Key details
Professor Sharon M Weldon
Associate Head for Research and Knowledge Exchange; Centre Lead for Professional Workforce Development; Professor of Healthcare Simulation and Workforce Development
Professor Sharon Weldon is an internatioanlly renowned Professor of Healthcare Simulation and Workforce Development. She leads the Centre for Professional Workforce Development and the Simulation Group, and is Associate Head for Research and Knowledge Exchange in the School of Health Sciences within the University of Greenwich. She holds honorary positions with Imperial College London and Barts Health NHS Trust, collaborating on research and inputting on their programmes. Sharon is also a registered general nurse with experience in emergency and trauma paediatric operating theatres. Sharon has specialised as an infectious disease nurse working in a specialised unit whilst further specialising in TB and HIV.
Her non-conforming application of simulation as a method has helped generate new systems of care, identified how care is perceived, tested new policies and interventions, and informed decision-making, all whilst engaging stakeholders not usually involved in such processes (patients, public, lay members). She has developed surgical team training based on empirically evidenced communication models and developed innovative simulated manikins with artists and industry-partners. She was part of the Imperial College's Centre for Engagement and Simulation Science's pioneering research on sequential (care pathway-based simulations) and distributed (low cost, portable simulation equiptment) simulation. This work has received funding from notable funders such as the Economic and Social Research Council, the Wellcome Trust, and the Arts and Humanities Research Council and won several national and international awards. Her body of work in relation to simulation challenges the wider industry fixation upon concepts such as fidelity and its relevance, questioning the established knowledge and its important in generation change and impact.
She is an executive committee member for the Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH), and has contributed to global white papers on simulation for patient safety, and is an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Healthcare Simulation. More recently, she has been consulted by regulatory bodies on the use of simulation in practice and education which has subsequently resulted in regulatory changes.
She has drawn on her research and knowledge of field to develop a unique Masters programme in Interprofessional Healthcare Simulation. Alongside this, she has developed team communication train-the-trainer pachages based on her empirical research of communication in operation theatres. This research received global acclaim for its identification of the affect that music playing, non-vocal responses and positioning has on communication amongst teams. This resulting training package has been used in both the UK and USA to train surgical teams and has changed policies around the playing of music during surgical procedures.
She co-leads the Greenwich Learning and Simulation Centre (GLASC), which has won awards such as the Zenith Global Health, Clinical Education and Research Award, and Outstanding Team of the Year Award (2022), the University of Greenwich Outstanding Team of the Year Award (2023), and more recently is among the final four nationally to be shortlisted for the University Alliance Innovation Award (result pending Sept 2023).
Posts held previously:
2017 - 2019: Reader in Nursing Research and Education, Barts Health NHS Trust / University of Greenwich
2013 - 2017: Senior Research Fellow, Imperial College London
2012 - 2013: Research Nurse, Imperial College London
2012 -2012: Research Nurse, Health Protection Agency
2010 - 2012: Infectious Disease Nurse, St George's Healthcare NHS Trust
2010 - 2010: Paediatric Theatre Practitioner, Barts and the London NHS Trust
2008 - 2008: General nurse and lecturer, Kissizi Hospital, Uganda
2006 - 2009: Support Worker, MaCintyre Care Charity
Responsibilities within the university
Professor in Healthcare Simulation and Workforce development
To generate high-quality healthcare research, secure research funding, and to disseminate the knowledge acquired through post-graduate supervision, teaching, mentoring, publishing, and impact.
Associate Head for Research and Knowledge Exchange
To work alongside the Head of School and Associate Dean (R&KR) to lead in the strategic development of high-quality academic programmes, student experience and research and knowledge exchange in the School of Health Sciences, and to manage research staff within the School.
Centre Lead for Professional Workforce Development, ILD
To lead, manage and develop projects related to workforce development, leadership and communication by involving academics and practitioners from across multiple different professions that will ultimately generate broader thinking research that impacts the lifecourse development of individuals and communities.
Simulation Group Lead, CfPWD, ILD
To lead and strategise the Faculty's portfolio of simulation-related projects aiming to advance the field of simulation, and to enhance the University's application of simulation-based methods
MSc in Interprofessional Healthcare Simulation
To develop and have oversight for the programme and its content alongside the programme and module leads.
Greenwich Learning and Simulation Centre (GLASC)
To oversee the academic provision and utilitsation of simulation for teaching, practice-based learning, research and knowledge exchange activities.
- Shortlisted for the University Alliance Innovation Award (result pending Sept 2023)
- University of Greenwich, Outstanding Team of the Year Award (2023)
- Special Inviation fro the NMC Chief Executive to join their table at the Student Nursing Times Award 2023 as a thank you for my contribution to simulation.
- Zenith Global Health Clinical Education and Research Award, and Outstanding Team of the Year Award (2022)
- Invited to do a TEDx talk at Imperial College London on simulation
- SESAM Best presentation nomination, 2018
- Workshop winner at the ASPiH Conference, Telford 2017
- Global Health summer school scholarship from Imperial College London to visit the University of Cape Town 2016 to meet international researchers with the aim of coming together to problem solve global health challenges.
- Research-related media appearances. Interviews given to BBC World News, BBC Breakfast & the Today show & others, 2015
- Simulation poster competition winner at Health Education North West London conference (£500), 2014
- Paper of the day winner at the Royal College of Nursing International Research Conference, 2014. RCN Chair's comments: "Fantastic presentation that generated loads of discussion. It raised issues of patient safety, lack of respect for colleagues and potential costs and rises of playing loud music in the theatre. This was for me the biggest and most far reaching presentation of the conference that must have further exposure."
- Public Engagement Ambassador award - National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement, 2013
- Poster award winner at the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation & Learning, Las Vegas, USA, ($100), 2013
- Public Engagement Ambassador National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement, 2013
- Award for Excellence in clinical practice, University of Chester, 2009
- Honorary Reader, Barts Health NHS Trust
- Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Imperial College London
- Executive board member of the Association for Simulation Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH)
- Panel member for the Health Research Authority NHS Ethics Panel
- Member of the Council of Dean's Research Advisory Group
- Member of the Association of UK University Hospitals Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals Board
- Member of the UKRI Future Leader Fellowships Peer Review College
- Associate editor for the International Journal of Healthcare Simulation
- Editorial board member for the Journal of Nursing Education and Practice
- Editorial board member the BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning
- External research-based accreditor to higher education institutions, Saudi Arabia
- External examiner for MSc Simulation, Hertfordshire University
- External PhD examiner to Monash University, Australia & Kings College London
- Lead for ASPiH Research Specialist Interest Group, and Transformative Simulation
- Deputy lead for the ASPiH South East England, and London Specialist Interest Group
- Lead for ASPiH Research/Transformative Simulation Specialist Interests Group
- Conference committee member and host for the ASPiH, Moving Upstream conference (online), 2021
- Registered with the Nursing & Midwifery Council
- Member of the Royal College of Nursing
Research / Scholarly interests
Sharon's research, teaching and knowledge exchange activity focuses on the healthcare workforce and in particular, areas of healthcare simulation, and surgical communication. These are developing fields that she has been at the forefront of helping to forge. Her work on music and communication in the operating theatre was the first of its kind to address (through empirical evidence) hierarchical issues related to music amongst surgical teams and has received international recognition and acclaim, as well as having a direct impact on surgical team practices in the USA. Similarly, her work on healthcare simulation has helped to recognise and develop new uses and approaches to simulation that goes beyond traditional raining and is transformative in nature and progressive in design. Although in its infancy when she began this innovative work with the Imperial College Centre for Engagement and Simulation Science, this approach to simulation is growing rapidly.
Her work has had far-reaching impact. For example, one of her papers ‘Music and Communication in the Operating Theatre’ received substantial global media attention. She was invited to give live interviews to major media outlets; including BBC Breakfast, The BBC radio 4 Today Programme, and BBC World News. In addition, it was reported in all global major newspapers, was Wiley’s #1 Best of Nursing 2015, and paper of the day winner at the RCN’s International Research Conference, Glasgow, 2014. In relation to this research, US Patient safety (Quick Safety) and surgical bodies (American Association of Surgical Physician Assistants) have changed their policies and guidelines. A related paper on communication in operating theatres has also been included in the NICE Evidence Search.
Her work on Transformative forms of Simulation has helped to inform Clinical Commissioning Groups policies on integrated care by engaging with primary and secondary care stakeholders in developing new approaches to integrated care through simulation; the co-designed situating of a new diagnostic breath test for oesophageal cancer within a care pathway that was simulated to oesophageal cancer survivors; the simulated re-creation of the operating theatre over a 100-year period to engage the public and healthcare professionals around the future of surgical ethics, technology, culture and patient advocacy; and to address the experience of care through the simulated replication and comparison of a three-Michelin starred restaurant (the Fat Duck) and a day surgery unit, to name but a few.In addition, it has received many awards and accolades, including: nomination for best research at SESAM conference, 2018, workshop winner at the ASPiH conference, 2017, poster competition winner at HENWL conference, 2016 (£500 prize), and an invitation to do a TEDx talk.
Throughout her career Sharon has been involved in and led on a variety of research projects including a prognostic study for latent TB detection; an ethnomethodological study investigating communication in operating theatres using video recordings; a study investigating the training of new social interactions strategies to operating teams through the medium of simulation; a study developing the concept of Sequential Simulation (simulated care pathways) and its applications; a study on the use of Low-cost, portable equipment and backdrops providing 'realistic enough' recreations of clinical settings for pedagogical activities (Distributed Simulation); and studies looking at the use of simulation for engagement and educational purposes between clinicians, professionals and experts of all-kinds, publics and patients, to involve, co-design and co-produce healthcare related outcomes; to name but a few.
Sharon draw's on a range of methodologies (gained through her varied research experience) to address her research questions to ensure the right method is used for the research needs and to ensure the generation of impact in practice.Additionally, her research on simulation has generated a range of teaching and training materials including a model for Sequential Simulation; a surgical team training course that has been implemented at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital (as part of a Trust-wide initiative on human factors training), Buckinghamshire New University, and Tulane Medical School, USA; as well as the co-development of simulation learning technologies. She has also written chapters for simulation-based education and simulation-based research guidance books, and is currently writing two new books.
Key funded projects
2015 - Royal College of Nursing Foundation - Documentary filming award.
Recent publications
Essex, Ryan , Mainey, Lydia, Gonzales-Walters, Francine, Gurnett, Philip , Weldon, Sharon Marie (2025), A scoping review of comparative healthcare codes of ethics studies. Wiley. In: , , , . Wiley, Journal of Advanced Nursing (JAN) ISSN: 0309-2402 (Print), 1365-2648 (Online) (doi:
Weldon, Sharon Marie , Sa-Couto, Carla, Alinier, Guillaume, Buttery, Andy , Laws-Chapman, Colette (2024), Editorial. ASPiH 2024 Conference – transformative simulation. Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH). In: , , , . Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH), Journal of Healthcare Simulation - Advances in Theory & Practice (JoHS) . pp. 1-3 ISSN (online): tbc (Online) (doi:
Gonzales-Walters, Francine , Weldon, Sharon Marie, Essex, Ryan (2024), Cultivating cultural humility through healthcare simulation-based education: a scoping review protocol. Adi Health + Wellness. In: , , , . Adi Health + Wellness, International Journal of Healthcare Simulation . pp. 1-7 ISSN: 2754-4524 (Print), (doi:
Sa-Couto, Carla , Buttery, Andy, Alinier, Guillaume, Weldon, Sharon Marie (2024), Writing a research abstract for a conference: 12 tips to excel in your work. Adi Health + Wellness. In: , , , . Adi Health + Wellness, International Journal of Healthcare Simulation (IJoHS) . pp. 1-3 2754-4524 (Online) (doi:
Weldon, Sharon Marie , Buttery, Andy Graham, Spearpoint, Kenneth, Kneebone, Roger (2023), Transformative forms of simulation in healthcare. The seven simulation-based ‘I’s: a concept taxonomy review of the literature. Adi Health + Wellness. In: , , , . Adi Health + Wellness, International Journal of Healthcare Simulation 2754-4524 (Online) (doi:
Evans, Thomas , Burns, Calvin, Essex, Ryan, Finnerty, Gina , Hatton, Ella , Clements, Andrew , Breau, Genevieve Marie , Quinn, Francis , Elliott, Helen , Smith, Lorraine (2023), A systematic scoping review on the evidence behind debriefing practices for the well-being/emotional outcomes of healthcare workers. Frontiers Media. In: , , , . Frontiers Media, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14: 1078797 . pp. 1-10 1664-0640 (Online) (doi:
Evans, Thomas , Burns, Calvin, Essex, Ryan, Finnerty, Gina , Hatton, Ella , Clements, Andrew , Breau, Genevieve Marie , Quinn, Francis , Elliott, Helen , Smith, Lorraine D. (2023), A systematic scoping review on the evidence behind debriefing practices for the wellbeing/emotional outcomes of healthcare workers. Frontiers Media. In: , , , . Frontiers Media, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14: 1078797 . pp. 1-10 1664-0640 (Online) (doi:
Cleaver, Karen , Don, Caroline, Chojnacka, Irena, Essex, Ryan , Weldon, Sharon Marie , Markowski, Marianne (2023), A systematic scoping review of undergraduate Nursing Hub and spoke placement models. MA Healthcare Limited. In: , , , . MA Healthcare Limited, British Journal of Nursing, 32 (5) ISSN: 0966-0461 (Print), 2052-2819 (Online) (doi:
Essex, Ryan , Aked, Hil, Daniels, Rebecca, Newton, Paul , Weldon, Sharon M. (2023), Justifying non-violent resistance: the perspectives of healthcare workers. Sage. In: , , , . Sage, Clinical Ethics ISSN: 1477-7509 (Print), 1758-101X (Online) (doi:
Essex, Ryan , Ahmed, Salina, Elliott, Helen, Lakika, Dostin , Mackenzie, Laura , Weldon, Sharon Marie (2022), The impact of strike action on healthcare delivery: a scoping review. Wiley. In: , , , . Wiley, International Journal of Health Planning & Management, 38 (3) . pp. 599-627 ISSN: 0749-6753 (Print), 1099-1751 (Online) (doi:
Essex, Ryan , Burns, Calvin, Evans, Thomas, Hudson, Georgina , Parsons, Austin , Weldon, Sharon Marie (2022), A last resort? A scoping review of patient and healthcare worker attitudes toward strike action. Wiley. In: , , , . Wiley, Nursing Inquiry, 30: e12535 (2) . pp. 1-10 ISSN: 1320-7881 (Print), 1440-1800 (Online) (doi:
Essex, Ryan , Aked, Hil, Daniels, Rebecca, Newton, Paul , Weldon, Sharon Marie (2022), Exploring the concept of non-violent resistance amongst healthcare workers. SAGE. In: , , , . SAGE, Nursing Ethics, 30 (1) . pp. 7-19 ISSN: 0969-7330 (Print), 1477-0989 (Online) (doi:
Cleaver, Karen , Essex, Ryan, Narramore, Naomi, Shekede, Heather , Malamateniou, Christina , Weldon, Sharon Marie (2022), “A much kinder introduction”: exploring the benefits and challenges of paediatric simulation as a transitioning tool prior to clinical practice. Adi Health and Wellness. In: , , , . Adi Health and Wellness, International Journal of Healthcare Simulation 2754-4524 (Online) (doi: https:/
Essex, Ryan , Weldon, Sharon Marie, Markowski, Marianne, Gurnett, Philip , Slee, Robin , Cleaver, Karen , Stiell, Marlon , Jagodzinski, Lee (2022), A systematic mapping literature review of ethics in healthcare simulation and its feasibility. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 73 . pp. 48-58 ISSN: 1876-1399 (Print), (doi:
Essex, Ryan , Weldon, Sharon Marie, Kalocsanyiova, Erika, Mccrone, Paul , Deb, Sanjoy (2022), The impact of healthcare strikes on patient mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Wiley. In: , , , . Wiley, Health Services Research, 57 (6) . pp. 1218-1234 ISSN: 0017-9124 (Print), 1475-6773 (Online) (doi:
Essex, Ryan and , Weldon, Sharon Marie (2022), The justification for strike action in healthcare: a systematic critical interpretive synthesis. SAGE. In: , , , . SAGE, Nursing Ethics, 29 (5) . pp. 1152-1173 ISSN: 0969-7330 (Print), 1477-0989 (Online) (doi:
Moneypenny, M , Weldon, Sharon Marie, Hamilton, C, Buttery, A , Alinier, G (2022), ASPiH 2021 Conference – Moving upstream: using simulation to improve systems. Society for Healthcare Simulation (SHS) - Adi Health+Wellness. In: , , , . Society for Healthcare Simulation (SHS) - Adi Health+Wellness, International Journal of Healthcare Simulation, 1 (1) . pp. 1-2 (doi:
Moneypenny, Michael , Weldon, Sharon Marie, Hamilton, Carrie, Buttery, Andy , Alinier, Guillaume (2022), ASPiH 2021 Conference - moving upstream: using simulation to improve systems. Society for Healthcare Simulation (SHS, India) - Adi Health+Wellness. In: , , , . Society for Healthcare Simulation (SHS, India) - Adi Health+Wellness, International Journal of Healthcare Simulation, 1 (Sup 1) . pp. 1-2 2754-4524 (Online) (doi:
Essex, Ryan , Milligan, Wendy, Williams, Gareth, Weldon, Sharon Marie (2022), The impact of strike action on patient morbidity: a systematic literature review. Wiley. In: , , , . Wiley, International Journal of Health Planning & Management, 37 (3) . pp. 1311-1326 ISSN: 0749-6753 (Print), 1099-1751 (Online) (doi:
Imran, Ambreen , Mpofu, Sithembinkosi, Weldon, Sharon Marie (2022), Clinical research nurses perspective on recruitment challenges and lessons learnt from a large multi-site observational study. SAGE. In: , , , . SAGE, Journal of Research in Nursing, 27 (7) . pp. 579-589 ISSN: 1744-9871 (Print), 1744-988X (Online) (doi:
Essex, Ryan , Weldon, Sharon Marie, Thompson, Trevor, Kalocsanyiova, Erika , Mccrone, Paul , Deb, Sanjoy (2021), Impact of healthcare strikes on patient mortality: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. BMJ Publishing Group. In: , , , . BMJ Publishing Group, BMJ Open, 11: e050826 (12) 2044-6055 (Online) (doi:
Thompson, Trevor , Ahmed, Bawan, Weldon, Sharon Marie, Efthimiou, Orestis , Stubbs, Brendon (2021), Relative effectiveness of non-surgical interventions for pain management in knee osteoarthritis: a protocol for a component network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ Publishing Group. In: , , , . BMJ Publishing Group, BMJ Open, 11: e048298 (9) ISSN: 2044-6055 (Print), 2044-6055 (Online) (doi:
Essex, Ryan and , Weldon, Sharon M. (2021), Health care worker strikes and the Covid pandemic. Massachusetts Medical Society. In: , , , . Massachusetts Medical Society, New England Journal of Medicine, 384: e93 ISSN: 0028-4793 (Print), 1533-4406 (Online) (doi:
Cleaver, Karen , Essex, Ryan, Malamateniou, Christina, Narramore, Naomi , Shekede, Heather , Vargo, Elisabeth Julie , Weldon, Sharon Marie (2021), A systematic scoping review and textual narrative synthesis of undergraduate paediatric nursing simulations: what, why and how?. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 53 . pp. 10-31 ISSN: 1876-1399 (Print), (doi:
Korkiakangas, Terhi , Weldon, Sharon Marie, Kneebone, Roger (2021), 'Let me take care of you': what can healthcare learn from a high-end restaurant to improve the patient experience?. Taylor and Francis. In: , , , . Taylor and Francis, Journal of Communication in Healthcare: Strategies, Media and Engagement in Global Health, 14 (3) . pp. 225-240 ISSN: 1753-8068 (Print), 1753-8076 (Online) (doi:
Markowski, Marianne , Cleaver, Karen, Weldon, Sharon Marie (2020), An integrative review of the factors influencing older nurses’ timing of retirement. Wiley. In: , , , . Wiley, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76 (9) . pp. 2266-2285 ISSN: 0309-2402 (Print), 1365-2648 (Online) (doi:
Thompson, Trevor , Dias, Sofia, Poulter, Damian, Weldon, Sharon Marie , Marsh, Lucy , Rossato, Claire , Shin, Jae Il , Firth, Joseph , Veronese, Nicola , Dragioti, Elena (2020), Efficacy and acceptability of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for non-specific chronic low back pain: a protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis. BMC. In: , , , . BMC, Systematic Reviews, 9: 130 2046-4053 (Online) (doi:
Pallotti, Francesca , Weldon, Sharon Marie, Lomi, Alessandro (2020), Lost in translation: collecting and coding data on social relations from audio-visual recordings. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Social Networks, 69 . pp. 102-112 ISSN: 0378-8733 (Print), (doi:
Ojo, Omorogieva , Weldon, Sharon Marie, Thompson, Trevor, Crockett, Rachel , Wang, Xiao-Hua (2019), The effect of diabetes-specific enteral nutrition formula on cardiometabolic parameters in patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta–analysis of randomised controlled trials. MDPI. In: , , , . MDPI, Nutrients, 11: 1905 (8) ISSN: 2072-6643 (Print), 2072-6643 (Online) (doi:
Ojo, Omorogieva , Weldon, Sharon M., Thompson, Trevor, Vargo, Elisabeth J. (2019), The effect of Vitamin D supplementation on glycaemic control in women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. MDPI. In: , , , . MDPI, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16: 1716 (10) ISSN: 1661-7827 (Print), 1660-4601 (Online) (doi:
Weldon, Sharon Marie , Korkiakangas, Terhi, Calzada, Jennifer, Korndorffer, James R. , Kneebone, Roger L. (2019), A surgical team simulation to improve teamwork and communication across two continents: ViSIOT™ proof-of-concept study. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Journal of Surgical Education, 76 (5) . pp. 1413-1424 ISSN: 1931-7204 (Print), (doi:
Weldon, Sharon Marie , Korkiakangas, Terhi, Kneebone, Roger (2019), How simulation techniques and approaches can be used to compare, contrast and improve care: an immersive simulation of a three-Michelin star restaurant and a day surgery unit. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. In: , , , . BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning, 6 (2) . pp. 65-66 ISSN: 2056-6697 (Print), (doi:
Imran, Ambreen , Holden, Ben, Weldon, Sharon Marie, Boak, Duncan , Klaber, Bob , Kneebone, Roger , Watson, Mando , Bello, Fernando (2019), ‘How to help your unwell child’: a sequential simulation project. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. In: , , , . BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning, 6 (2) . pp. 127-128 ISSN: 2056-6697 (Print), (doi:
Weil, Anna , Weldon, Sharon Marie, Kronfli, Miranda, Watkins, Ben , Kneebone, Roger , Bello, Fernando , Cox, Sarah (2018), A new approach to multi-professional end of life care training using a sequential simulation (SqS Simulation™) design: A mixed methods study. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Nurse Education Today, 71 . pp. 26-33 ISSN: 0260-6917 (Print), (doi:
Weldon, Sharon Marie , Kelay, Tanika, Ako, Emmanuel, Cox, Benita , Bello, Fernando , Kneebone, Roger (2017), Sequential simulation used as a novel educational tool aimed at healthcare managers: a patient-centred approach. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. In: , , , . BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning, 4 (1) . pp. 13-18 ISSN: 2056-6697 (Print), (doi: NB Item availability restricted.
Book section
Gurnett, Philip , Weldon, Sharon Marie, Spearpoint, Ken, Buttery, Andy (2024), Chapter 9. Transformative simulation: to patient safety and beyond. Class Professional Publishing. In: , , In: Claire Cox, Helen Hughes, Jordan Nicholls (eds.), Patent Safety: Emerging Applications of Safety Science. Class Professional Publishing, Bridgwater (1st) . pp. 139-154 . ISBN: 9781801610834 (doi: NB Item availability restricted.
Weldon, Sharon Marie and , (2019), Case study - Discovering qualitative research. Springer. In: , , In: D. Nestel, J. Hui, K. Kunkler, M.W Scerbo, A.W Calhoun (eds.), Healthcare sXVII, 368imulation research: A practical guide. Springer, Cham, Switzerland (1st) . pp. 345-348 . ISBN: 9783030268374 ; 9783030268367 (doi:
Bello, Fernando , Weldon, Sharon Marie, Kneebone, Roger (2019), Distributed simulation. Wiley Blackwell. In: , , In: Kirsty Forest, Judy McKimm (eds.), Healthcare Simulation at a Glance. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, Chichester, and New Jersey (1st) . pp. 38-39 . ISBN: 9781118871843 ; 9781119604020 (doi:
Kneebone, Roger , Weldon, Sharon Marie, Bello, Fernando (2019), Engagement and simulation science. Wiley Blackwell. In: , , In: Kirsty Forrest, Judy McKimm (eds.), Healthcare Simulation at a Glance. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, Chichester, and New Jersey (1st) . pp. 40-41 . ISBN: 9781118871843 ; 9781119604020 (doi:
Conference item
Markowski, Marianne , Weldon, Sharon Marie, Gurnett, Philip, Everard, Charles , Fowler, Nicola (2023), Opportunities for authentic simulated patients. In: ASPiH conference, 6th - 8th Nov, 2023, Brighton , . , (doi:
Essex, Ryan , Weldon, Sharon Marie, Markowski, Marianne, Gurnett, Philip , Stiell, Marlon , Jagodzinski, Lee , Slee, Robin , Cleaver, Karen (2022), Reporting on a systematic mapping literature review of ethics in healthcare simulation. In: Health Education Kent Surrey and Sussex Inaugural SimNet Conference, 23rd May 2022, University of Surrey , . , (doi: NB Item availability restricted.
Weldon, Sharon Marie and , Buttery, Andy (2021), Transformative Simulation - Integrating the Response to Covid-19. In: HPSN UK and Ireland 2021, 1-2 December 2021, Nottingham, UK , . , (1st) (doi: NB Item availability restricted.
Weldon, Sharon Marie and , Buttery, Andy (2021), Transformative simulation masterclass: understand, define, and design. In: ASPiH Virtual 2021 Moving Upstream, 8-10 November 2021, Online - Virtual Event , . , (doi: NB Item availability restricted.
Weldon, Sharon Marie and , Palfreyman, Harriet (2019), The time travelling operating theatre: how the past can inform the future. In: AfPP Residential Conference 2019, 08-11 Aug 2019, York, UK , . , (doi: ).
Weil, A , Weldon, Sharon Marie, Kronfli, M, Watkins, B , Kneebone, r , Bello, F , Cox, S (2017), A new interdisciplinary end of life care training programme. In: 15th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, 18-20 May 2017, Madrid, Spain , . , (doi:
Kronfli, M , Weldon, Sharon Marie, Bello, F, Kneebone, R (2017), Sharing approaches to maternity services (SAMS NWL). In: 9th Annual London School of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (LSSOG) Conference, 2017, London, UK , . , (doi: ).
Weldon, Sharon Marie , Kronfli, M, Bello, F, Kneebone, R (2017), Using a variety of research methods and angles to understand a new approach that explores healthcare services. In: 23rd Annual Qualitative Health Research (QHR) Conference, , Quebec, Canada , . , (doi: ).
Conference proceedings
Weldon, Sharon Marie , Korkiakangas, Terhi, Kneebone, Roger (2018), SC15 ‘let me take care of you’: utilising simulation to bridge the gap between dining and healthcare, generating a wider discussion on what care should feel like. BMJ Publishing Group Limited. In: , , In: Nick Sevdalis (ed.), BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning. BMJ Publishing Group Limited, , 4 2056-6697 (Online) (doi:
Weldon, Sharon Marie and , (2018), Sequential Simulation (SqS): an empirical and theoretical model. BMC. In: , , , Advances in Simulation. BMC, , 3 (66) 2059-0628 (Online) (doi:************66-5).
Weldon, Sharon Marie and , (2018), Sequential simulation model development. SAGE Publications. In: , , , International Journal of Qualitative Methods. SAGE Publications, , 17 . pp. 57-57 1609-4069 (Online) (doi: