Key details
Professor Debbie M F Bartlett
Professor of Environmental Conservation
Professor Debbie Bartlett is a Chartered Landscape Architect (Management Division) status and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management. Her background is in consultancy, and she had experience of working for Local Authorities and Government Agencies before moving to full time employment in academia.
Debbie is particularly interested in the role of agriculture and forestry in shaping the landscape, past and present, and the impact on both natural and cultural heritage. Her current research focus is on the socio-economic aspects of the coppice industry and agricultural landscapes, and the role of Nature Based Solutions in restoration programmes and in addressing societal issues, such as climate change. She has extensive experience of partnership working and is currently involved in collaborations in Bangladesh, India and Nepal as well as Europe.
Student employability as central to her teaching and she enthusiastically promotes 'authentic' assessment, carrying out research in this area and regularly presenting at learning and teaching events. Close links are maintained with professional bodies and she has received 3 CIEEM awards (for industry collaboration, 2009; environmental management 2014 & knowledge transfer 2016). Debbie was elected as Convenor of the CIEEM Academic Special Interest Group (November 2019) and currently sits on the South East Section committees of both CIEEM and the Landscape Institute.
- CIEEM Knowledge Transfer Award 2016
- CLA award 2015 for contribution to forestry
- CIEEM Best Practice Award 2014 for environmental management
- CIEEM Award for collaboration with Industry
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Chartered Member of the Landscape Institute (CMLI)
- Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (FCIEEM)
- IEEM Best Practice Award 2009 for collaboration with Industry
- CIEEM Best Practice Award 2014 for environmental management
- CLA award 2015 for contribution to forestry
- Scientific Advisor to the Small Mammal Conservation and Research Foundation
Research / Scholarly interests
- Authentic assessment and feedback strategies
- Nature Based Solutions
- Mitigation of climate impacts, particularly heat stress
- Solutions to the Sargassum inundations in the Caribbean
- Landscape Character Assessment & Participatory Ecosystem Service Assessment as tools to explore socio-economic issues
- Landscape scale management and rural livelihoods
- Dormouse ecology
- Invasive species ecology and risk analysis
- Use of detection dogs in conservation
Key funded projects
- Darwin Plus Project DPLUS100: Sustainable solutions for Sargassum inundations in Turks & Caicos 2019-2021 (Principal Investigator)
- Cool Towns INTERREG 2 Seas 2018-2022 (UK Scientific Lead)
Recent publications
Dodan, Martina , Nicolescu, Valeriu-Norocel, Peric, Sanjan, Bartlett, Debbie , Bartlett, Deborah (2024), Long-term effects of thinning in sub-mountainous thermophilic sessile oak (Quercus petraea Mill.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) coppices in the Croatian Dinarides. MDPI. In: , , , . MDPI, Sustainability, 16: 9340 (21) 2071-1050 (Online) (doi:
Bartlett, Debbie and , (2024), Dormice are declining but current nest surveys don't tell the real story. The Conversation Trust. In: , , , . The Conversation Trust, The Conversation ISSN: 2201-5639 (Print), (doi:
Bartlett, Debbie , Bower, Sam, Dear, Peter (2024), Investigating use of artificial nest boxes positioned at different heights on trees and in isolated positions by dormice (Muscardinus avellanarius): the implications for current survey guidelines. British Ecological Society - Wiley Open Access. In: , , , . British Ecological Society - Wiley Open Access, Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 5: e12330 (2) . pp. 1-11 2688-8319 (Online) (doi:
Bartlett, Debbie and , (2024), Five ways to keep towns cool in a heatwave. The Conversation Trust. In: , , , . The Conversation Trust, The Conversation 2201-5639 (Online) (doi:
Bartlett, Deborah and , Delahay, Richard (2024), Meeting the challenges of evidence-based ecological consultancy. Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management. In: , , , . Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, In Practice: CIEEM, 123 . pp. 61-63 ISSN: 1754-4882 (Print), (doi:
Bartlett, Deborah and , Spanjar, Gideon (2023), Thermal comfort and its significance for landscape practice. Dark Horse Design Ltd. In: , , , . Dark Horse Design Ltd, Landscape: the journal of the Landscape Institute, 2023 (2) . pp. 57-60 ISSN: 1742-2914 (Print), (doi: NB Item availability restricted.
Qureshi, Aiman Mazhar , Rachid, Ahmed, Bartlett, Deborah (2023), Quantifying the cooling effect of urban heat stress interventions. Inderscience. In: , , , . Inderscience, International Journal of Global Warming, 30 (1) . pp. 60-80 ISSN: 1758-2083 (Print), 1758-2091 (Online) (doi:
Bartlett, Deborah and , (2022), New Life for a Classic. Dark Horse Design Ltd. In: , , , . Dark Horse Design Ltd, Landscape: the journal of the Landscape Institute, 2022 (3) . pp. 46-47 ISSN: 1742-2914 (Print), (doi: ).
Nielsen, Birthe , Milledge, John, Hertler, Heidi, Maneein, Supattra , Al Farid, Md Mahmud , Bartlett, Deborah (2021), Chemical characterisation of Sargassum Inundation from the Turks and Caicos: seasonal and post stranding changes. MDPI. In: , , , . MDPI, Phycology, 1: 1020011 (2) . pp. 143-162 2673-9410 (Online) (doi:
Bartlett, Deborah and , Elmer, Franzisca (2021), The impact of Sargassum inundations on the Turks and Caicos Islands. MDPI. In: , , , . MDPI, Phycology, 1 (2) . pp. 83-104 ISSN: 2673-9410 (Print), 2673-9410 (Online) (doi:
Bartlett, Deborah and , Sims, Deborah (2021), Assessment strategies and employability in the environmental and engineering sectors. Educational Development Unit, University of Greenwich. In: , , , . Educational Development Unit, University of Greenwich, Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 14 (2) ISSN: 2044-0081 (Print), (doi:
Bartlett, Debbie and , (2021), Case study: using a codesign process as an opportunity and to increase assessment literacy. Educational Development, University of Greenwich. In: , , , . Educational Development, University of Greenwich, Compass: The Journal of Learning and Teaching at the University of Greenwich, 14: Bartlett (1) ISSN: 2044-0081 (Print), (doi:
Bartlett, Deborah and , (2020), The case for authentic assessment in HE’s ‘new normal’. TES Global. In: , , , . TES Global, Times Higher Education ISSN: 0049-3929 (Print), (doi:
Dhyani, Shalini , Bartlett, Deborah, Kadaverugu, Rakesh, Dasgupta, Rajarshi , Pujari, Paras , Verma, Parikshit (2020), Integrated climate sensitive restoration framework for transformative changes to sustainable land restoration. Wiley. In: , , , . Wiley, Restoration Ecology, 28 (5) . pp. 1026-1031 ISSN: 1061-2971 (Print), 1526-100X (Online) (doi:
Nicolescu, Valeriu-Norocel , Rédei, Károly, Vor, Torsten, Bastien, Jean-Charles , Brus, Robert , Benčať, Tibor , Đodan, Martina , Cvjetkovic, Branislav , Andrašev, Siniša , La Porta, Nicola (2020), A review of black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) ecology and management in Europe. Springer Nature. In: , , , . Springer Nature, Trees, 34 (5) . pp. 1087-1112 ISSN: 0931-1890 (Print), 1432-2285 (Online) (doi:
Nicolescu, Valeriu‑Norocel , Rédei, Károly, Mason, William, Vor, Torsten , Pöetzelsberger, Elizabeth , Bastien, Jean‑Charles , Brus, Robert , Benčať, Tibor , Đodan, Martina , Cvjetkovic, Branislav (2020), Ecology, growth and management of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.), a non‑native species integrated into European forests. Springer. In: , , , . Springer, Journal of Forestry Research, 31 (4) . pp. 1081-1101 ISSN: 1007-662X (Print), 1993-0607 (Online) (doi:
Milledge, John James , Maneein, Supattra, Arribas Lopez, Elena Arribas, Bartlett, Deborah (2020), Sargassum inundations in Turks and Caicos: methane potential and proximate, ultimate, lipid, amino acid, metal and metalloid analyses. In: , , , . , (doi: )
Bartlett, Deborah and , (2020), ‘Golden tides’ – a collaborative search for a sustainable solution to the seaweed inundations on Caribbean beaches. Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management. In: , , , . Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, In Practice - Bulletin of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, 107 . pp. 30-34 (doi: ) NB Item availability restricted.
Bartlett, Debbie and , (2020), Mitigating heat stress in public open spaces. Darkhorse Design. In: , , , . Darkhorse Design, Landscape: the Journal of the Landscape Institute, 2020 (1) . pp. 52-54 1742-2914 (Online) (doi:
Black, Robert and , Bartlett, Debbie M. F. (2020), Biosecurity frameworks for cross-border movement of invasive alien species. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Environmental Science and Policy, 105 . pp. 113-113 ISSN: 1462-9011 (Print), (doi:
Jarman, Rob , Russell, Karen, Mattioni, Claudia, Chambers, Frank M. , Bartlett, Debbie , Martin, M. Angela , Cherubini, Marcello , Villani, Fiorella , Webb, Julia (2019), DNA analysis of Castanea sativa (sweet chestnut) in Britain and Ireland: Elucidating European origins and genepool diversity. Public Library of Science. In: , , , . Public Library of Science, PLOS ONE, 14: e0222936 (9) 1932-6203 (Online) (doi:
Bartlett, Deborah and , Jain, Snigdha (2019), The ‘Cool Towns’ project: using green/blue infrastructure to reduce heat stress in public open spaces. Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management. In: , , , . Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, In Practice - Bulletin of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (105) . pp. 12-15 (doi: ).
Nicolescu, Valeriu-Norocel , Buzatu-Goanță, Cornelia, Bartlett, Debbie, Iacob, Nicolae (2019), Regeneration and early tending of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) stands in the north-west of Romania. Croatian Forest Research Institute. In: , , , . Croatian Forest Research Institute, SEEFOR: South-East European Forestry, 10: 269 (2) ISSN: 1847-6481 (Print), 1849-0891 (Online) (doi:
Patwary, Mohammad Shohedul Hoque and , Bartlett, Deborah (2019), Impacts of shipbreaking industry in Bangladesh: search for a sustainable solution. Progressive Academic Publishing. In: , , , . Progressive Academic Publishing, European Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7 (5) . pp. 64-79 ISSN: 2056-5860 (Print), (doi:
Ahmed, Salma and , Bartlett, Debbie (2018), An evaluation of the effectiveness of the co-management approach in selected protected areas of Bangladesh. Academic Journals. In: , , , . Academic Journals, International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, 10: 237CE8F59562 (12) . pp. 510-516 ISSN: 2141-243X (Print), 2141-243X (Online) (doi:
Bartlett, Deborah and , Milliken, Sarah (2018), Character matters. The Landscape Institute. In: , , , . The Landscape Institute, Landscape: The Journal of the Landscape Institute . pp. 24-25 2055-5466 (Online) (doi: ) NB Item availability restricted.
Bartlett, Debbie , Milliken, Sarah, Parmar, Dayesh (2018), 'Prosopis for Prosperity': Using an invasive non-native shrub to benefit rural livelihoods in India. Indian Academy of Sciences. In: , , , . Indian Academy of Sciences, Current Science, 114 (10) . pp. 2142-2146 ISSN: 0011-3891 (Print), (doi: NB Item availability restricted.
Wade, Max and , Bartlett, Debbie (2017), Level 7 Apprenticeships on the horizon: Are you ready to embrace them?. BMJ Publishing Group. In: , , , . BMJ Publishing Group, In Practice (98) . pp. 46-47 ISSN: 0263-841X (Print), 2042-7689 (Online) (doi: ).
Bartlett, D. , Gomez-Martin, E., Milliken, S., Parmer, D. (2017), Introducing landscape character assessment and the ecosystem service approach to India: A case study. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Landscape and Urban Planning, 167 . pp. 257-266 ISSN: 0169-2046 (Print), (doi:
Bartlett, Deborah and , (2017), CIEEM Skills Gap Project. Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management. In: , , , . Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, In Practice: Bulletin of the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, 96 . pp. 45-47 ISSN: 1754-4882 (Print), (doi: ).
Bartlett, Deborah and , (2017), Using British hedgelaying techniques in India. Living Woods Magazine Ltd. In: , , , . Living Woods Magazine Ltd, Living Woods, 43 . pp. 28-29 ISSN: 9-771756 8600002 (Print), (doi: ).
Spanjar, Gideon , Bartlett, Debbie, Schramkó, Saba, Kluck, Jereon (2022), The urban heat Atlas: a standardised assessment for mapping heat vulnerabilities in Europe. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Kenniscentrum Techniek. In: , , , . Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Kenniscentrum Techniek, Amsterdam (1st) . ISBN: 9789492644268 (doi:
Book section
Bartlett, Debbie and , (2024), Thermal comfort and its significance for landscape practice. Ziti Publications - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. In: , , In: M. Ananiadou- Tzimopoulou, P. Mouratidou (eds.), Research and Projects for Protection, Management and Landscape Design, in Ananiadou- Tzimopoulou, M., Mouratidou, P., (ed.), LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE +20. Education, Research and Practice, Conference Proceedings, vol I & II, Postgraduate Program in Landscap. Ziti Publications - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece , 1 (1792) (1st) . pp. 154-157 . ISBN: 9789604566280 (doi:
Bartlett, Deborah and , Milliken, Sarah (2019), Landscape character and ecosystem services assessment: a case study from India. Springer. In: , , In: Lothar Mueller, Frank Eulenstein (eds.), Current Trends in Landscape Research. Springer, Cham, Switzerland . pp. 521-543 . ISBN: 9783030300685 (doi:
Conference item
Bartlett, Debbie and , (2024), From buildings to cities: responding to the climate emergency and biodiversity crisis. In: Sustainability and Beyond: Prospects in the Built Environment, 7th -8th December 2024, MSA, Cairo, Egypt , . , (doi: ).
Bartlett, Debbie and , (2024), Cool Towns - strategies for heat resilient cities. In: AIPH 2024 (International Association of Horticultural Producers): Green City Briefing, 19th Sep., 2024, Online , . , (doi:
Bartlett, Debbie , Bower, Sam, Dear, Peter (2024), Investigating use of artificial nest boxes positioned at different heights on trees and in isolated positions by dormice (Muscardinus avellanarius): the implications for current survey guidelines.. In: 12th International Dormouse Conference, 2th - 6th Sep, 2024, Hessian Nature Conservation Academy in Wetzlar, Germany , . , (doi: ).
Bartlett, Deborah and , (2024), What do we really know about dormice?. In: What do we really know about dormice?, 11th Mar, 2024, Natural History Museum, Oxford , . , (doi:
Bartlett, Deborah and , (2023), Thermal comfort: significance for landscape practice. In: Landscape Architecture: education, research, and practice, 2nd - 4th November 2023, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece , . , (doi:
Bartlett, Deborah and , Sims, Deborah (2023), Interdisciplinary collaboration: working with employers and practitioners to inform curriculum design. In: SHIFT 2023, 11th - 12th January 2023, University of Greenwich, Stockwell Street , . , (doi: ).
Bartlett, Debbie and , (2022), Developing heat resilient cities: the Cool Towns project. In: BIOSPECTRUM 2022, the International Conference on Biotechnology and Biological Sciences is organized by Department of Biotechnology, University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata, 5th - 6th November, Kolkata, West Bengal , . , (doi:
Bartlett, Debbie and , (2022), Learning from the Cool Towns project case studies. In: Cool Towns project closing conference, 20th October 2022, Ostend, Belgium , . , . pp. 1-19 (doi: ).
Spanjar, Gideon , Kluck, Jeroen, Bartlett, Deborah, Erwin, Stephanie , Schramkó, Sába , Föllmi, Dante (2022), Presenting a multi-level Thermal Comfort Assessment (TCA) to identify and mitigate heat stress risks in urban areas. In: Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) Congress, 25th - 27th July, Tartu, Estonia , . , . pp. 1-21 (doi:
Bartlett, Deborah and , (2021), The Community Perspective: Sustainable Solutions for Sargassum Inundations in Turks & Caicos. In: Sargassum Golden Tides, a global problem, 26/05/2021, online , . , (doi: ).
Bartlett, Deborah and , (2021), Cool towns-Spatial Adaptation for heat resilience in small and medium sized cities. In: New trends in Landscape Architecture based on EU Green Deal Challenges, 10th April 2021, online , . , (doi:
Bartlett, Deborah and , (2021), Authentic assessment. In: Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management Academic Special Interest Group (CIEEM ASIG) webinar, 18 February 2021, online , . , (doi:
Bartlett, D M , Sims, Deborah, Salmon, Elysia (2019), Assessment strategies and employability in the environmental and engineering sectors. In: Medway Festival of Learning and Teaching, 12 Sep 2019, Medway Campus, University of Greenwich , . , (doi: ).
Bartlett, Debbie and , (2019), Landscape Management in a Changing Environment. In: Gobeshona Seminar, 10 April 2019, ULAB Auditorium, Campus A, House 56, Road 4/A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh , . , (doi:
Bartlett, Deborah and , (2019), Blue & green infrastructure as a mitigation measure for heat stress. In: Cool Towns INTERREG 2 Seas Kick Off, 20 Feb 2019, Middleburgh, the Netherlands , . , (doi: ).
Sims, Deborah , Bartlett, Deborah, Salmon, Elysia (2019), Designing Assessments as Preparation for Real World Practice. In: SHIFT 2019, 4 January 2019, Greenwich, London, UK , . , (doi: ).