Key details
Dr Priti Chopra
International PGCE Programme Leader and Associate Professor
Dr Priti Chopra is a Programme Leader for the International Postgraduate Certificate in Education (iPGCE) and an Associate Professor of Education and Social Justice in the School of Education at the University of Greenwich.
She joined University of Greenwich as a Senior Lecturer in the Further Education & Skills Sector, with subject specialism in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and Literacy, in 2008.
Priti is a qualified teacher and teacher educator. She is also a qualified practicing integrative counsellor and a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). She has worked for more than twenty-seven years as an educator and researcher in India and the UK. Priti has collaborated with diverse community-based, national and international organisations to research, design and develop inclusive education provision and resources. In the UK, her work included focus on the rights, learning identities and needs of refugees, asylum seekers and young offenders. Her research has also been centred on empowering education provision processes and practices for Dalit women and young people in the rural areas of northern India. Priti has worked as a curriculum development lead for the None in Three Research Centre for the Global Prevention of Gender-based Violence to develop anti-violence curricula for secondary schools in Jamaica, Uganda, India and the UK.
Priti has created and taught the optional undergraduate final year module ‘Global Childhoods, Young People and Social Justice’ and supervises MA in Education and doctoral research across a range of topics, in varied educational fields. She welcomes applicants for doctoral study who share her research interests in intercultural learning, inclusive learning design, technology enhanced learning, and education for social justice.
Posts held previously:
- (2014-2022) Senior Lecturer, Education and Childhood and Youth Studies, School of Education, University of Greenwich
- (2011-2014) International coordinator, European Champion and Erasmus Coordinator, School of Education,
University of Greenwich - (2008-2012) Senior Lecturer, Further Education & Skills Sector (ESOL and Literacy), University of Greenwich
- (2006-2008) ESOL Teacher Education Coordinator, Greenwich Community College
- (2003-2006) Study Skills Teacher Coordinator and ESOL & Literacy Tutor, City Lit
- (2003-2003) Research Assistant, King’s College London
Responsibilities within the university
- Interim Deputy Head (Teaching and Learning) School of Education
- Associate Professor of Education and Social Justice
- PGCE Programme Leader and Senior Lecturer in Education and Childhood and Youth Studies
- PhD supervisor and examiner
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Champion, School of Education
- Convener for Wellbeing, Equity & Inclusion in Education Interest Group, School of Education
- Lead for Academic Integrity Task and Finish Group, School of Education
- Strategy Group Member, School of Education
- Student Wellbeing Task and Finish Group Member, School of Education
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group Member, School of Education
- Learning, Quality, and Standards Committee Member, Faculty of Education, Health and Human Sciences
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan Working Group Member, Faculty of Education, Health and Human Sciences
- University Student Success Sub-Strategy: Health and Wellbeing Critical Review member
- University Bystander Intervention and Allyship Against Discrimination Staff Training Project Member
- 2021, ILD Annual Impact Award, University of Greenwich
- 2021, ILD Competitive Funding Grant, University of Greenwich
- 2017, Allocation of Vice-Chancellor PhD Scholarship, University of Greenwich (second supervisor)
- 2016, Allocation of Vice-Chancellor PhD Scholarship, University of Greenwich (second supervisor)
- 2011, ECR conference award, University of Greenwich
- 2010, Promising Researcher Award, University of Greenwich
- 2009, Universities Council for the Education of Teachers (UCET) Award Winner
- External PhD examiner
- UK Council for Graduate Education Recognised Research Supervisor
- UK Council for Graduate Education Research Supervision Recognition Programme Application Reviewer
- Peer reviewer for:
- The European Journal of Development Research
- International Journal of Educational Development
- COMPARE: A Journal of Comparative and International Education
- Higher Education Quarterly
Research / Scholarly interests
- Inclusive education provision, practice and learning design
- Education for social justice and sustainable development
- Global childhoods and young people
- Intercultural learning
- Multilingualism and second language acquisition
- Technology enhanced learning and digital literacies
Key funded projects
2020, None in Three Global Challenges Research Fund project (India, Jamaica, Uganda, UK), The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF)/AHRC, UKRI, University of Huddersfield
Recent publications
Onilude, Olayemi , Ojo, Omorogieva, Evans, David, Chopra, Priti , Crowley, John , Ade-Ojo, Gordon (2024), How does the pre-registration midwifery programme prepare the newly qualified midwives for their post-registration perinatal mental health role? A mixed methods study. MDPI. In: , , , . MDPI, Healthcare, 12: 2329 (23) 2227-9032 (Online) (doi:
Chopra, Priti and , (2020), Teachers’ participation in school decision-making processes and practices: the case of an Indian government secondary school. Padova University Press. In: , , , . Padova University Press, Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 12 (1) . pp. 44-55 2035-4983 (Online) (doi:
Taysum, A , Arar, K, Chopra, P, Imam, H , Harrison, K , McNamara, G , O'Hara, J , Pogosian, V , Mynbayeva, A , Yelbayeva, Z (2020), Optimising well-being and learning through participatory processes and practices: an international comparative analysis of ten groundwork case-studies in schools. Padova University Press. In: , , , . Padova University Press, Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 12 (1) . pp. 182-210 ISSN: 2035-4983 (Print), (doi:
Chopra, Priti and , (2017), Deconstructing a colonial legacy: An analysis of Indian secondary education policy. Padova University Press. In: , , , . Padova University Press, Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 9 (2) . pp. 88-103 2035-4983 (Online) (doi:
Chopra, Priti and , Miller, Paul (2021), Curriculum to support the prevention of child marriage and gender-based violence in Uganda. The University of Huddersfield. In: , , , . The University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK (1st) . ISBN: 9781862181977 (doi:
Chopra, Priti and , Miller, Paul (2021), Curriculum to support the prevention of intimate partner violence in the UK. The University of Huddersfield. In: , , , . The University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK (1st) . ISBN: 9781862182097 (doi:
Conference item
Chopra, Priti and , (2022), Curriculum development and its role in student game play. In: UK None in Three Policy Forum: Keeping young people safe, 24th March 2022, Online , . , (doi: NB Item availability restricted.
Chopra, Priti , Withey, Carol, Ragab, Sara, Smith, Rebecca , Fanghanel, Alexandra (2022), Intimate partner violence: recognising issues and supporting prevention. In: #Its not okay: Sexual Violence Awareness Mini Conference, 11 February 2022, Online , . , (doi: ) NB Item availability restricted.
Chopra, Priti and , (2021), Ni3 Conference 2021- Translating the findings into curricular content to accompany the games. In: Ni3 Conference 2021, 27th September- 1st October 2021, Online , . , (doi: NB Item availability restricted.
Chopra, Priti , Sathe, Prachi, Gowda, Veena, Morarka, Vandita , Panicker, Anne (2021), Developing policy. In: Preventing Gender Bias and Gender-based Violence : Discovering Possibilities | Ni3 India, 24th September 2021, Online , . , (doi:
Chopra, Priti , Fray, Christine, Nanfuka, Esther, Patil, Prarthana (2021), Teacher talk on designing inclusive anti-violence learning resources. In: DIG Autumn Conference 2021: Contemporary Issues in Equality and Diversity, 22nd September 2021, Online - University of Greenwich - Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences , . , (doi: ) NB Item availability restricted.
Conference proceedings
Chopra, Priti and , (2023), A global teacher education vision for the prevention of gender-based violence. Diamond Scientific Publishing. In: , , , Proceedings of the International Conference on Future of Teaching and Education. Diamond Scientific Publishing, Vienna , 2 (1) (1st) . pp. 82-87 . ISBN: 9786094854170ISSN: 2783-7718 (Print), (doi:
Chopra, Priti and , (2021), Alterity and my intercultural sense of self in counselling practice. British Sociological Association (BSA) Publications. In: BSA 70th Anniversary Virtual Conference: Remaking the Future, 13th April 2021 to 15th April 2021, Online In: Aminu Audu, Mark Doidge, Janice McLaughlin (eds.), Remaking the Future: 70th anniversary virtual conference, 13-15 April 2021. British Sociological Association (BSA) Publications, London, UK (doi:
Chopra, Priti , Miller, Paul, None in Three Research Centre (2021), Curriculum to support the prevention of gender bias and gendered-based violence in India. None in Three Research Centre for the Global Prevention of Gender-based Violence - The University of Huddersfield -UK Idealists Consulting and ISDI School of Design and Innovation. In: , , , . None in Three Research Centre for the Global Prevention of Gender-based Violence - The University of Huddersfield -UK Idealists Consulting and ISDI School of Design and Innovation, Huddersfield, UK, and Mumbai, India (1st) . ISBN: 9781862181953 (doi: ).
Chopra, Priti , Miller, Paul, None in Three Research Centre (2021), Curriculum to support the prevention of child sexual abuse in Jamaica: a curriculum framework. The University of Huddersfield - University of Technology. ISBN: 978-1862181953. In: , , , . The University of Huddersfield - University of Technology. ISBN: 978-1862181953, Huddersfield, UK, and Jamaica (1st) . ISBN: 9781862181953 (doi: ).
None in Three Research Centre, #Ni3Centre , Chopra, Priti, None in Three (2021), None in Three: a global vision for change | #Ni3Centre. None in Three - #Ni3Centre. In: , , , . None in Three - #Ni3Centre, (1st) (doi:
Chopra, Priti and , (2021), Anti-violence curriculum development. None in Three - #Ni3Centre. In: , , , . None in Three - #Ni3Centre, (1st) (doi: