Key details
Dr Charlotte Jeavons
Head of School of Human Sciences
Charlotte started her career as a Dental Nurse more than 25 years ago and retains her General Dental Council registration. She gained a Master’s degree (with distinction) in Public Health from Queen Mary, University of London and a PhD in dental public health ethics. She was the first non-medic to gain a teaching qualification from Queen Mary’s specifically aimed at medics and dentists. Charlotte gained recognition with the Higher Education Academy in 2018 as a Senior Fellow and she is now working on her application for Principal status.
Charlotte has held positions in both dental public health and dental services management for two London Primary Care Trusts. She started teaching part-time in 2000 at Bart’s and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry. In 2011 she moved into higher education full-time at the University of Greenwich. She was appointed to Associate Professor of Public Health in 2020 and after holding various academic and management roles she was appointed Head of the School of Human Sciences in 2022.
In 2023 Charlotte was elected President-Elect for the British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry and she will take up Presidency in 2024. In 2023 she was also awarded Honorary membership of the Faculty of Public Health in recognition of her sustained and significant work in the field of (dental) public health. More recently Charlotte has also been awarded Fellowship of the College of General Dentistry.
Charlotte has an interest in inequalities and has recently completed a pilot study into the experiences of BAME students studying public health and this was presented at the International Centre for Social Sciences conference in 2021. She is now working on the second phase of this piece of work.
Charlotte’s other main area of interest is in applied dental public health ethics and how this can be used as a framework for implementing dental public health programmes that promote justice for all.
Posts held previously
- 2022 - Head of School of Human Sciences, University of Greenwich
- 2021 - 2022 Interim Deputy Head of School of Human Sciences, University of Greenwich
- 2019 - 2022 Academic Portfolio Lead – Public Health
- 2011 - 2021 Programme Leader MSc Global Public Health, Programme Leader BSc (Hons) Public Health, University of Greenwich
- 2010 - 2011 Dental Services Manager. Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust
- 2001 - 2010 Oral Health Education Course Manager. Queen Mary’s University of London, School of Medicine, and Dentistry (part-time)
- 2000 - 2010 Dental Public Health Lead. Haringey (and Enfield) Primary Care NHS Trust
Responsibilities within the university
Charlotte is the Head of the School of Human Sciences, which is a large school within the Faculty of Education, Health, and Human Sciences. It comprises four key subject disciplines with various research projects and education programmes sitting within these. The four disciplines are Public Health, Psychology, Social Work and PE& Sport Science. The School spans two campuses at Greenwich Maritime and Avery Hill.
- Awarded Hon Membership of the Royal College of Physicians Faculty of Public Health
- Awarded Fellow of the College of General Dentistry
- 2018 – Winner British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry Oral Health Promotion award
- External Examiner – University of Westminster
- External Examiner – University of West London
- President-Elect British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry
- Hon Member of the Royal College of Physician’s, Faculty of Public Health
- Fellow of the College of General Dentistry
- Senior Fellow with the Higher Education Academy
- International evaluator with Association for Public Health Education Accreditation (APHEA)
- Member of the European Association for Dental Public Health
- Dental Care Professional
- Assessor for practitioner registration with the UK Public Health Register
- Former Trustee for the Institute of Health Promotion and Education (10 years in post)
- Member of the Dental Law and Ethics Forum
- Member of the International Dental Ethics and Law Society (IDEALS)
Research / Scholarly interests
Charlotte’s main area of interest is in applied dental public health ethics and how this can be used as a framework for implementing dental public health programmes that promote justice for all. She recently completed a research project into the consent processes used for community-based fluoride programmes.
Charlotte has completed work on the oral health and wider workforce who participate in and deliver oral health promotion interventions. She recently hosted a series of Masterclasses on Delivering Better Oral Health, the Public Health England publication that provides and summarises the evidence for oral health interventions.
Charlotte has an interest in inequalities generally beyond those only linked to oral health and she has recently completed a pilot study into the experiences of BAME students studying public health and this was presented at the International Centre for Social Sciences conference. She is now working on the second phase of this piece of work.
Key funded projects
- Submitted 2023. Emmanuel M., Jeavons C., George R. Black and Asian Students experience of higher. Funding bid submitted to Society for Higher Education Research. £10k
- 2022 Jeavons C., Stevenson M. Influences of COVID-19 on student’s degree choices in health-related subjects. Institute for Lifecouse Development. £2500
- 2021 Tsay C., Jeavons C., Watson D., Cole L., and Owusu-Kwarteng L. BAME Awarding Gap; student learning journys. The University of Greenwich. £5544
- 2021 Jeavons C., Cole L., Legiuzamon-Moreno C. The BAME Awarding Gap: the experience of university students’. Institute for Lifecouse Development. £1000
- 2021 Laplaca V., Jeavons C., Morgan J. Views of COVID-19 Vaccinations among undergraduate students’. Institute for Lifecourse Development. £1000
- 2016 Newton P., Al-Haboubi M., Jeavons C., Stock J., Curl C. and Prasad, R. Healthcare professionals’ and carers’ (both formal and informal) experiences of identifying and managing oral pain and discomfort in older people living with dementia – A sequential exploratory study. Health Education Kent, Surrey and Sussex
- 2013 Jeavons C., Public Health Ethics and parental consent for dental public health. City University of London. PhD.
- 2011 Jeavons C. Parental consent and fluoride varnish schemes: lessons from dental screening. Oral and Dental Research Group. £5000
- 2009 Jeavons C. and Simmons S., Prevention in practice: using an evidence-based tool. Oral and Dental Research Group. £5000
- 2006 Jeavons C. and Murray S., Smoking cessation in practice: DCPs use of a hand-held electronic device. Oral and Dental Research Group. £5000
Recent publications
Jeavons, Charlotte , Moreno Leguizamon, Carlos, Cole, Linda (2024), Exploring learning experiences of Black Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) students in a public health undergraduate degree. Educational Development Unit, University of Greenwich. In: , , , . Educational Development Unit, University of Greenwich, Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 17 (1) . pp. 7-23 ISSN: 2044-0081 (Print), (doi:
Stewart, Jill and , Jeavons, Charlotte (2023), Regulating the privately rented sector: what can universities offer to support local authority workforce development?. Educational Development Unit, University of Greenwich. In: , , , . Educational Development Unit, University of Greenwich, Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 16 (2) . pp. 42-46 ISSN: 2044-0081 (Print), (doi:
La Placa, Vincent , Reiss, Lisa-Marie, Morgan, Julia, Jeavons, Charlotte (2023), Perceptions of COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy and health messages among undergraduate students. Nova Science Publishers. In: , , , . Nova Science Publishers, International Public Health Journal, 15 (2) . pp. 187-196 1947-4989 (Online) (doi:
Craig Watson, Michael and , Jeavons, Charlotte (2020), Primary care under threat: time for the government to address the urgent challenges. BMJ Publishing Group. In: , , , . BMJ Publishing Group, British Medical Journal (BMJ), 371: m3793 ISSN: 1759-2151 (Print), 0959-8138 (Online) (doi:
Tomaz, Mariana R , Macit, Melahat S., Niza, Maria I., Jeavons, Charlotte A. , Heitmman, Berit L. , Amorim Adegboye, Amanda R. (2020), The effect of vitamin D and/or Calcium supplementation on periodontitis. Sudan Knowledge. In: , , , . Sudan Knowledge, International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Public Health, 11 (1/2) . pp. 65-81 ISSN: 2042-5988 (Print), 2042-5996 (Online) (doi:
Jeavons, Charlotte and , Drey, N. (2020), Parental response to requests for consent for a school-based fluoride varnish programme in a North London borough, and their associated demographic characteristics. British Association of Dental Hygiene and Therapy. In: , , , . British Association of Dental Hygiene and Therapy, Annual Clinical Journal of Dental Health (9) ISSN: 2049-0682 (Print), (doi:
Jeavons, Charlotte and , (2018), Signposting to excellence: Treating patients with Dementia. British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy. In: , , , . British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy, Dental Health, 57 (1) . pp. 18 ISSN: 0011-8605 (Print), (doi: ).
Adegboye, Amanda R. A. , Tomaz, Mariana, Jeavons, Charlotte A., Heitmann, Berit L. (2017), Intake of dairy foods and oral health: review of epidemiological data. In: , , , . , Danish Dental Journal, 120: 1332 (12) . pp. 884-891 0039-9353 (Online) (doi:
Conference item
Stewart, Jill , Cole, Linda, Jeavons, Charlotte, Ravindran, Shaiyini (2024), Training the private rented housing sector regulatory workforce: which way now?. In: Housing Studies Association Annual Conference 2024 - Healthy Homes, Healthy Lives: Exploring the Intersection of Housing and Health, 15th - 17th April 2024, Sheffield , . , (doi:
Stewart, Jill , Cole, Linda, Jeavons, Charlotte, Ravindran, Shaiyini (2023), Private sector housing regulatory workforce survey (England and Wales): what we were told about the environmental health profession. In: Private Rented housing online workshop, 30th November 2023, Online , . , (doi: ).
Jeavons, Charlotte , Moreno-Leguizamon, Carlos, Cole, Linda (2022), Students from Black and Asian minority ethnic backgrounds’ experiences of higher education: a pilot study. University of Greenwich. In: SHIFT 2022, January 11 2022, London, Institute for Lifecourse Development, University of Greenwich , SHIFT 2022. University of Greenwich, London - Institute of Lifecourse, University of Greenwich (1st) . pp. 1-13 (doi:
Jeavons, Charlotte and , Baig, Mohammad Zubair (2018), Parents’ experiences of the consent process used in school based fluoride varnish schemes. In: Implementing change - improving quality, 19-20th April 2018, Edinburgh , . , (doi: ) NB Item availability restricted.
Conference proceedings
Jeavons, Charlotte , Moreno-Leguizamon, Carlos, Cole, Linda (2021), Students from Black and Asian minority ethnic backgrounds’ experiences of higher education: a pilot study. ICOS - International Council of Onomastic Sciences. In: , , In: Steven Ratuva, Committee ICOSS 2021 (eds.), The book of abstracts ICOSS2021. New Normal to a New Beginning: Formation of a sustainable society. 14-15 October 2021. ICOS - International Council of Onomastic Sciences, Colombo, Sri Lanka (1st) . pp. 50-50 . ISBN: 9786245746071 (doi:
Jeavons, Charlotte and , (2018), New General Data Protection Regulation; what does this mean for dental hygienists and therapists?. British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy. In: , , , . British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy, Dental Health ISSN: 0011-8605 (Print), (doi: ).