Key details

Professor Cornelia Boldyreff
Professor Cornelia Boldyreff lives in Greenwich and is a Professor at the University of Greenwich in the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences. She was previously the Associate Dean (Research and Enterprise) at the School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering at the University of East London from 2009 to February 2013.
Cornelia gained her PhD in Software Engineering from the University of Durham where she worked from 1992; she was a Reader in the Computer Science Department when she left.
In 2004 she moved to the University of Lincoln to become the first Professor of Software Engineering at the university, where she co-founded and directed the Centre for Research in Open Source Software.
She has over 25 years' experience in software engineering research and has published extensively on her research in the field. She is a Fellow of the British Computer Society, and a founding committee member of the BCSWomen Specialist Group, a committee member of the BCS e-Learning Specialist Group, and since 2013 she has chaired the BCS Open Source Specialist Group. She has been actively campaigning for more women in STEM throughout her career.
Together with Miriam Joy Morris and Dr Yasmine Arafa, she founded the start-up, ebartex Ltd, and together they are developing a new digital bartering currency, ebarts.
Responsibilities within the university
Part-time Lecturer
- Chair BCS Open Source SG
- Committee Member of BCSWomen, BCS e-Learning SG
- Member of EPSRC Peer Review College
Research / Scholarly interests
- Software Engineering
- Distributed Systems
- Women in STEM
Key funded projects
- EU FP7 Project: PANDORA - Advanced Training Environment for Crisis Scenarios
While at UEL, Prof Boldyreff led the research on the PANDORA project which was a nine partner EU FP7 project worth 2.93 million Euros and winner of Joint ICT and Security Call FP7-ICT-SEC-2007-1. Grant Agreement 225387. It ran from 1st January 2010 to 31st March 2012. - The PANDORA project developed a novel digital support environment and crisis simulation system to enhance and expand training exercises for Gold Commanders in crisis management.
Recent publications
Journal papers
- Mariano Ceccato, Andrea Capiluppi, Paolo Falcarin, Cornelia Boldyreff, A Large Study on the Effect of Code Obfuscation on the Quality of Java Code, Journal of Empirical Software Engineering, 2014.
- Andrea Capiluppi, Klaas-Jan Stol, Cornelia Boldyreff: Software Reuse in Open Source: A Case Study. IJOSSP 3(3): 10-35 (2011)
- Andrea Capiluppi, Cornelia Boldyreff, Karl Beecher, Paul J. Adams: Quality Factors and Coding Standards - a Comparison Between Open Source Forges. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 233: 89-103 (2009)
- Karl Beecher, Andrea Capiluppi, Cornelia Boldyreff: Identifying exogenous drivers and evolutionary stages in FLOSS projects. Journal of Systems and Software 82(5): 739-750 (2009)
Conference Papers
- Andres Baravalle, Cornelia Boldyreff, Andrea Capiluppi, On the Sustainability of Web Systems Evolution, IEEE Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Web Systems Evolution (WSE), 27 September 2013., IEEE Computer Press, 2013
- Andrea Capiluppi, Klaas-Jan Stol, Cornelia Boldyreff: Exploring the Role of Commercial Stakeholders in Open Source Software Evolution. OSS 2012: 178-200
- Andrea Capiluppi, Paolo Falcarin, Cornelia Boldyreff: Code Defactoring: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Java Obfuscations. IEEE WCRE 2012: 71-80Paul J. Adams, Andrea Capiluppi, Cornelia Boldyreff: Coordination and productivity issues in free software: The role of Brooks' law. IEEE ICSM 2009: 319-328
A selected list of publications by Professor Boldyreff is available from the institutional repository, ROAR, at the University of East London.
Also see:
- Microsoft Academic Search