Key details

Professor Cos Ierotheou
Associate Dean – Student Success
Cos is currently a Professor in Computer Science and Education and is also the Associate Dean – Student Success in the Faculty of Engineering and Science. He has a BSc (Hons) in Mathematics, Statistics and Computing and a PhD in Applied Mathematics. Previously he has held posts as a Senior Lecturer in Mathematics, a Senior Lecturer in Ubiquitous and Embedded systems, Senior Academic lead for postgraduate programmes in Computing and in 2000 was made a Reader in High Performance Computing (HPC). Cos is also a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Cos has worked and led on a number of research and teaching projects - some of these include the spread of fires in enclosures (British Aerospace); a multiprocessor simulation probability analyser to identify objects based on their signal (UK Defence Research Agency); the porting of aircraft flow codes (EU project); developing a suite of tools to support porting codes to HPC systems (EPSRC and EU projects); modernising US Department of Defense aircraft codes (USAF, Dayton); code parallelisation of NASA codes and support for grid computing tools (ARC, NASA); training workshops in parallel computational mechanics (JISC).
Responsibilities within the university
In his role as the Associate Dean - Student Success, Cos is responsible for contributing the Student Success sub-strategy and the implementation at faculty level. Cos represents his faculty at a number of university level committees that provide strategic direction of portfolio development, quality assurance, student experience, learning and teaching. Cos also provides leadership to staff in the development of the faculty curriculum, in the implementation of the learning, teaching and assessment strategy.
- Since 2020: Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (Advance HE)
- Since 1997: Fellow of the Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications
- Since 1997: Chartered Mathematician
Research / Scholarly interests
Cos’ research covers both scientific and educational disciplines. He has over 30 years of experience looking at the application of high performance computing to solve compute intensive scientific applications. More recently he has been involved analysing and quantifying the impact of teaching on student performance and also student behaviour in undertaking computing-based group assessments.
Current areas of interest:
- HPC applications in science and engineering
- Parallel programming techniques and data structures
- Numerical methods and algorithms
- Compute-intensive numerical simulation
- Compiler technology
- e-learning and assessment
Recent publications
Cos is the author of over 50 refereed conference and journal publications. Below is a sample of some publications covering his areas of interest.
- N.Khan, R.Barthel and C.Ierotheou . A comparative study on two groups using WhatsApp in collaborative learning activities in higher education, SHIFT 2020, University of Greenwich, London, 2020
- D.Gresty, D.Gan, G.Loukas and C.Ierotheou. Towards Web Usage Attribution via Graph Community Detection in Grouped Internet Connection Records. CEWE, IEEE CPSCCom-2017, 2017
- S.Chintu, R.Anthony, C.Ierotheou and M.Roshanaei. Intelligent and Predictive Vehicular Networks. Intelligent Control and Automation, Vol 5 No 2, May 2014
- M.Pretorius, M.Ghassemian and C.Ierothoeu. Virtualisation - securing a greener tomorrow with yesteryear's technology. Proceedings of the 12th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2011), May 2011
- N. Bradshaw, C.Walshaw, C.Ierotheou and A.K.Parrott. A New MOEA for Portfolio Optimisation. YoungOR 17 conference 2011, University of Nottingham, 5th-7th April, 2011
- H.Jin, G.Matthews, S.P.Johnson, R.Hood, C.Ierotheou and P.Leggett
Using an interactive environment for the parallelization of real-world scientific applications. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 84, 2, 2007.