Key details

Dr Chi Hieu Le
Associate Professor
Dr Chi Hieu Le graduated from Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST, Vietnam), Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) and University of Greenwich (United Kingdom) respectively in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Systems Engineering, Biomedical Engineering and Higher Education. He is a Chartered Engineer (CEng), a member of Institution of Mechanical Engineers (MIMechE), and a fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA), United Kingdom (UK).
Before working for University of Greenwich, Dr Chi Hieu Le had been working for HUST and Cardiff University (UK) as a lecturer and a senior research fellow for 12 years. He has been actively working in Higher Education (Learning, Teaching and Assessment), Research & Technology Development (R&D), Technology Transfer, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, especially in Innovative Product Development, Advanced Manufacturing (CAD/CAM/CNC, 3D Printing - Additive Manufacturing, Micro-Nano Manufacturing, Smart Manufacturing), Robotics & Automations, Engineering Management, and Biomedical Engineering (Telehealth, In-Home Healthcare, 2D/3D Medical Image Processing, Personalised Implants, Biomedical Hi-Tech Products & Services). He has been successfully implemented at least 150 R&D and commercial projects in the UK, Europe, Vietnam, Japan and USA, with more than 100 peer-reviewed papers, book chapters, abstracts and presentations. Dr Chi Hieu Le is a Member of Advisory Board in Science and Technology for Saigon Hi-Tech Park (, Vingroup Innovation Foundation (;and Hi-Tech companies.
Dr Chi Hieu Le was/has been a project evaluator for the funding organisations such as Vingroup Innovation Foundation (Vietnam), Wellcome Trust (UK), The Royal Society (UK: Global Challenges Research Fund), Welsh Assembly Government (Wales, UK), Sêr Cymru - Welsh Government Office for Science (Wales, UK), NIHR - Invention for Innovation (i4i) Programme (Department of Health, National Institute for Health Research - NIHR, UK), and British Council. He annually serves as a visiting professor and an invited speaker at Higher Education Institutions in Vietnam, Thailand, China and Europe. He is a co-founder of the Vietnam-UK Network of Higher Education, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (, which has been successfully secured at least 5 million USD of the external funding for R&D and Higher Education activities, with the active engagements and networking among scientists, researchers and experts from Vietnam, ASEAN and the UK, as well as the fruitful University-Business collaborations.
Dr Chi Hieu Le is also active in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, serving as CEO, member of the advisory board and the mentor for the Hi-tech start-ups such as Robot3T (, VietMani (, SIPMD (, Digital Global Kingdom (, VietSolutions Ltd ( and Hack4Growth (
Dr Chi Hieu Le is a Chartered Engineer (CEng), a member of Institution of Mechanical Engineers (MIMechE), and a fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA), United Kingdom.
Dr Chi Hieu Le is a Member of Advisory Board in Science and Technology for Saigon Hi-Tech Park (, Vingroup Innovation Foundation ( and Hi-Tech companies. He was/has been a project evaluator for the funding organisations such as Vingroup Innovation Foundation (Vietnam), Wellcome Trust (UK), The Royal Society (UK: Global Challenges Research Fund), Welsh Assembly Government (Wales, UK), Sêr Cymru - Welsh Government Office for Science (Wales, UK), NIHR - Invention for Innovation (i4i) Programme (Department of Health, National Institute for Health Research - NIHR, UK), and British Council. He annually serves as a visiting professor and an invited speaker at Higher Education Institutions in Vietnam, Thailand, China and Europe.
Dr Chi Hieu Le also served as a member of editorial boards for several scientific and technological journals, and frequently a member of the scientific and organising committee of international conferences.
Research / Scholarly interests
Dr Chi Hieu Le has been involving in a wide range of research topics as well as investment and commercial projects. He has produced more than 100 peer-reviewed papers, book chapters, abstracts and presentations.
The following are the key expertise and research topics of interest of Dr Chi Hieu Le:
- Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0: Digital Twin, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (Deep learning for smart manufacturing and e-Healthcare).
- Innovative product development: High-value added personalised and mass-customised products.
- 3D geometrical modelling: 3D CAD, generative design, topology design, reverse engineering.
- Advanced design and manufacturing: CAD - CAM - CNC - CAPP - CAE, additive manufacturing (3D Printing), micro & nano manufacturing, Sustainable Design & Manufacturing, and Responsive Manufacturing.
- Design Optimisation: Kinematics and dynamics analysis, finite element analysis (FEA), computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and topology optimisation.
- Mechatronics and Automation: Industrial robots, collaborative robots, and in-line control & monitoring.
- Biomedical Engineering and Healthcare: Telehealth and in-home healthcare, biomechanics, 3D medical image processing, surgical planning, innovative development of biomedical hi-tech products (personalised implants, biomodels, surgical tools, prostheses, orthotics and medical devices).
- Quality Control and Management: Dimensional inspections, micro & nano metrology, total quality management, production and operation management, and process improvement.
- Operation research: Deterministic optimization models, multi-criteria decision modelling, process optimisation and simulation.
- Higher education (Learning, teaching and assessment): Problem-based learning, collaborative learning, constructive alignment, development of course specifications and study programmes in Higher Education.
Key funded projects
The following are the funded R&D projects in which Dr Chi Hieu Le is a PI or Co-PI as well as a mentor and an implementor, especially from the following funding organisations: Newton Fund, UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI), India Department of Science and Technology and an implementor, (DST), British Council, National Foundation for Science & Technology Development (NAFOSTED:, British Academy (BA), UK Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng), Vingroup Innovation Foundation (VINIF:, Vietnam National Technology Innovation Foundation (NATIF), Vietnam Ministry of Science & Technology (MOST:, and European Commission (EC):
- Network of Excellence and Hi-Tech Hub for Vietnam's Industry 4.0 via the UK-VN collaborations in Smart Manufacturing [Acronym: i4SMART]. Funded by Newton Fund – Research Environment Links Programme (1/2020-02/2021). Budget: £108,545 GBP. Grant ID No.: 528085858.
- Medical Additive Manufacturing: Cost-effective and Sustainable Solutions for Innovative Development of High-value Added Products and Services. Funded by UKIERI-DST – Partnership Development Workshops Programme (12/2019-02/2021). Budget: £16,000 GBP. Grant ID No.: 2019-DST-PDW-10156.
- Cost-effective solutions & assistive technologies for low-income aging populations. Funded by British Council - Newton Fund (02/2018-02/2019). Budget: 31,000 GBP. Grant ID No.: 2017-RLWK9-11081.
- Development and Applications of Advanced Biomaterials and Medical Devices to Improve Health Outcomes of Underserved Population. Funded by British Council - Newton Fund (04/2016-01/2017). Budget: 25,000 GBP. Grant ID No.: 216422323.
- Education fit for the future: development of a university-industry-government model to deliver industrial placements in international and transnational education. Funded by British Council – Higher Education Partnership Fund, UK-VN-HEP (5/2019-03/2020). Budget: £19,510 GBP. Grant ID No.: UK-VN-HEP 2019-20.
- Transnational Education and Research via the Academic Mobility, Business-University Collaborations and the Joint Postgraduate Programmes in Sustainability, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Funded by British Council – Higher Education Partnership Fund (10/2018-06/2021). Budget: 60,000 GBP. Grant ID No.: UK-VN-HEP 2018-19.
- Enhancements of High-Quality Human Resources and Employability for Vietnam in Design and Development of High-value Added Products, Innovation & Entrepreneurship. Funded by British Council, Higher Education Partnership Fund (10/2016 – 06/ 2017). Budget: 30,000 GBP. Grant ID No.: UK-VN-HEP 2016-17.
- Innovative design and development of anticancer bacteriocins from the human microbiome: The Big-Data and Bioinformatics approach (09/017 – 03/2018). Funded by NAFOSTED, British Academy (BA) & Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng), under NAFOSTED – The UK Academies collaboration Programme. Budget: 7,100 GBP. Grant ID No.: 111/QĐ-HĐQL-NAFOSTED, 23/6/2017.
- Innovative design & development of sport and toy products for enhancement of the levels of physical activity with an active play (15/03/2016-15/08/2016). Funded by Bruce O’Brien and Associates Budget: 18,000.00 GBP. Grant ID No.: G8240 SPLOGO.
- Cost-effective and innovative development of personalized implants for bone reconstruction based on Additive Manufacturing – 3D Printing, Smart Design and Medical Image Processing. Funded by Government of Vietnam, Ministry of Science and Technology: MOST (01/2021-12/2023), under the national scientific and technological programme until 2025, entitled “Support for Research, Development and Applications of Industry 4.0, KC-4.0/19-25”. Budget: £275,000 GBP. Grant ID No.: KC-4.0/19-25.
- Using IoT, AI and Digital Twin for development of smart manufacturing systems consisting of industrial robots and CNC machines. Funded by NAFOSTED (10/2020-10/2023). Budget: £30,000 GBP. Grant ID No.: ***********.15.
- Innovative and cost-effective development of a hybrid serial-parallel manipulator– Structural Dynamics, Control and Design Optimization. Funded by NAFOSTED (10/2017 -10/2019). Budget: 22,000 GBP. Grant ID No.: ***********.09.
- Efficient Data-driven Physics-informed Optimization of Manufacturing Processes - EDPOMP. Funded by Vingroup Innovation Foundation(VINIF) (10/2020-10/2022). Budget: £157,000 GBP. Grant ID No.: VINIF.2020.DA015.
- Innovative and cost-effective development of collaborative robots (cobots) and smart eco-systems for Industry 4.0. Funded by Vingroup Innovation Foundation (VINIF) & VinTech City Fund (05/2020-12/2021). Budget: £225,000 GBP. Grant ID No.: 059-VTC/2020 or VINIF.2020.NCUD.DA059.
- Big data analytics-based optimization of process parameters for a smart manufacturing shop floor consisting of CNC machines and Robots. Funded by Vingroup Innovation Foundation (VINIF) (10/2019 – 10/2021). Budget: 300,000 USD (240,000 GBP). Grant ID No.: VINIF. 2019.DA08.
- Development of product database and applications of blockchain in management, source trace, quality control, branding and commercialization of Ngoc Linh ginseng. Funded by Government of Vietnam (10/2020-10/2022). Budget: £160,000 GBP. Grant ID No.: 360/QD-UBND, 3-2-2020.
- Design and develop innovative and cost-effective industrial robot for automation SMEs in Vietnam (04/2018 – 04/2021). Funded by Vietnam National Technology Innovation Foundation (NATIF). Budget: £185,000 GBP. Grant ID No.: NATIF.TT.01.DT/2018.
- Improving the design of flexible and responsive manufacturing systems involving autonomous Collaborative Robots (CoRoT). Funded by the European Commission Interreg France-Channel-England Program. Budget: € 3,957,023 [2016-2022]. Web:
- Cost effective, realistic surgical trainer for hands-on endoscopic procedures through application of Rapid Prototyping, CAD-CAM technology and a novel material (PRIMCORPS). Funded by European Commission: FP5-GROWTH. Budget: €753,880 [2001-2003]. Grant agreement ID: G1ST-CT-2000-50023. Web:
Recent publications
Chu, Anh-My , Nguyen, Van-Cong, Le, Chi-Hieu, Gao, James , Packianather, Michael , Shwe, Soe (2025), Dynamic modelling for the family of 5-axis CNC milling machines with application to feed-rate optimization. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 65: 102015 2215-0986 (Online) (doi:
Ramesh, Dharavath , Santosh, Thakur, Trivedi, Munesh Chandra, Le, Chi Hieu (2025), Ensuring digital sovereignty in cross-chain EHR sharing: a relay-as-a-service approach for secure healthcare interoperability. Elsevier B.V.. In: , , In: Chi Hieu Le (ed.), Procedia Computer Science. Elsevier B.V., Procedia Computer Science, 254 . pp. 48-57 . ISBN: 18770509ISSN: 1877-0509 (Print), (doi:
Turner, Jennifer M. , Le, Chi Hieu, Murphy, Paul J. (2025), The Cardiff Eye Shape Analysis Protocol (CESAP): producing a digital representation of the anterior ocular surface. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Heliyon: e42601 2405-8440 (Online) (doi:
Le, Chi An , Le, Chi Hieu, Nguyen, Van Duy, Zlatov, Nikolay , Le, Tan Hung , Nguyen, Tien Anh , Chu, Anh My , Mahmud, Jamaluddin , Le, Van Dang , Nguyen, Ho Quang (2024), Digital twins for real-time monitoring and operation of coffee value chain and supply chain. CEFIN Publishing House. In: , , , . CEFIN Publishing House, International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics, 2024 (17) . pp. 114-124 ISSN: 2559-4397 (Print), 2559-6497 (Online) (doi:
Pham, Tri Cong , Nguyen, Van Duy, Le, Chi Hieu, Packianather, Michael , Hoang, Van-Dung (2023), Artificial intelligence-based solutions for coffee leaf disease classification. IOP Publishing. In: , , , IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1278: 12004 (1st) . pp. 1-8 ISSN: 1755-1315 (Print), (doi:
Trinh, Xuan Hiep , Chu, Anh My, Phung, Van Binh, Le, Chi Hieu (2023), Innovative development of a soft robotic gripper: mathematical modeling and grasping capability analysis. Taylor & Francis Group. In: , , , . Taylor & Francis Group, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, An International Journal . pp. 1-28 ISSN: 1539-7734 (Print), 1539-7742 (Online) (doi:
Chu, Anh My , Le, Minh Thai, Ha, Ngoc Hoang, Le, Chi Hieu , Egbe, Uyi-osa , Gao, Xiaoyu , Zlatov, Nikolay , Packianather, Michael (2023), A framework for practically effective creation of postprocessors for 5-axis CNC machines with all possible configurations and working mechanisms. SAGE Publications. In: , , , . SAGE Publications, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture . pp. 1-13 ISSN: 0954-4054 (Print), 2041-2975 (Online) (doi:
Arey, Daniel , Le, Chi Hieu, Gao, Xiaoyu (2021), Lean industry 4.0: a digital value stream approach to process improvement. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Procedia Manufacturing, 54 . pp. 19-24 ISSN: 2351-9789 (Print), 2351-9789 (Online) (doi:
Chohan, Jasgurpreet Singh , Mittal, Nitin, Kumar, Raman, Singh, Sandeep , Sharma, Shubham , Dwivedi, Shashi Prakash , Saxena, Ambuj , Chattopadhyaya, Somnath , Ilyas, Rushdan A. , Le, Chi Hieu (2021), Optimization of FFF process parameters by naked mole-rat algorithms with enhanced exploration and exploitation capabilities. MDPI. In: , , , . MDPI, Polymers, 13: 1702 (11) 2073-4360 (Online) (doi:
Hoang, Ngoc Ha , Chu, Anh My, Nguyen, Kim Thai Thi, Le, Chi Hieu (2021), A novel mathematical modelling for simulating the spread of heavy metals in solid waste landfills. Korean Society of Environmental Engineers. In: , , , . Korean Society of Environmental Engineers, Environmental Engineering Research, 27: 210007 (3) ISSN: 1226-1025 (Print), 2005-968X (Online) (doi:
Nguyen, Trung-Thanh and , Le, Chi-Hieu (2020), Optimization of compressed air assisted-turning-burnishing process for improving machining quality, energy reduction and cost-effectiveness. SAGE. In: , , , . SAGE, Journal of Engineering Manufacture: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B., 235 (6-7) . pp. 1179-1196 ISSN: 0954-4054 (Print), 2041-2975 (Online) (doi:
Le, Chi Hieu , Le, Dang Thang, Arey, Daniel, Gheorghe, Popan , Chu, Anh My , Duong, Xuan Bien , Nguyen, Trung Thanh , Truong, Trong Toai , Prakash, Chander , Zhao, Shi-Tian (2020), Challenges and conceptual framework to develop heavy-load manipulators for smart factories. CEFIN Publishing House. In: , , , . CEFIN Publishing House, International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics, 8 (2) . pp. 209-216 ISSN: 2559-4397 (Print), 2559-6497 (Online) (doi:
Chu, Anh My , Nguyen, C.D., Duong, Xuan Bien, Nguyen, A.V. , Nguyen, Tien Anh , Le, Chi Hieu , Packianather, Michael (2020), A novel mathematical approach for finite element formulation of flexible robot dynamics. Taylor & Francis. In: , , , . Taylor & Francis, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, An International Journal, 50 (11) . pp. 3747-3767 ISSN: 1539-7734 (Print), 1539-7742 (Online) (doi:
Chu, Anh My , Nguyen, Cong Dinh, Vu, Minh Hoan, Duong, Xuan Bien , Nguyen, Tien Anh , Le, Chi Hieu (2020), Kinematic and dynamic modelling for a class of hybrid robots composed of m local closed-loop linkages appended to an n-link serial manipulator. MDPI. In: , , , . MDPI, Applied Sciences, 10: 2567 (7) 2076-3417 (Online) (doi:
Chander, Prakash , Sunpreet, Singh, Seeram, Ramakrishna, Grzegorz, Królczyk , Le, Chi H. (2020), Microwave sintering of porous Ti-Nb-HA composite with high strength and enhanced bioactivity for implant applications. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 824: 153774 ISSN: 0925-8388 (Print), (doi:
Nguyen, Trung-Thanh , Mia, Mozammel, Dang, Xuan-Phuong, Le, Chi-Hieu , Packianather, Michael S (2019), Green machining for the dry milling process of stainless steel 304. SAGE. In: , , , . SAGE, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 234 (5) . pp. 881-899 ISSN: 0954-4054 (Print), 2041-2975 (Online) (doi:
Nguyen, Van Duy , Nguyen, Thanh Tra, Pham, Thu Thuy, Packianather, Michael , Le, Chi Hieu (2019), Molecular screening and genetic diversity analysis of anticancer Azurin-encoding and Azurin-like genes in human gut microbiome deduced through cultivation-dependent and cultivation-independent studies. Springer International Publishing. In: , , , . Springer International Publishing, International Microbiology, 22 (4) . pp. 1437-449 ISSN: 1139-6709 (Print), 1618-1905 (Online) (doi:
My, Chu A. , Bien, Duong X., Le, Chi Hieu, Packianather, Michael (2019), An efficient finite element formulation of dynamics for a flexible robot with different type of joints. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 134 . pp. 267-288 ISSN: 0094-114X (Print), 1873-3999 (Online) (doi:
My, Chu A. , Le, Chi Hieu, Packianather, Michael, Bohez, Erik L. J. (2018), Novel robot arm design and implementation for hot forging press automation. Taylor & Francis. In: , , , . Taylor & Francis, International Journal of Production Research, 57 (14) . pp. 4579-4593 ISSN: 0020-7543 (Print), 1366-588X (Online) (doi:
Khac, Hung Vu , Thanh, Thuy Nguyen Thi, Thu, Giang Nguyen Thi, Le, Chi Hieu , Nguyen, Van Duy (2018), Vertical transmission and early diagnosis of the microsporidian Enterocytozoon hepatonaei in Whiteleg Shrimp Penaeus vannamei. JPAM. In: , , , . JPAM, Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 12 (3) ISSN: 0973-7510 (Print), 2581-690X (Online) (doi:
Book section
Chu, Anh My , Duong, Xuan Bien, Trinh, Xuan Hiep, Nguyen, Cong Dinh , Vu, Minh Duc , Nguyen, The Nguyen , Le, Chi Hieu , Alandoli, Esmail Ali (2023), A review of mathematical methods for flexible robot dynamics modeling and simulation. Springer. In: , , In: Thi Dieu Linh Nguyen, Joan Lu (eds.), Machine Learning and Mechanics Based Soft Computing Applications. Springer, Singapore , 1068 (1st) . pp. 229-240 . ISBN: 9789811964497; 9789811964503 (doi:*******6450-3_22) NB Item availability restricted.
Nguyen, Van Duy , Pham, Tri Cong, Le, Chi Hieu, Huynh, Thanh Trung , Le, Tan Hung , Packianather, Michael (2023), An innovative and smart agriculture platform for improving the coffee value chain and supply chain. Springer. In: , , In: Thi Dieu Linh Nguyen, Joan Lu (eds.), Machine Learning and Mechanics Based Soft Computing Applications. Springer, Singapore , 1068 (1st) . pp. 185-197 . ISBN: 9789811964497; 9789811964503 (doi:*******6450-3_19) NB Item availability restricted.
Tran, Tuan Anh , Nguyen, Thanh Tan, Dinh, Than Le, Le, Chi Hieu , Mahmud, Jamaluddin , Latif, Mohd Juzaila Abd , Nguyen, Ho Quang (2023), Digital twins of robotic systems: increasing capability for industrial applications. Springer. In: , , In: Thi Dieu Linh Nguyen, Joan Lu (eds.), Machine Learning and Mechanics Based Soft Computing Applications. Springer, Singapore , 1068 (1st) . pp. 241-258 . ISBN: 9789811964497; 9789811964503 (doi:*******6450-3_23) NB Item availability restricted.
Lancelot, Martin , Gao, Xiaoyu, Le, Chi Hieu, Ahmed, Sarhan , Sotia, Cherepeti , Antoine, Sarrazin (2022), Modular, mobile and autonomous robotics for manufacturing SMEs. IOS Press. In: , , In: Mahmoud Shafik, Keith Case (eds.), Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXV: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Manufacturing Research, Incorporating the 36th National Conference on Manufacturing Research, 6–8 September 2022, University of Derby, Derby, UK. IOS Press, Amsterdam; Berlin; Washington, DC , 25 (1st) . pp. 101-106 . ISBN: 9781643683300; 9781643683317 (doi:
Uyi-osa, Egbe , Le, Chi Hieu, Gao, Xiaoyu, Anh My, Chu , Michael, Packianather , Nikolay, Zlatov (2022), A case-based reasoning based framework for developing computer aided remanufacturing process planning systems. Springer. In: , , In: Cioboată Daniela Doina (ed.), International Conference on Reliable Systems Engineering. Springer, , 534 (doi:
Anh My, Chu , Cong Dinh, Nguyen, Quoc Hung, Truong, Hoang Hung, Pham , The Nguyen, Nguyen , Van Luu, Dao , Xuan Bien, Duong , Minh Duc, Vu , Le, Chi Hieu (2021), General approach for parameterization of the inverse dynamic equation for industrial robot and 5-axis CNC machine. Springer Nature. In: , , In: N.V., Khang, N.Q. Hoang, Marco Ceccarelli (eds.), Advances in Asian Mechanism and Machine Science. ASIAN MMS 2021. Mechanisms and Machine Science. Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland , 113 (1st) . pp. 433-442 . ISBN: 9783030918927 (doi:
Chu, Anh My , Le, Chi Hieu, Duong, Xuan Bien, Bohez, Erik L. J. , Vu, Minh Duc , Nguyen, Tien Anh , Nguyen, Van Cong , Parkianather, Michael , Hoang, Chu Duc (2021), Real time inverse kinematics of a general 5-axis CNC machine. Springer Nature. In: , , In: Banh Tien Long, Yun-Hae Kim, Kozo Ishizaki, Nguyen Duc Toan, Ivan A. Parinov, Ngoc Pi Vu (eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development (MMMS2020). Springer Nature, Switzerland (1st ed.) . pp. 991-999 . ISBN: 9783030696092 (doi:
Chu, Anh My , Le, Chi Hieu, Duong, Xuan Bien, Erik, L.J. Bohez , Vu, Minh Duc , Nguyen, Tien Anh , Nguyen, Van Cong , Parkianather, Michael (2021), A generalization approach for the kinematic modelling of the rotational axes of five-axis CNC centers. Springer Nature. In: , , In: Banh Tien Long, Yun-Hae Kim, Kozo Ishizaki, Nguyen Duc Toan, Ivan A. Parinov, Ngoc Pi Vu (eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development (MMMS2020). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland (1st ed.) . pp. 893-990 . ISBN: 9783030696092 (doi: NB Item availability restricted.
Duong, Xuan Bien , Chu, Anh My, Le, Chi Hieu, Nguyen, Tien Anh , Vu, Minh Duc , Le, Anh (2021), Comparison of the efficiency of numerical algorithms for solving the inverse kinematics problem of redundant serial-link robots. Springer Nature. In: , , In: Banh Tien Long, Yun-Hae Kim, Kozo Ishizaki, Nguyen Duc Toan, Ivan A. Parinov, Ngoc Pi Vu (eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development (MMMS2020). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland (1st ed.) . pp. 1000-1008 . ISBN: 9783030696092 (doi: NB Item availability restricted.
Chu, Anh My , Duong, Xuan Bien, Le, Chi Hieu (2021), Forward and inverse kinematics analysis of a spatial three-segment continuum robot. Springer. In: , , In: Raghvendra Kumar, Nguyen Ho Quang, Vijender Kumar Solanki, Manuel Cardona, Prasant Kumar Pattnaik (eds.), Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering: Select Proceedings of RICE 2020. Springer, Singapore (1254) (1st) . pp. 407-417 . ISBN: 9789811575266 (doi:*******7527-3) NB Item availability restricted.
Chu, Anh My , Duong, Xuan Bien, Le, Chi Hieu (2021), Inverse kinematics analysis of welding robot IRB 1520ID using algorithm for adjusting the increments of generalized vector. Springer. In: , , In: Raghvendra Kumar, Nguyen Ho Quang, Vijender Kumar Solanki, Manuel Cardona, Prasant Kumar Pattnaik (eds.), Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering: Select Proceedings of RICE 2020. Springer, Singapore (1254) (1st) . pp. 859-872 . ISBN: 9789811575266 (doi:*******7527-3) NB Item availability restricted.
Chu, Anh My , Duong, Xuan Bien, Le, Chi Hieu (2021), Optimization of the feed rate of Six-DOFs robot in a parametric domain based on kinematics modeling. Springer. In: , , In: Raghvendra Kumar, Nguyen Ho Quang, Vijender Kumar Solanki, Manuel Cardona, Prasant Kumar Pattnaik (eds.), Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering: Select Proceedings of RICE 2020. Springer, Singapore (1254) (1st) . pp. 883-892 . ISBN: 9789811575266 (doi:*******7527-3) NB Item availability restricted.
Conference proceedings
Yusof, Ya’Akob , Patar, Mohd Nor Azmi Ab, Patar, Azim, Le, Chi Hieu , Mahmud, Jamaluddin (2025), Evaluating the relationship between locomotion speed and gait patterns in SCI-injured rats. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In: , , In: SCOReD Conference Committeee (ed.), 2024 IEEE 22nd Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD), December 19th - 20th, 2024, Selangor, Malaysia. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Piscataway, New Jersey (1st) . pp. 328-332 . ISBN: 9798331510077; 9798331510084ISSN: 2643-2439 (Print), 2643-2447 (Online) (doi:
Ismail, Mohd Shahrom , Nordin, Farhah Nadhirah, Le, Chi Hieu, Nguyen, Ho Quang , Mahmud, Jamaluddin (2024), The implementation of the single perturbation load approach to axially-compressed stiffened-stringer cylinder. Springer. In: , , In: Radhiyah Abd. Aziz, Zulhelmi Ismail, A. K. M. Asif Iqbal, Irfan Ahmed (eds.), Intelligent Manufacturing and Mechatronics: Selected Articles from iM3F 2023, 7th – 8th August, Pekan, Malaysia. Springer, Singapore , 40 (1st) . pp. 13-23 . ISBN: 9789819998487; 9789819998470ISSN: 2662-317X (Print), 2662-3161 (Online) (doi:*******9848-7_2) NB Item availability restricted.
Zahariev, Plamen , Hristov, Georgi, Chaisricharoen, Roungsan, Bencheva, Nina , Beloev, Ivan , Zlatov, Nikolay , Le, Chi Hieu , Georgiev, Georgi , Kinaneva, Diyana (2024), Industry 4.0 and beyond. Present trends, emerging solutions and future technologies in the area of the industrial automation. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In: , , In: ECTI-NCON Conference Committee (ed.), ECTI DAMT & NCON 2024: The 9th International Conference on Digital Arts, Media, and Technology (DAMT) and 7th ECTI Northern Section Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering (NCON). 30th Jan - 3rd Feb 2024. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Chiangmai, Thailand - Piscataway, New Jersey (1st) . pp. 553-556 . ISBN: 9798350318241ISSN: 2768-4644 (Print), (doi: NB Item availability restricted.
Tran, T. Anh , Nguyen, V. Duc, Le, Than, Nguyen, Ho Quang , Le, Chi Hieu , Zlatov, Nikolay , Hristov, Georgi , Zahariev, Plamen , Solanki, Vijender Kumar (2023), A conceptual model of Digital Twin for potential applications in healthcare. Springer. In: , , In: Thi Dieu Linh Nguyen, Verdú Elena, Anh Ngoc Le, Maria Ganzha (eds.), Intelligent Systems and Networks: Selected Articles from ICISN 2023, Vietnam. Springer, Singapore , 752 (1st) . pp. 610-619 . ISBN: 9789819947256; 9789819947249; 9789819947270ISSN: 2367-3370 (Print), 2367-3389 (Online) (doi:*******4725-6_72).
Vu, Minh Duc , Chu, Anh My, Nguyen, The Nguyen, Duong, Xuan Bien , Le, Chi Hieu , Gao, Xiaoyu , Zlatov, Nikolay , Hristov, Georgi , Nguyen, Van Anh , Mahmud, Jamaluddin (2023), Prediction of the welding process parameters and the weld bead geometry for robotic welding applications with adaptive neuro-fuzzy models. Springer. In: , , In: Thi Dieu Linh Nguyen, Verdú Elena, Anh Ngoc Le, Maria Ganzha (eds.), Intelligent Systems and Networks: Selected Articles from ICISN 2023, Vietnam. Springer, Singapore , 752 (1st) . pp. 148-158 . ISBN: 9789819947256; 9789819947249; 9789819947270ISSN: 2367-3370 (Print), 2367-3389 (Online) (doi:*******4725-6_20).
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Chu, Anh My , Duong, Xuan Bien, Bui, Hoang Tung, Nguyen, Van Cong , Le, Chi Hieu (2019), New feed rate optimization formulation in a parametric domain for 5-axis milling robots. Springer. In: , , , ICCSAMA 2019: Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledge Engineering. Springer, Cham, Switzerland , 1121 . pp. 403-411 . ISBN: 9783030383640ISSN: 2194-5357 (Print), 2194-5365 (Online) (doi:
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Ramchurn, Adesh , El Souri, Mohammed, Gao, James, Le, Chi Hieu , Benetier, Julien (2019), An analysis of automation scenarios in an aerospace environmental testing facility. IOS Press. In: , , , Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXIII. IOS Press, , 9 . pp. 93-98 . ISBN: 9781643680088ISSN: 2352-751X (Print), 2352-7528 (Online) (doi:
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