Andrew Clark

Professor Andrew Clark BA (Hons), PGCHE, PhD

Professor in the Institute for Lifecourse Development

Key details

Professor Andrew Clark

Professor in the Institute for Lifecourse Development

Andrew joined the University of Greenwich in October 2023 as a Professor in the Institute for Lifecourse Development. He previously worked in the Directorate of Social Sciences at the University of Salford and has a PhD in human geography from the University of St Andrews.

Posts held previously

  • 2018 - 2023  Professor for School of Health and Society at University of Salford
  • 2015 - 2018 Reader in Sociology at University of Salford
  • 2012 - 2015 Senior Lecturer in Sociology at University of Salford
  • 2008 - 2012 Lecturer in Sociology at University of Salford
  • 2005 - 2008 Research Fellow for Leeds Social Sciences Institute at University of Leeds
  • 2004 - 2005 Research Fellow for Faculty of Health and Social Care at The Open University

Research / Scholarly interests

Andrew is a social scientist with an interested in the development of creative and innovative methods to better understand everyday life in neighbourhood and community settings. Much of his work focuses on the experiences of older people and people living with dementia. Recent research and engagement work includes

  • Living with dementia in neighbourhood and community settings
  • The impact of Covid-19 on the lives of older people
  • Developing age-friendly and dementia friendly communities
  • Understanding fire risk
  • Care home environments
  • Developing creative methods to better understand and reflect everyday life
  • Working in participative ways in research
  • Evaluations of support services for older people and people living with dementia

Recent publications


James, Tiffeny and , Clark, Andrew (2025), Fire risk and safety for people living with dementia at home: a narrative review of international literature and case study of fire and rescue services in England. SAGE Publications. In: , , , . SAGE Publications, Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice ISSN: 1471-3012 (Print), 1741-2684 (Online) (doi:

Mwendwa, Purity , Leroi, I., Clark, Andrew (2024), Das Stigma bekӓmpfen und das Verstӓndnis von Demenz in Kenia verbessern: Internationales Forschungsprojekt ENGAGE. [trans. Tackling stigma and increasing understanding of dementia in Kenya: The ENGAGE research project]. Brinkmann Meyhöfer GmbH & Co. KG.. In: , , , . Brinkmann Meyhöfer GmbH & Co. KG., Das Magazin Demenz (Demenz. Das Magazin), 62 . pp. 36-38 ISSN: 1868-1794 (Print), (doi:

Kelly, Siobhán , Stephens, Melanie, Clark, Andrew, Chesterton, Lorna , Hubbard, Lydia (2024), The impact of interprofessional student training initiatives in older adults’ care home settings: a scoping review. Taylor and Francis Group - Routledge. In: , , , . Taylor and Francis Group - Routledge, Educational Gerontology . pp. 1-24 ISSN: 0360-1277 (Print), 1521-0472 (Online) (doi:

Monks, Sarah and , Clark, Andrew (2024), The role of pets in the lives of people with dementia: a scoping review. Taylor and Francis Group - Routledge. In: , , , . Taylor and Francis Group - Routledge, Aging and Mental Health . pp. 1-8 ISSN: 1360-7863 (Print), 1364-6915 (Online) (doi:

Hussain, Nazmul , Clark, Andrew, Innes, Anthea (2024), Cultural myths, superstitions, and stigma surrounding dementia in a UK Bangladeshi community. Wiley - Hindawi. In: , , , . Wiley - Hindawi, Health & Social Care in the Community, 2024: 8823063 . pp. 1-11 1365-2524 (Online) (doi:

Campbell, Sarah , Clark, Andrew, Keady, John, Manji, Kainde , Odzakovic, Elzana , Rummery, Kirstein , Ward, Richard (2023), ‘I can see what's going on without being nosey…’: What matters to people living with dementia about home as revealed through visual home tours. Wiley. In: , , , . Wiley, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 38: e5999 (9) . pp. 1-12 ISSN: 0885-6230 (Print), 1099-1166 (Online) (doi:

Day, Anne-Marie , Clark, Andrew, Hazel, Neal (2023), Hearing from justice-involved, care experienced children: what are their experiences of residential care environments and regimes?. Emerald. In: , , , . Emerald, Journal of Children's Services, 18 (1) . pp. 47-60 ISSN: 1746-6660 (Print), 2042-8677 (Online) (doi:

Kelly, Siobhán , Stephens, Melanie, Clark, Andrew, Chesterton, Lorna , Hubbard, Lydia (2023), ‘Not the last resort’: the impact of an interprofessional training care home initiative on students, staff, and residents. Taylor & Francis Online. In: , , , . Taylor & Francis Online, Journal of Interprofessional Care, 37 (5) . pp. 774-782 ISSN: 1356-1820 (Print), 1469-9567 (Online) (doi:

Ward, Richard , Rummery, Kirstein, Odzakovic, Elzana, Manji, Kainde , Kullberg, Agneta , Clark, Andrew , Campbell, Sarah (2022), Getting lost with dementia: encounters with the time-space of not knowing. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Health and Place, 78: 102940 ISSN: 1353-8292 (Print), (doi:

Stephens, Melanie , Hubbard, Lydia, Kelly, Siobhan, Clark, Andrew , Chesterton, Lorna (2022), A case study of implementing interprofessional education in care home settings. Emerald. In: , , , . Emerald, Working with Older People: Practical approaches to work, leisure, lifestyle and learning ISSN: 1366-3666 (Print), 2042-8790 (Online) (doi:

Ward, Richard , Rummery, Kirstein, Odzakovic, Elzana, Manji, Kainde , Kullberg, Agneta , Keady, John , Clark, Andrew , Campbell, Sarah (2022), Taking time: the temporal politics of dementia, care and support in the neighbourhood. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. In: , , , . John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Sociology of Health and Illness, 44 (9) . pp. 1427-1444 ISSN: 1467-9566 (Print), 0141-9889 (Online) (doi:

Keady, John David , Campbell, Sarah, Clark, Andrew, Dowlen, Robyn , Elvish, Ruth , Jones, Lesley , Kindell, Jackie , Swarbrick, Caroline , Williams, Sion (2022), Re-thinking and re-positioning ‘being in the moment’ within a continuum of moments: introducing a new conceptual framework for dementia studies. Cambridge University Press. In: , , , . Cambridge University Press, Ageing and Society, 42 (3) . pp. 681-702 ISSN: 0144-686X (Print), 1469-1779 (Online) (doi:

Ward, Richard , Rummery, Kirstein, Odzakovic, Elzana, Manji, Kainde , Kullberg, Agneta , Keady, John , Clark, Andrew , Campbell, Sarah (2021), Beyond the shrinking world: dementia, localisation and neighbourhood. Cambridge University Press. In: , , , . Cambridge University Press, Ageing and Society, 42 (12) . pp. 2892-2913 ISSN: 0144-686X (Print), 1469-1779 (Online) (doi:

Clark, Andrew , Campbell, Sarah, Keady, John, Kullberg, Agneta , Manji, Kainde , Rummery, Kirstein , Ward, Richard (2020), Neighbourhoods as relational places for people living with dementia. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Social Science and Medicine, 252: 112927 ISSN: 0277-9536 (Print), 1873-5347 (Online) (doi:

Bowker, Ron , Calvert, Lesley, Allcroft, Frances, Bowker, Gail , Foy, Pat , Gandy, Jackie , Jones, Sandra , Bushell, Sophie , Clark, Andrew , Innes, Anthea (2020), ‘Our voice started off as a whisper and now it is a great big roar’: The Salford Dementia Associate Panel as a model of involvement in research activities. SAGE Publications. In: , , , . SAGE Publications, Dementia, 19 (1) . pp. 18-26 ISSN: 1471-3012 (Print), 1741-2684 (Online) (doi:

Odzakovic, Elzana , Kullberg, Agneta, Hellström, Ingrid, Clark, Andrew , Campbell, Sarah , Manji, Kainde , Rummery, Kirstein , Keady, John , Ward, Richard (2019), ‘It's our pleasure, we count cars here’: an exploration of the ‘neighbourhood-based connections’ for people living alone with dementia. Cambridge University Press. In: , , , . Cambridge University Press, Ageing and Society, 41 (3) . pp. 645-670 ISSN: 0144-686X (Print), 1469-1779 (Online) (doi:

Chesterton, Lorna , Stephens, Melanie, Clark, Andrew, Ahmed, Anya (2019), A systematic literature review of the patient hotel model. Taylor and Francis Group. In: , , , . Taylor and Francis Group, Disability and Rehabilitation, 43 (3) . pp. 317-323 ISSN: 0963-8288 (Print), 1464-5165 (Online) (doi:

Campbell, Sarah , Clark, Andrew, Keady, John, Kullberg, Agneta , Manji, Kainde , Rummery, Kirstein , Ward, Richard (2019), Participatory social network map making with family carers of people living with dementia. SAGE Publications. In: , , , . SAGE Publications, Methodological Innovations, 12 (1) . pp. 1-12 2059-7991 (Online) (doi:

Book section

Campbell, Sarah and , Clark, Andrew (2023), Making graphic magazines with people living with dementia: the case for participatory dissemination. Routledge - Taylor & Francis. In: , , In: Anna Urbaniak, Anna Wanka (eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Participatory Approaches in Ageing Research. Routledge - Taylor & Francis, London (1st) . pp. 248-261 . ISBN: 9781003254829 (doi:

Chesterton, L , Kelly, S, Stephens, M, Clark, Andrew (2023), Transforming culture and values through integrated practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. In: , , In: K Marshall, H Bamber, R Garbutt, C Easton (eds.), Demystifying Integrated Care: a handbook for practice. Elsevier Health Sciences, UK (1st) . pp. 159-163 . ISBN: 9780323930758; 0323930751 (doi: NB Item availability restricted.

Clark, Andrew , Ward, Richard, Campbell, Sarah, Keady, John , Kullberg, Agneta , Manji, Kainde , Odzakovic, Elzana , Rummery, Kirstein (2023), Experiences and contributions of people living with dementia to the social life of everyday places. Open University Press - McGraw-Hill Education. In: , , In: John Keady (ed.), Reconsidering Neighbourhoods and Living with Dementia: Spaces, Places, and People. Open University Press - McGraw-Hill Education, Maidenhead (1st) . pp. 28-49 . ISBN: 0335251722; 9780335251728; 9780335251735; 0335251730 (doi:

Keady, John and , Clark, Andrew (2023), Conclusion: John Keady and Andrew Clark on behalf of the Neighbourhoods study team. Open University Press - McGraw-Hill Education. In: , , In: John Keady (ed.), Reconsidering Neighbourhoods and Living with Dementia: Spaces, Places, and People. Open University Press - McGraw-Hill Education, Maidenhead (1st) . pp. 255-266 . ISBN: 0335251722; 9780335251728; 9780335251735; 0335251730 (doi:

Clark, Andrew and , Campbell, Sarah (2023), Can you remember? Leaving and returning to the field in longitudinal research with people living with dementia. Manchester University Press. In: , , In: Robin James Smith, Sara Delamont (eds.), Leaving the field: Methodological insights from ethnographic exits. Manchester University Press, Manchester (1st) . ISBN: 9781526157652; 9781526157645 (doi:

Edited book

Ward, Richard , Clark, Andrew, Phillipson, Lyn (2021), Dementia and place: practices, experiences and connections. Policy Press - Bristol University Press. In: , , , . Policy Press - Bristol University Press, Bristol (1st) . ISBN: 9781447349006; 9781447349020; 9781447349037 (doi:


Clark, Andrew , Ahmed, Anya, Blezard, Eve, Kelly, Siobhan , Elder, Bernadette , Haynes, Dave , Groves, Vanda , University of Salford , Manchester Metropolitan University , Inspiring Communities Together (2024), Developing age-friendly communities in a post-pandemic world: final project report. University of Salford - Inspiring Communities Together, Age Friendly Salford, University of Greenwich, and Manchester Metropolitan University. In: , , , . University of Salford - Inspiring Communities Together, Age Friendly Salford, University of Greenwich, and Manchester Metropolitan University, Salford, Manchester (1st) (doi:

Kamerāde, Daiga , Clark, Andrew, Goodall, Christine, Parker, Christine , Vasilica, Cristina , Yuen, John (2024), Bridging the digital divide: challenges and opportunities for disabled adults in volunteering. ESRC Digital Future of Work Centre - University of Salford - University of Greenwich - HEAR Equality and Human Rights Network. In: , , , . ESRC Digital Future of Work Centre - University of Salford - University of Greenwich - HEAR Equality and Human Rights Network, UK (1st) (doi:

Clark, Andrew , Ahmed, Anya, Blezard, Eve, Elder, Bernadette , Groves, Vanda , Haynes, Dave , The Voice & Influence Group , Robert Chaloner Tania Nelson (2024), Developing age-friendly communities in an emergent post-pandemic world. University of Salford, Inspiring Communities Together. In: , , , . University of Salford, Inspiring Communities Together, Manchester (1st) (doi:

Stephens, Melanie , Kelly, Siobhan, Chadwick, Angelina, Clark, Andrew , Walker, Susan , Chesterton, Lorna (2024), Investigating the long-term impact of Interprofessional Education (IPE) initiatives in care home settings. Health Education England. In: , , , . Health Education England, Salford, Manchester. ISBN 978-1912337958 (1st) (doi:


Mwendwa, Purity , Clark, Andrew, Leroi, Iracema (2024), Social engagement and older adults in rural sub-Saharan Africa. A rapid realist review protocol. Open Science Framework (OSF). In: , , , . Open Science Framework (OSF), Charlottesville, VA (1st) (doi:

Kamerade, Daiga , Clark, Andrew, Goodall, Christine, Parker, Christine , Vasilica, Christina , Yuen, John (2024), Policy Brief - Digital exclusion of disabled adults from voluntary (and paid) work. Digital Futures at Work Research Centre. In: , , , . Digital Futures at Work Research Centre, Online (N/A) (doi: