Key details

Dr Terry Ferns
Senior Lecturer, Adult Nursing
Dr Terence Ferns is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Health Sciences at the University of Greenwich.
Terry's clinical background specialises in critical care, having extensive experience working in this field in a variety of clinical and educational positions. Terry joined the university as a Senior Lecturer in 2003 and as coordinator responsible for a post-registration course (Level 6/7) Pathophysiology for Intensive Care Practice. This course is designed to equip critical care nursing practitioners with advanced knowledge, relating to altered pathophysiology underpinning common clinical conditions encountered within critical care environments. Specialist knowledge of pathophysiology also allows Terry to coordinate a pre-registration level 5/6 course that also focuses upon altered pathophysiology.
Terry also coordinates Challenging Professional Boundaries (Level 6) course, which addresses contemporary issues within nursing such as power, politics and multi-professional working. The majority of his teaching revolves around altered and normal physiology, alongside the clinical assessment and management of patients requiring acute care.
Other course lecturing areas include: Research Methodologies and Instruments; Change Management; Motivation Theory; Power Dynamics; and Leadership, Violence and Aggression in the clinical area. Terry also fulfils the role as Link tutor in partnership with local organisations.
Posts held previously:
- 2002-03, Lecturer Practitioner, School of Health & Social Care-Acute & Continuing Care, University of Greenwich/Queen Elizabeth Hospital
- 2001-02, Staff Development Team Member, Adult Intensive Care Unit Guys and St Thomas Hospital
- 1999–2001, Bank Nurse, Adult Intensive Care Unit, Guys and St Thomas Hospital, London
- 1997–98, Senior Staff Nurse, Adult Intensive Care Unit, Guys and St Thomas Hospital, London
- 1993–97, Nurse, Adult Intensive Care Unit, Guys and St Thomas Hospital, London
- 1993, Staff Nurse, Adult Intensive Care Unit, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
- 1992–93, Staff Nurse, Adult Intensive Care Unit, Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton
- 1991–92, Staff Nurse, Adult Intensive Care Unit, Guys and St Thomas Hospital, London
- 1991, Staff Nurse, Trauma Unit, Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Canterbury
- 1988–91, Registered General Nurse Training (Adult), Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Canterbury
Responsibilities within the university
- Senior Lecturer, Department of Adult Nursing & Paramedic Science
- Course coordinator for post-registration (Level 6/7) Pathophysiology for Intensive Care Practice
- Course coordinator for pre-registration (Level 5/6) in Altered Pathophysiology
- Link tutor
- Member of the Scientific Committee, organising the international, biannual Workplace Conference on Violence in the Health sector
- External examiner, University of Hertfordshire.
- Examined theses for Murdoch University, Australia
- Member and Vice-Chair of Local NHS ethics committee for several years (previous)
Research / Scholarly interests
Terry`s primary research interest relates to violence and aggression within the health care environment and published a number of original research articles and concept papers relating to this area. His research findings are used to support the delivery of bespoke educational packages for organisations interested in reducing workplace violence.