Key details

Dr Zhizhen Chen
Senior Lecturer
Dr Zhizhen Chen joined the Accounting and Finance department in September 2017. He is in the finalising year of his PhD in Finance in the University of Glasgow, and also an early career researcher in Finance in the University of Greenwich.
Dr Chen has been very active in research. His research focus is on banking, both empirical and theoretical research. During his PhD studies at the University of Glasgow, he published two academic papers in ABS-ranked 3* journals. His co-authors before joining the department include top researchers from U.K. (e.g., Prof. Frank Hong Liu), U.S. (e.g., Prof. Kose John), and China (e.g., Prof. Haoxi Yang).
Dr Chen has also been very active in teaching related activities. He was the Graduate Teaching Assistant in the University of Glasgow from 2015 before joining the University of Greenwich. Mr Zhizhen Chen received very positive feedback from anonymous evaluations from students. For example, the overall satisfaction with the undergraduate course, Derivative Securities, is 92%, which is the second best across all undergraduate courses. He received the Teaching Excellence Award in 2016-17 from the University of Glasgow for this performance.
Responsibilities within the university
- Introduction to Finance and Economics (FINA 1126)
- Corporate Financial Management (FINA 1129)
- Extended Project of Accounting and Finance (BUSI 1648)
- Personal and Professional Development course (ACCO 1117)
- Banking: Principles, Practice and Regulation (FINA 1094)
- Full ASBS Studentship (2014-2016), University of Glasgow
- Teaching Excellence Award (2017), University of Glasgow
Research / Scholarly interests
Mr Zhizhen Chen's research focus is in banking-related topics. His PhD thesis studies the impact of securitization. Currently, his on-going research studies include securitization, systemic risk, and financial modelling related topics. Mr Zhizhen Chen is curious to study the mechanism of systemic risk and the explanations of such event. Apart from securitization, he is also doing research on corporate finance, financial modeling, and econometrics.
Recent publications
Xiao, Renbin , Wu, Bowen, Zhao, Jia, Chen, Zhizhen (Ryan) (2025), Bionic computing in higher organisms from the perspective of collective intelligence: problem analysis and comprehensive review. 复杂系统与复杂性科学 Qingdao University - 复杂系统与复杂性科学 Fuza xitong yu fuzaxing kexue. In: , , , . 复杂系统与复杂性科学 Qingdao University - 复杂系统与复杂性科学 Fuza xitong yu fuzaxing kexue, Complex Systems and Complexity Science (复杂系统与复杂性科学), 22 (1) . pp. 1-11 ISSN: 1672-3813 (Print), (doi:
Xiao, Xinyue and , Chen, Zhizhen (Ryan) (2024), Knapsack model and its solution for portfolio optimization problem from perspective of resource allocation. 南昌工程学院学报 编辑部 (Nan chang gong cheng xue yuan xue bao bian ji bu). In: , , , . 南昌工程学院学报 编辑部 (Nan chang gong cheng xue yuan xue bao bian ji bu), Journal of Nanchang Institute of Technology (南昌工程学院学报), 43: 173 (6) . pp. 91-98 ISSN: 1674-0076 (Print), (doi:
Lin, Wenguang , Wang, Ting, Chen, Zhizhen, Xiao, Renbin (2024), Data-driven identification of industrial clusters: a patent analysis approach. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In: , , , . Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management ISSN: 0018-9391 (Print), 1558-0040 (Online) (doi:
Zeng, Siping , Wang, Ting, Lin, Wenguang, Chen, Zhizhen (Ryan) , Xiao, Renbin (2024), A patent mining approach to accurately identifying Innovative Industrial Clusters based on the multivariate DBSCAN algorithm. MDPI. In: , , , . MDPI, Systems, 12: 321 . pp. 1-28 2079-8954 (Online) (doi:
Lin, Wenguang , Yan, Wenchao, Chen, Zhizhen, Xiao, Renbin (2023), Research on product appearance patent spatial shape recognition for multi-image feature fusion. Springer. In: , , , . Springer, Multimedia Tools and Applications ISSN: 1380-7501 (Print), 1573-7721 (Online) (doi:
Xiao, Ren-bin , Li, Gui, Chen, Zhizhen (2023), Research progress and prospect of evolutionary many-objective optimization. Kong zhi yu jue ce bian ji bu. In: , , , . Kong zhi yu jue ce bian ji bu, Control and Decision - 控 制 与 决 策 . pp. 1-28 ISSN: 1001-0920 (Print), (doi:
Xiao, Renbin and , Chen, Zhizhen (2023), From swarm intelligence optimization to swarm intelligence evolution. 南昌工程学院学报 编辑部 (Nan chang gong cheng xue yuan xue bao bian ji bu). In: , , , . 南昌工程学院学报 编辑部 (Nan chang gong cheng xue yuan xue bao bian ji bu), Journal of Nanchang Institute of Technology (南昌工程学院学报), 42: 1 (1) . pp. 1-14 ISSN: 1674-0076 (Print), 1006-4869 (Online) (doi: ) NB Item availability restricted.
Book section
Chen, Zhizhen , Liu, Hong, Peng, Jin, Zhang, Haofei , Zhou, Mingming (2022), Securitization and bank efficiency. Emerald Publishing Limited. In: , , In: Stephen P. Ferris, John Kose, Anil K. Makhija (eds.), Empirical Research in Banking and Corporate Finance (Advances in Financial Economics. Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley Advances in Financial Economics, 21 (1st) . pp. 191-222 . ISBN: 9781789733983; 9781789733976ISSN: 1569-3732 (Print), 1569-3732 (Online) (doi: