Dr Ade Magaji

Dr Ade Magaji BSc, QTS, SFHEA, FHEA, FCCT, CSciTeach, MA, EdD

Programme Leader for Secondary Education ITE Programmes

Key details

Dr Ade Magaji

Programme Leader for Secondary Education ITE Programmes

Dr Ade Magaji is an Associate Professor of Education, Science Education, Pedagogy & Assessments. He is the Programme Leader for Secondary Education ITE Programmes. He is a Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy, Fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching and a Chartered Science Teacher (CSCiTeach). He has been in post since 2014.

Ade worked for several years in various secondary schools in London and Kent as a Science teacher with management responsibilities before joining the university. This included working as a Science Lead Professional promoting the National Strategy agenda aimed at improving pupils' attainment in science and working in collaboration with the Borough's science consultant to support colleagues in their delivery of the science curriculum.

Ade has had international experience of teaching in secondary schools and FE setting, which has given him a good overview of working in the educational sector in the UK and overseas.

Posts held previously

  • 2013- Present Visiting Lecturer, University of Greenwich
  • 2013-2014  Science teacher, Corelli College
  • 2008-2013 Science teacher, The Business Academy
  • 2006-2008 Science teacher, Brampton Manor School, London
  • 2005-2006 Science teacher, Temple school, Medway
  • 2003-2005 Involved in working in the Sterile services unit, NHS
  • 1998-2001 International teaching posts including secondary and FE

Responsibilities within the university

  • Ade's current position as the science course leader includes designing and developing the curriculum to support teaching and learning on the science PGCE course, organising workshops, student recruitment and selection, supporting and visiting students on placements in schools, working with subject mentors, personal tutoring, and working with other science organisations to provide expertise for trainee teachers in relevant subject areas. He is actively involved in working with and contacting partner schools responsible for supporting our trainee teachers as well as liaising with other schools for similar opportunities
  • Ade leads the subject knowledge enhancement distance course supporting students with their subject knowledge before starting the PGCE course. He is also an Internal examiner for PhD viva
  • Ade is a Health and Safety Liaison Officer in the Faculty of Education, Health and Human Sciences ensuring that all safety issues are adhered to
  • Programme Leader for Secondary Education ITE Programmes


  • Associate member of the Association for Science Education (ASE)
    International Committee ASE- presiding over issues on science education
  • Awarded a Chartered Science Teacher Status (CSciTeach) by the ASE for contributions to teaching and learning and promoting science education.
  • Awarded a Fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching, FCCT, the highest and most prestigious award of the college. A mark of expertise and excellence in promoting the integration of research and classroom practices as well as supporting and training teachers.
  • Fellow Higher Education Academy
  • Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
  • Editor - The Association for Science Education International Journal

Research / Scholarly interests

Ade's research interests include Assessment for learning; science education development; teacher development and student-led learning.

Key funded projects

Collaboratively worked on the projects: ‘Transforming Practice Research Studies’ developing outstanding teachers 2016/17 and 2017/18 funded by Multi Academy Trust Schools

Recent publications


Magaji, Adewale and , (2025), Exploring trainee science teachers’ assessment as learning (AaL) and assessment for learning (AfL) practices in a teacher training program.. International Journal of Instruction. In: , , , . International Journal of Instruction, International Journal of Instruction, 18 (1) . pp. 111-130 ISSN: 1694-609X (Print), (doi: https://doi.org/10.29333/iji.2025.1817a).

Male, A. and , Magaji, A. (2024), What has drama got to do with science?. Association for Science Education. In: , , , . Association for Science Education, School Science Review, 105 (391) . pp. 27-30 (doi: https://www.ase.org.uk/resources/school-science-review/issue-391/what-has-drama-got-do-science) NB Item availability restricted.

Magaji, Adewale and , (2024), STEM Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Is there a future?. Association for Science Education (ASE). In: , , , . Association for Science Education (ASE), Education in Science, 295 . pp. 17-18 (doi: https://www.ase.org.uk/resources/education-in-science/issue-295) NB Item availability restricted.

Magaji, Adewale and , Akinnukawe, Tolulope (2024), Practical work in the science curriculum: insight from the African perspective. Association for Science Education (ASE). In: , , , . Association for Science Education (ASE), Education in Science, 295 . pp. 15-15 (doi: https://www.ase.org.uk/resources/education-in-science/issue-295) NB Item availability restricted.

Magaji, Adewale , Adjani, Michael, Coombes, Samuel (2024), A systematic review of preservice science teachers’ experience of problem-based learning and implementing it in the classroom. MDPI. In: , , , . MDPI, Education Sciences, 14: 301 (3) . pp. 1-19 2227-7102 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci14030301).

Magaji, Adewale and , (2024), Promoting constructivism as a pedagogy of learning among secondary science trainee teachers. The Association for Science Education (ASE). In: , , , . The Association for Science Education (ASE), School Science Review, 105 (390) . pp. 20-25 ISSN: 0036-6811 (Print), (doi: https://www.ase.org.uk/resources/school-science-review/issue-390/promoting-constructivism-pedagogy-of-learning-among) NB Item availability restricted.

Adjani, Michael , Jack, Chloe, Konadu-Boadi, Andrew, Nwosu, Ekejiuba , Magaji, Adewale (2023), Science trainee teachers’ experience of outdoor learning and its inclusion in the curriculum. The Association for Science Education (ASE). In: , , , . The Association for Science Education (ASE), ASE International, 19 . pp. 37-43 2515-110X (Online) (doi: https://www.ase.org.uk/resources/ase-international-journal/issue-19/science-trainee-teachers-experience-of-outdoor-learning).

Magaji, Adewale and , (2023), Towards a comparative education: a wake-up call to developing quality STEM in Nigerian public schools. The Association for Science Education (ASE). In: , , , . The Association for Science Education (ASE), ASE International (18) . pp. 33-35 2515-110X (Online) (doi: https://www.ase.org.uk/resources/ase-international-journal/issue-18/towards-comparative-education-wake-call-developing).

Smith, Lorraine , Magaji, Adewale, Wragg, Jane, Coombes, Sam , Hornsby, Rosamund (2023), Decolonising the secondary initial teacher education curriculum in a university in England: a journey. The Literacy Research Development Centre, University of Greenwich - Institute for Work based Learning UK, Middlesex University. In: , , , . The Literacy Research Development Centre, University of Greenwich - Institute for Work based Learning UK, Middlesex University, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comparative Studies, 9 (1) . pp. 48-56 ISSN: 2059-4976 (Print), 2059-4984 (Online) (doi: https://www.ijmcs-journal.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/SMITH-MAGAJI-WRAGG-COOMBES-HORNSBY-1.pdf).

Magaji, A. and , Ade-Ojo, G. (2023), Trainee teachers’ classroom assessment practices: Towards evaluating trainee teachers’ learning experience in a teacher education program. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 7: 100467 (1) 2590-2911 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssaho.2023.100467).

Magaji, Adewale and , Ade-Ojo, Gordon (2023), Trainee teachers’ classroom assessment practices: towards evaluating trainee teachers’ learning experience in a teacher education program. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 7: 100467 (1) . pp. 1-9 2590-2911 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssaho.2023.100467).

Magaji, Adewale and , (2022), Evaluating science trainee teachers’ assessment pedagogy in promoting cognitive learning experience among students. The Chartered College of Teaching. In: , , , . The Chartered College of Teaching, IMPACT (16) ISSN: 2514-6955 (Print), 2514-6963 (Online) (doi: https://my.chartered.college/impact_article/evaluating-science-trainee-teachers-assessment-pedagogy-in-promoting-cognitive-learning-experience-among-students/).

Smith, Lorraine , Coombes, Samuel, Magaji, Adewale, Wragg, Jane , Hornsby, Rosamund (2022), We need to talk about… differentiation. Association for Science Education (ASE). In: , , , . Association for Science Education (ASE), ASE International Journal, 16 (7) . pp. 48-52 2515-110X (Online) (doi: https://www.ase.org.uk/resources/ase-international-journal/issue-16/we-need-talk-aboutdifferentiation-ld-smith-et-al) NB Item availability restricted.

Wragg, J. , Coombes, S., Smith, L. D., Magaji, A. , Hornsby, R. (2022), How can mastery learning promote inclusion in the science classroom?. ASE. In: , , , . ASE, ASE International Journal, 16 . pp. 42-47 (doi: ).

Magaji, Adewale , Ade-Ojo, Gordon, Bijlhout, Diola (2022), The impact of after school science club on the learning progress and attainment of students. Faculty of Education, Eskisehir Osmangazi University - Gate Association for Teaching and Education (GATE) -. In: , , , . Faculty of Education, Eskisehir Osmangazi University - Gate Association for Teaching and Education (GATE) -, International Journal of Instruction, 15: 2021062412 (3) . pp. 171-190 ISSN: 1694-609X (Print), 1308-1470 (Online) (doi: https://www.e-iji.net/dosyalar/iji_2022_3_10.pdf).

Busia, Akosua , Magaji, Adewale, Linton-Hemmings, Lorna (2022), Climate education in secondary school and the pedagogical implications. The Association for Science Education (ASE). In: , , , . The Association for Science Education (ASE), ASE International Journal, 14 . pp. 51-57 (doi: https://www.ase.org.uk/resources/ase-international-journal/issue-14/climate-education-in-secondary-school-and-pedagogical) NB Item availability restricted.

Magaji, Ade and , (2022), Editorial: Climate education and sustainability. The Association of Science Education (ASE). In: , , , . The Association of Science Education (ASE), UK ASE International Journal, 14 . pp. 4-5 (doi: https://www.ase.org.uk/resources/ase-international-journal/issue-14/editorial-open-access).

Magaji, Adewale and , (2021), Promoting problem-solving skills among secondary science students through problem based learning. International Journal of Instruction. In: , , , . International Journal of Instruction, International Journal of Instruction, 14 (4) . pp. 549-566 ISSN: 1694-609X (Print), 1308-1470 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.29333/iji.2021.14432a).

Magaji, A. , Cabral, A., Lambirth, A., McDonald, R. , Brett, A. , Philpott, C. (2021), Sectors together for professional development: a university team in an action research collaboration with school teachers and senior leaders. Educational Development Unit, University of Greenwich. In: , , , . Educational Development Unit, University of Greenwich, Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 14 (2) . pp. 1-10 ISSN: 2044-0081 (Print), (doi: https://doi.org/10.21100/compass.v14i2.1186).

Magaji, Adewale and , (2021), Promoting student-led questions in the secondary science classroom: An analysis of the types of questions created by students. Chartered College of Teaching. In: , , , . Chartered College of Teaching, IMPACT Journal of the Chartered College of Teaching (12) (doi: https://impact.chartered.college/article/promoting-student-led-questions-in-secondary-science-classroom-analysis-questions-by-students/).

Magaji, Adewale and , (2021), Reflecting on lessons from engaging with remote teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic in schools in England: a commentary on potentials for improvement. Slocum Studio. In: , , , . Slocum Studio, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comparative Studies, 7 (1-3) . pp. 65-75 ISSN: 2059-4976 (Print), 2059-4984 (Online) (doi: https://www.ijmcs-journal.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/ADEWALE-MAGAJI_f.pdf).

Magaji, Adewale and , Neesam, Marc (2020), Editorial Association for Science Education International Journal. ASE International. In: , , , . ASE International, UK (11) (doi: https://www.ase.org.uk/resources/ase-international-journal/issue-11/editorial-open-access).

Lambirth, A. , Cabral, A., McDonald, R., Philpott, C. , Brett, A. , Magaji, A. (2019), Teacher-led professional development through a model of action research, collaboration and facilitation. Taylor & Francis. In: , , , . Taylor & Francis, Professional Development in Education, 47 (5) . pp. 815-833 ISSN: 1941-5257 (Print), 1941-5265 (Online) (doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2019.1685565).

Magaji, A. , Ade-Ojo, G., Betteney, M. (2018), Towards a pedagogy of science teaching: An exploration of the impact of students-led questioning and feedback on the attainment of Key Stage 3 Science students in a UK school. Taylor and Francis. In: , , , . Taylor and Francis, International Journal of Science Education, 40 (9) . pp. 1076-1093 ISSN: 0950-0693 (Print), 1464-5289 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/09500693.2018.1473658).

Magaji, A. and , Ade-Ojo, G. (2017), Evaluating the potentials of Bloom’s Taxonomy as a tool for developing year 8 (Key Stage 3) science students’ questioning skills in a UK secondary school. The Literacy Research Development Centre, University of Greenwich / Institute for Work based Learning UK, Middlesex University. In: , , , . The Literacy Research Development Centre, University of Greenwich / Institute for Work based Learning UK, Middlesex University, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comparative Studies, 4: 2 (1-3) . pp. 24-49 ISSN: 2059-4976 (Print), 2059-4984 (Online) (doi: http://www.ijmcs-journal.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/MAGAJI-A.-ADE-OJO-G.O..pdf).

Book section

Best, Michelle , Magaji, Adewale, Smith, Lorraine (2021), Chapter 17. Outdoor learning. Routledge- Taylor & Francis Group. In: , , In: Roger McDonald, Poppy Gibson (eds.), Inspiring Primary Learners: Insights and Inspiration across the curriculum. Routledge- Taylor & Francis Group, Oxon & New York (1st) . ISBN: 9780367110659; 9780367110642; 9780429658778; 042965877X; 9780429024597 (doi: ).

Magaji, Adewale , Smith, Lorraine, Best, Michelle (2021), Chapter 3. Science: children as inventors. Routledge- Taylor & Francis Group. In: , , In: Roger McDonald, Poppy Gibson (eds.), Inspiring Primary Learners: Insights and Inspiration across the curriculum. Routledge- Taylor & Francis Group, Oxon & New York (1st) . ISBN: 9780367110659; 9780367110642; 9780429658778; 042965877X; 9780429024597 (doi: ).

Conference item

Magaji, Adewale and , (2024), What has problem-based learning (PBL) got to do with teacher education and training?. In: 5th Global Conference on Education and Research (GLOCER), 16th - 19th December 2024, University of South Florida, Sarasota, Florida, USA , . , (doi: https://glocer.org/).

Magaji, Adewale , Smith, Lorraine, Coombes, Samuel (2024), What has inquiry got to do with my teaching: does it have a prospect in teacher education?. In: Universities' Council for the Education of Teachers (UCET) Annual Conference 2024, 12th - 13th November, 2024, Leeds, UK , . , (doi: https://www.ucet.ac.uk/15779/ucet-annual-conference-2024) NB Item availability restricted.

Magaji, Adewale , Hart, Glenys, Stamenov, Nasko (2024), How far can we go? Benefits of international collaboration. Association for Science Education, ASE. In: 2025 Association for Science Education (ASE) Annual Conference, 9th -11th January 2025, University of Nottingham , 2025 ASE Annual Conference 9th -11th January at the University of Nottingham. Association for Science Education, ASE, UK (doi: https://2025aseannualconf.sched.com/2025-01-06/overview).

Magaji, Adewale and , Adjani, Michael (2024), Co-constructing knowledge between educators and their students: a pedagogical approach to teaching and learning in the HE. In: Courage, Compassion & Trust: Helping students see the value of Higher Education, 26th Jun, 2024, Medway Learning & Teaching Conference, Medway Campus, Kent, UK , . , (doi: https://www.canterbury.ac.uk/learning-and-teaching-enhancement/excellence-scholarship-and-research/Universities-at-Medway-Learning-and-Teaching-Conference-2024.aspx).

Magaji, Adewale , Coombes, Justin, Smith, Lorraine (2024), Pedagogical approaches to inclusive education and decolonising the curriculum as both sides of the spectrum: what does it entail for us as educators?. In: Courage, Compassion & Trust: Helping students see the value of Higher Education, 26th Jun, 2024, Medway Learning & Teaching Conference, Medway Campus, Kent, UK , . , (doi: https://www.canterbury.ac.uk/learning-and-teaching-enhancement/excellence-scholarship-and-research/Universities-at-Medway-Learning-and-Teaching-Conference-2024.aspx).

Magaji, A. and , (2024), Building an inclusive learning community of teachers and students through assessment for learning practices: a pedagogy of learning. In: XVIII World Congress of Comparative Education Societies Fostering Inclusive Ecologies of Knowledge: Education for Equitable and Sustainable Futures, 22-26 Jul 2024, New York, USA , . , (doi: ) NB Item availability restricted.

Magaji, Ade and , (2022), Trainee teachers’ classroom assessment practices: towards a pedagogy of learning. In: Assessment in Higher Education (AHE) Conference: Contemporary assessment practice in the new age of higher education., 22nd Jun - 24th Jun 2022, Manchester, UK , . , (doi: https://ahenetwork.org/ahe-conference-2021/).

Magaji, Ade and , (2021), Promoting learning in the science classroom using an innovative model of learning discourse. In: ASE International conference, 12 Jan 2022, UK - online , . , (doi: https://aseannualconference2022shu.sched.com/event/kuH6/promoting-learning-in-the-science-classroom-using-an-innovative-model-of-learning-discourse).

Magaji, A. , Cabral, A., Lambirth, A., McDonald, R. , Brett, A. , Philpott, C. (2021), Working together with teachers and senior leaders in a teacher-led professional development through a model of action research, collaboration, and facilitation. University of Greenwich. In: SHIFT 2021, Radically reimagining Higher Education for a new era: working together for a just and sustainable future, 13 January 2021, Online , Radically reimagining Higher Education for a new era: working together for a just and sustainable future. University of Greenwich, (doi: http://www.gre.ac.uk/articles/public-relations/shift-registration-reminder).

Magaji, Adewale and , (2019), Engaging trainee teachers in assessment for learning: creating a pedagogy of learning. In: Engaging trainee teachers in assessment for learning: creating a pedagogy of learning., 16 Sep 2019 and 14 Jan 2020, University of Greenwich, London , . , (doi: ).

Magaji, Adewale and , Ade-Ojo, Gordon (2018), Social pedagogy in a UK secondary science classroom: developing and promoting scientific inquiry skills among students. In: “Competing Interests and Conflicting Pressures in Higher Education: How Can We Balance the Competing Demands of Stakeholders of University Education?”, 05- 06 Jul 2018, University of Greenwich, London , . , (doi: http://wef-international.org/conferences).

Conference proceedings

Hart, Glenys , Magaji, Ade, Fleming, Margaret, Serret, Natasha (2021), Reflections on the ASE Conference. Association for Science Education. In: , , , ASE International Journal. Association for Science Education, UK (12) . pp. 6-8 (doi: ).


Magaji, Adewale and , (2024), Supporting International Teachers in the UK: a discussion forum. Association for Science Education, ASE. In: , , , . Association for Science Education, ASE, London (1st) (doi: https://www.ase.org.uk/events/international-teachers-in-uk-discussion-forum) NB Item availability restricted.

Magaji, Adewale and , (2024), Professionalism and ethical leadership: from recipe to repertoire. House of Lords, Parliament & Chartered College of Teaching. In: , , , . House of Lords, Parliament & Chartered College of Teaching, London (doi: ) NB Item availability restricted.