Key details
Dr Jill Stewart
Associate Professor in Public Health
Currently Associate Professor and Academic Portfolio Lead in Public Health at the University of Greenwich, Jill Stewart spent a decade working in housing in local government before taking her first academic post in 1999. Since then, she has researched, taught and promoted housing and health. Jill’s work has been widely recognised and featured across a range of publications, including books, chapters, papers, blog posts and podcasts and at numerous conferences.
For years, Jill has been actively involved in research grants and enterprise activities in housing and health and has led practitioner training. As a result, she is often asked to contribute to policy and practice aspects of housing and health and has input into a range of national-level policy and practice reviews, documents and publications, most recently around the private rented housing sector. She has been interviewed across a range of media, TV and press, on subjects including housing and ageing, the private rented sector and the environmental health workforce. She is a founding member of the Environmental Health Research Network UK Environmental Health Research Network | Promoting research, publication and evidence-based environmental health (
Jill’s work has been recognised across a range of professional bodies and she is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health and a Chartered Environmental Health Practitioner, a Member of the Chartered Institute of Housing, a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a Fellow of both the Royal Society for Public Health and the Royal Geographical Society, and most recently an Associate of the Faculty of Public Health. She is co-chair of the London Public Health Housing Network, a member of the CIEH Housing Advisory Panel and a member of the Environmental Health Academics Forum.
Her website focuses on housing and the humanities including her list of books is available here: Books – Housing Health Creativity ( She has individually pioneered and been a co-creator of a range of resources for university and other websites. She is part of Twitter’s #HouseHistoryHour Team Home (, working with a group of leading house historians via @HouseHistoryHr and ‘broadcasting’ on alternate Thursdays at 1900 GMT. Her own Twitter account is @Jill_L_Stewart.
Posts held previously
- 2016 - 2023 Senior Lecturer at Middlesex University
- 1999 - 2016 Senior Lecturer at the University of Greenwich
- 1990 - 1999 Housing at Local Government Environmental Health Officer
- 1986 - 1990 Trainee at Environmental Health Officer.
Responsibilities within the university
- Research and teaching around public health and housing
- Member of the Centre for Inequalities, Institute for Lifecourse Development.
- 2024-2028 External Examiner for Ulster University MSc Global Strategy, Environmental Health and Sustainability
- 2022 - 2026 External Examiner for Cardiff University BSc Environmental Health and HND Environmental Sciences
- 2022 - 2026 External Examiner for University of the West of England MSc Environmental Health
- University of the West of England External Assessor Role for the Degree Apprenticeship End Point Assessment
- 2023 Associate of the Faculty of Public Health
- 2019 Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (FCIEH)
- 2018 Chartered Environmental Health Practitioner (CEnvH)
- 2009 (FRSH) converted to Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health (FRSPH)
- 2001 Chartered Institute of Housing converted to Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIHM)
- 1990 Certificate of Registration and Corporate Membership of the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (MCIEH)
- 1995 Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society (FRGS)
- 1996 Fellow of the Royal Society of Health (FRSH)
- 1997 Affiliate Member of the Chartered Institute of Housing
- 1994 Member of Homeless International, now Reall.
Research / Scholarly interests
Housing and health; private rented sector; tackling inequalities and inequities; effectiveness of housing and regeneration interventions: history of public health and housing policy; energy efficiency and fuel poverty; housing support and provision in the developing world; housing and regeneration in deprived seaside towns; use of evidence-based practice in housing and public health; health and social care for an ageing population; novel methods of dissemination; housing and humanities.
Key funded projects
- 2022 Middlesex University Enhancing Education Awards (EEA) equipment bid for 360 filming in housing practice
- 2022 Housing Health and Safety Rating System Review (with RHE) for Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC); Output Lead (PI) for Government Review of the Housing Health and Safety Rating System Training Elements on a major review of workforce training needs
- 2020 NIHR School for Public Health Research Public Health Practice Evaluation Scheme (PHPES): Private landlord licensing policy in the London Borough of Hackney. PI Professor Matt Egan
- 2019 PI for a grant from ALEHM to carry out a small-scale project across London to explore private sector housing support for older people with an emphasis on dementia and involving students LINK.
- 2023-25 NIHR Public Health Research (PHR) Programme: Health impact, process and economic evaluation of selective licensing schemes for private rented housing in England PI Professor Matt Egan; PI at University of Greenwich Workstream: Jill Stewart.
Media activity
- 2022 Interviewed by The Guardian and BBC about environmental health and private renting
- 2021 Ageing in housing
- 2020 Covid-19 and the working environment
- 2019 Various contributions to professional journal Environmental Health News, particularly around the private rented sector LINK
- 2019 Middlesex University interview on older people, housing and dementia support LINK
- Worked with archives and the arts including with Museum of Domestic Design and Architecture (MODA) to co-create promotional material for their website
- Podcast on the meaning of home LINK
- Blogpost LINK
- Subsequently co-developed into Geotourist walking tour
- Other podcasts include a Celebration of Housing Literature with Ellis Turner LINK
- Blog posts include for Municipal Dreams on the history of Inspector of Nuisance/Sanitary inspectors as well as council housing estates which can be found at Municipal Dreams
- Part of the Twitter’s House History Hour Team Home, working with a group of leading house historians via @HouseHistoryHr and ‘broadcasting’ on alternate Thursdays at 1900 GMT; has led events subsequently saved as Twitter Moments and been contacted by Channel 5 to advise about a related house history production.
Recent publications
Lawson, Aaron , Stewart, Jill, Turner, Ellis, Passmore, Peter , Costley, Carol (2024), Re-thinking housing inspection and regulation: using 360 technology as a new approach in environmental health practice training. Educational Development Unit, University of Greenwich. In: , , , . Educational Development Unit, University of Greenwich, Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching . pp. 101-117 ISSN: 2044-0081 (Print), (doi:
Stewart, Jill and , (2023), Stonebridge Park, Brent: a century of change. Part III: The situation by the late 1980s: a Housing Action Trust and beyond. Municipal Dreams in Housing, London. In: , , , . Municipal Dreams in Housing, London, Municipal Dreams Blog (doi:
Stewart, Jill and , (2023), Stonebridge Park, Brent: a century of change. Part II: ‘Stonebridge will be ideal to live in’: a New Utopia and the lived realities. Municipal Dreams in Housing, London. In: , , , . Municipal Dreams in Housing, London, Municipal Dreams Blog (doi:
Stewart, Jill and , (2023), Stonebridge Park, Brent: a century of change. Part I: Two World Wars, a land fit for heroes and a welfare state. Municipal Dreams in Housing, London. In: , , , . Municipal Dreams in Housing, London, Municipal Dreams Blog (doi:
Stewart, Jill and , Jeavons, Charlotte (2023), Regulating the privately rented sector: what can universities offer to support local authority workforce development?. Educational Development Unit, University of Greenwich. In: , , , . Educational Development Unit, University of Greenwich, Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 16 (2) . pp. 42-46 ISSN: 2044-0081 (Print), (doi:
Lynch, Z , Page, RK, Dhesi, S, Bevington, H , Stewart, J (2023), Studentification: shining a light on students’ experiences of living among the private rented sector: impacts on wellbeing and study. SAGE Publications. In: , , , . SAGE Publications, Perspectives in Public Health ISSN: 1757-9139 (Print), 1757-9147 (Online) (doi:
Petersen, J , Alexiou, A, Brewerton, D, Cornelsen, L , Courtin, E , Cummins, S , Marks, D , Seguin, M , Stewart, Jill , Thompson, K (2022), Impact of Selective Licensing for private rental housing on mental health and social outcomes in Greater London, England: a natural experimental study. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. In: , , , . BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, BMJ Open, 12: e065747 . pp. 1-10 ISSN: 2044-6055 (Print), (doi:
Gimenez Manuel,, J, G , Augusto, J, C, Stewart, Jill (2022), AnAbEL: Towards empowering people living with dementia in ambient assisted living. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. In: , , , . Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Universal Access in the Information Society, 21 . pp. 457-476 ISSN: 1615-5289 (Print), 1615-5297 (Online) (doi:
Stewart, Jill and , (2022), Meeting the private sector housing condition and adaptation needs of older people: responses from London’s environmental health and allied services. Emerald. In: , , , . Emerald, Housing, Care and Support, 21 (1) . pp. 1-12 ISSN: 1460-8790 (Print), 2042-8375 (Online) (doi:
Book section
Couch, R , Dhesi, S, Stewart, Jill, Page, A , Lynch, Z (2022), Research and evidence for environmental health policy and practice. Routledge. In: , , In: Stephen Battersby (ed.), Clay's Handbook of Environmental Health. Routledge, (22nd) . ISBN: 9781003035640 (doi: ).
Stewart, Jill and , Lynch, Z (2022), Perspectives in the regulatory framework and intervention. Routledge. In: , , In: Jill Stewart, R Moffatt (eds.), Regulating the Privately Rented Housing Sector: Evidence into Practice. Routledge, . pp. 22-29 . ISBN: 9781032159690 (doi:
Stewart, Jill and , Lynch, Z (2022), The private rented sector and the meaning of home. Routledge. In: , , In: Jill Stewart, R Moffatt (eds.), Regulating the Privately Rented Housing Sector: Evidence into Practice. Routledge, . pp. 14-21 . ISBN: 9781032159690 (doi:
Conference item
Stewart, Jill and , (2025), Three phases of municipal housing transformation on a London estate: ideology and impact. Regional Studies Association. In: 2025 RSA Annual Conference Navigating Regional Transformation, 6th - 9th May 2025, University of Porto, Portugal In: Jill Stewart (ed.), 2025 RSA Annual Conference Navigating Regional Transformation. Regional Studies Association, Portugal (doi:
Stewart, Jill , Egan, Matt, Humphry, Debbie, Seguin, Maureen , Marks, Dalya , Petersen, Jakob , Stewart, Jill (2025), National evaluation of the health and social impacts of selective licensing for private rented housing in England. In: CIEH Housing and Health Conference 2025, 21st - 22nd May 2025, Online , . , (doi:
Stewart, Jill , Humphry, Debbie, Egan, Matt, Seguin, Maureen , Marks, Dalya , Petersen, Jakob (2025), England’s private rented housing sector: evaluating selective licensing schemes to better understand and address social and health outcomes. In: Housing Studies Association Annual Conference 2025, 14th – 16th & 28th - 30th April 2025, Sheffield and online , . , (doi:
Stewart, Jill and , (2024), South Oxhey: a new post-Second World War out of county LCC estate. In: 'Sixty years on from the London County Council: legacy, impact, learning' - Architectural Humanities Research Association (AHRA), 27th - 28th March 2025, London School of Architecture , . , (doi:
Stewart, Jill and , (2024), Taking training forward: meeting stakeholder needs. In: 'Operation Jigsaw in the South West Region - Third regional meeting', 11th December 2024, Online , . , (doi: ).
Stewart, Jill and , Hendon, Zoe (2024), Learning through immersion: walking through Greenwich’s London County Council housing. In: 'Sixty years on from the London County Council: legacy, impact, learning' - Architectural Humanities Research Association (AHRA), 27th - 28th March 2025, London School of Architecture , . , (doi:
Stewart, Jill and , (2024), Workforce development and opportunities: research and recent progress. In: Environmental Health Practitioners Network, 18th Dec., 2024, University of the West of England, Bristol , . , (doi:
Stewart, Jill and , (2024), Damp and Mould: Chair’s Introduction and Overview. In: Solutions to Damp and Mould in Social Housing Digital Conference, 21st May, 2024, Online - Westminster Insight , . , (doi:
Stewart, Jill and , (2024), Capacity and capability: a workforce challenge. In: CTSI & CIEH Conference 2024: Facing the future, 19th - 20th Jun 2024, Royal Armouries Museum, Leeds , . , (doi:
Stewart, Jill , Cole, Linda, Jeavons, Charlotte, Ravindran, Shaiyini (2024), Training the private rented housing sector regulatory workforce: which way now?. In: Housing Studies Association Annual Conference 2024 - Healthy Homes, Healthy Lives: Exploring the Intersection of Housing and Health, 15th - 17th April 2024, Sheffield , . , (doi:
Stewart, Jill , Cole, Linda, Jeavons, Charlotte, Ravindran, Shaiyini (2023), Private sector housing regulatory workforce survey (England and Wales): what we were told about the environmental health profession. In: Private Rented housing online workshop, 30th November 2023, Online , . , (doi: ).
Stewart, Jill and , (2022), Housing as a process of change: international perspectives on understanding and addressing inequity.. In: Colonizing Futurities Symposium, Panel 2 | How we live: Health and Housing | Perspectives from the local level of racial justice: equitable access to health, housing, and education, 10 June 2022, New York (online) , . , (doi: ).
Stewart, Jill and , (2022), Next Steps for Private Rented Sector. In: Westminster Social Policy Forum, , , . , (doi:
Hendon, Z and , Stewart, Jill (2022), A walk through housing history. In: Creative History in the Classroom [workshop series], October 2022, University of Derby and Liverpool John Moores University, October 2022, Online , . , (doi: ).
Stewart, Jill and , (2022), Transforming the rented sector: home and regulation.. In: Metastreet Digital Summit, 28 April 2022, Online , . , (doi: ).
Stewart, Jill and , (2022), Regulating the privately rented sector: what should the workforce look like?. In: Housing Studies Association Annual Conference: Disruption and innovation in housing: working across boundaries in theory, research, and practice, 4-6 April 2022, Sheffield , . , (doi: ).
Edited book
Stewart, Jill and , Moffatt, R (2022), Regulating the privately rented housing sector: evidence into practice. Routledge. In: , , , . Routledge, . ISBN: 9781032159690 (doi: ).
Stewart, Jill , Hendon, Zoe, Stewart, Jill (2024), West Greenwich housing and health walking tour. Geotourist (online resource). In: , , , . Geotourist (online resource), (N/A) (doi:
Stewart, Jill and , Hendon, Zoe (2024), East Greenwich Housing and Health Walking Tour. Geotourist (online resource). In: , , , . Geotourist (online resource), (doi:
Stewart, Jill and , (2022), Carpenders Park and South Oxhey: A Tale of Two Estates (Part 2). Municipal Dreams. In: , , , . Municipal Dreams, Hertfordshire (1st) (doi:
Stewart, Jill and , (2022), Carpenders Park and South Oxhey: a tale of two estates (Part 1). Municipal Dreams. In: , , , . Municipal Dreams, Hertfordshire (1st) (doi:
Stewart, Jill , Hendon, Zoe, Geotourist (2022), Walking through Hendon's Housing History. Geotourist. In: , , , . Geotourist, Middlesex University (doi:
Teaching resource
Stewart, Jill and , Oatt, Paul (2024), Basic Terminology and Deficiencies: an Introduction (Housing and Health Series - Booklet II). Institute for Lifecourse Development, University of Greenwich. In: , , , . Institute for Lifecourse Development, University of Greenwich, (doi: ).
Stewart, Jill and , Oatt, Paul (2024), Basic terminology and deficiencies: a Workbook (Housing and Health Series - Booklet III). Institute for Lifecourse Development, University of Greenwich. In: , , , . Institute for Lifecourse Development, University of Greenwich, (doi: ).