fund – PREPARE (EP/P028233/1) project: "Enhancing PREParedness for East African Countries through Seismic Resilience Engineering".