Key details

Mr Tom O Lawson
Senior Lecturer, Quantitative Techniques
Tom Lawson has over ten years' experience in teaching at university level in the UK and Finland. He is an experienced education counsellor and teaches Quantitative Techniques for Business and Creativity and Decision Making in Business and Business Analysis tools. He has also run classes on Business Planning and Development and Value Chain Management.
Professional background
2003–Present: Senior Lecturer at University of Greenwich responsible for:
- Implementation and development of several quantitative methods in business
- Education counselling
- Lectures and seminars on business
- Personal tutor and thesis supervisor to undergraduate students.
2001–June 2003: Lecturer at Haaga University of Applied Science, Helsinki, Finland with the following responsibilities:
- Implementation and development of several business mathematics/Introduction to statistical methods
- Education counselling.
1998–2000: Statistician at National Public Health Institutes, Helsinki, Finland with the following responsibilities:
- Implemented survey design and analysis of medical data
- Seminars on statistical programmes
- Consultant for statistical analytical tools.
Research/scholarly interests
Applications of financial/statistical analysis specifically within finance related and education fields.
Responsibilities within the university
Course Leader for Creativity and Decision Making in Business
Course Leader for Introduction to Quantitative Analysis
Tutor and Moderator for Introduction to Business Process
Tutor and Moderator for Business Planning and Development
Dissertation Supervisorfor Executive MBA thesis
Personal Tutor
Placement Tutor
Moderator for Business Analysis
Research / Scholarly interests
Applications of financial/statistical analysis specifically within finance related and education fields.
Recent publications
Lawson T (2018) Understanding the link between Gender Balance on Boards & Industry Characteristic Evidence from the UK FTSE 100 firms, International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 9 No 3.
Lawson T (2000). Association of obesity and fat distribution in the Finnish population. (under review)
Lawson T (2016). Logistic analysis of the link between Gender Balance on boards & Industry Characteristics: Evidence from the UK FTSE 100 index. (under review)
Babula et al, & Lawson T (2016). Boosting Graduates Confidence in Statistics. Journal for Quality and Participation