Key details
Mark Chapman
Senior Lecturer, Sports Science and Coaching
Mark obtained a BSc Hons in Sport Science from the University of Greenwich in 1996. He then took up the position of Sport Science technician at the university, becoming Senior Technician in 1999.
He has been an athletics coach for 25 years and has taken athletes to five world championships as well as a team coach for Great Britain. He has been at the forefront of improving the quality of coaches in the UK for the last 5 years and works at county, regional and national level in coach education.
Mark's other area of expertise is in strength and conditioning. Having worked with mainly athletes for 15 years, over the last 5 years he has helped people from many sports up to International level. He is an accredited strength and conditioning specialist and has been delivering lectures on strength and conditioning and rehabilitation for the last four years. He is currently working on setting up an MSc in Strength and Conditioning and a pathway for future coaches.
In 2008 Mark obtained an MSc by Research looking at "Changes in force production and EMG during isometric fatigue protocols". Mark then wrote the BSc Hons and FdSc courses and in 2009 he took up the position of Lecturer in Sport Science/Coaching. He is currently Programme Leader for the BSc Hons Sport Science with Coaching and the FdSc Sport Science with Coaching, and arranges student placements.
Mark's research interests have centred around strength and power development in athletes, but recently has been looking at strength and conditioning interventions in the elderly and how this may improve their everyday living and falls prevention.