Rachel Wolfendale

Rachel Wolfendale

Practitioner in Primary Teacher Education

Rachel Wolfendale has been a Practitioner of Primary Education at the University of Greenwich since January 2019.

In 2018 Rachel gained her Master's degree in Education and will commence her studies for a Doctorate in Education at the University of Greenwich in September 2019.

Rachel originally studied Italian and Business at University College London and worked for a while as a buyer. In 2006, she retrained as a primary teacher at the University of Greenwich, specialising in Early Years, which led to more than twelve years working as a teacher, with leadership responsibilities in the early years and parental involvement. This teaching experience offered her the opportunity to gain rich experience and insight into high-quality early years teaching and parental engagement and the ability to support colleagues in improving practice.

Rachel has been a School Experience Tutor to a number of students on both the PGCE and three-year undergraduate courses. Through this work, Rachel has been able to support students during school visits and has observed them teaching and interacting with children. This has given me opportunities to form strong relationships with mentors in our partnership. As a class teacher and early years leader, Rachel supported students and colleagues in the Foundation Stage, and as a mentor, has continued to support students placed in key stage 1 and 2 classes.

Rachel has the responsibility for developing good practices in supporting students through the transition process as they leave the university to take up their first teaching posts. She is implementing strategies to offer continued support during the NQT year and beyond through forming strong links with partnership schools.

Posts held previously

  • 2018-2019 Class teacher with leadership responsibility for parental engagement and early reading, Forster Park Primary School, Lewisham
  • 2014-2018, Early Years Foundation Stage Leader, Valley Primary School, Bromley
  • 2010-2014, Class teacher, Brindishe Lee Primary School, Lewisham
  • 2006-2010, Class teacher, Brooklands Primary School, Greenwich
  • 2001-2004, Administrative support, Child Protection, Lewisham