Mr. Ufot John Ibanga

Ufot John Ibanga BSc, ADVDip, MSc, PGCE with QTS

Education Doctorate Research Student / Business Lecturer

Key details

Ufot John Ibanga

Education Doctorate Research Student / Business Lecturer

John is a Qualify teacher, an international Educator, a lecturer, and a Director of BEP Education (a community supplementary education) which he established in 2014 to provide effective academic teaching and support to primary, secondary & Sixth form students particularly those from BAME background. His vision is to transform the lives of children and young people in his local area and the wider community through high quality personalize teaching and learning also, to empower them to improve on their academic achievement in the mainstream school to gain access to better Universities or employment. His philosophy about education is that every child can achieve if given an ideal environment therefore, setting up BEP education was because of his passion for academic achievement and life skills development of young people and a zeal to make meaningful contribution to their lives.

John started his teaching career in the United Kingdom and then travelled out to China to teach Cambridge programme in Nanjing high school and Qingdao University for 3 years before returning to the UK to continue his teaching career. His motivation to teach internationally was to discover how students who speak English as additional language (EAL) learn and the skills and strategies to cater for this group of students.  Having taught in secondary education for over 10 years and having previously completed BSc in Economics, AdvanceDip in Shipping Mgt & Port administration, MSc in Business Management and PGCE with QTS in Business & Economics; ​John is currently pursuing Education Doctorate (EdD) at Greenwich University.

He has taken a bold decision to change the direction of his career from secondary education to higher education where he believes his knowledge of teaching and learning and the skills he has acquired will be better used to meet the diverse needs of higher education learners. John has successfully completed the taught phase of his EdD programme with his first published article in the Economics, Business and Enterprise Association (EBEA) journal. He has now moved to the thesis phase of his Education Doctorate (EdD) programme.  Whilst still studying as EdD research student, John is also working at University of Greenwich as a part-time lecturer in the Business Faculty.