Key details

Professor Susan Corby
Emeritus Professor
Before becoming an academic, first at Manchester Metropolitan University and since 1998 at the University of Greenwich, Professor Susan Corby was Senior Industrial Relations Officer at the Royal College of Midwives and Assistant General Secretary of the Association of First Division Civil Servants (FDA).
Professor Corby was a research officer for Industrial Relations Services, a commercial publisher and also worked for the Advisory Conciliation & Arbitration Service when it was first established in 1975.
- Current: Arbitrator for the Advisory, Conciliation & Arbitration Service (Acas)
- 2006–10: Independent expert under the equal value legislation
- 1989–2012: Member of the Central Arbitration Committee
- 1988-2010: Member of the Employment Appeal Tribunal
Research / Scholarly interests
- Labour courts/employment tribunals in France, Germany and the UK.
- Disability in employment.
Key funded projects
The roles resources and competencies of employee lay judges: a cross-national study of Germany, France and Great Britain About: The research analysed and compared lay judges in labour courts in three countries and was based on 167 interviews of employee and employer lay judges and professional judges. It found that the dominant influence on lay judges' reported perception of their role is the prevailing industrial relations system in each country, mediated by the labour court structure. German and British lay judges unambiguously expressed a commitment to impartiality, but in France, deliberations were sometimes reported as being akin to negotiations with employer and employee lay judges on different sides. Investigators: P. Burgess, S. Corby, A Holand, H Michel, L Willemez, C. Buchwald and E Krausbeck Project length: September 2015- September 2017 Funders: Hans Boeckler Stiftung Outcome: Report
Recent publications
William, Laura , Pauskat, Birgit, Corby, Susan (2022), Representative bureaucracy and disabled employees in the British public sector. Routledge. In: , , , . Routledge, International Public Management Journal ISSN: 1096-7494 (Print), 1559-3169 (Online) (doi:
Corby, Susan and , (2022), Adjudicatory institutions for individual employment disputes: formation, development and effectiveness. Kluwer. In: , , , . Kluwer, The International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 38 (1) . pp. 1-30 ISSN: 0952-617X (Print), (doi:
Corby, Susan and , (2021), Varieties of Labor courts: is there a best model?. In: , , , . , Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, S5 (1) 2223-5833 (Online) (doi:
Corby, Susan and , Yamakawa, Ryuichi (2020), Judicial regimes for employment rights disputes: comparing Germany, Great Britain and Japan. Wiley. In: , , , . Wiley, Industrial Relations Journal, 51 (5) . pp. 374-390 ISSN: 0019-8692 (Print), 1468-2338 (Online) (doi:
Corby, Susan , Burgess, Peter, Holand, Armin (2020), Employees as judges in Europe's labour courts: a conflict of interest?. SAGE. In: , , , . SAGE, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 27 (3) . pp. 231-247 ISSN: 0959-6801 (Print), 1461-7129 (Online) (doi:
Corby, Susan , Burgess, Peter, Holand, Armin, Michel, Helene , Willemez, Laurent (2019), Lay and professional judges in Europe’s labour courts: does the professional judge dominate?. Oxford University Press. In: , , , . Oxford University Press, Industrial Law Journal, 49 (2) . pp. 231-257 ISSN: 0305-9332 (Print), 1464-3669 (Online) (doi:
William, Laura , Pauksztat, Birgit, Corby, Susan (2019), Justice obtained? How disabled claimants fare at employment tribunals. Wiley. In: , , , . Wiley, Industrial Relations Journal, 50 (4) . pp. 314-330 ISSN: 0019-8692 (Print), 1468-2338 (Online) (doi:
Corby, Susan , William, Laura, Richard, Sarah (2018), Combatting disability discrimination: a comparison of France and Great Britain. SAGE Publications. In: , , , . SAGE Publications, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 25 (1) . pp. 41-56 ISSN: 0959-6801 (Print), 1461-7129 (Online) (doi:
William, Laura , Corby, Susan, Pauksztat, Birgit (2024), Claiming disability discrimination: Assessing barriers to justice. Palgrave MacMillan. In: , , , . Palgrave MacMillan, (1st) (doi: ) NB Item availability restricted.
Book section
Corby, Susan Corby and , (2021), British judges and workers' rights. Institut Francophone pour la justice et la democratie. In: , , In: Carol Nivard (ed.), Justice sociale et judges. Institut Francophone pour la justice et la democratie, Bayonne France (1st) . pp. 79-93 . ISBN: 9782370323019 (doi: ).
Burgess, Pete , Corby, Susan, Höland, Armin, Michel, Hélène , Willemez, Laurent (2019), Lay labour court judges as industrial relations actors in Germany, Great Britain and France. Can field theory contribute to comparative research?. Kluwer Law International. In: , , In: Valeria Pulignano, Frank Hendrickx (eds.), Employment Relations in the 21st Century: Challenges for Theory and Research in a Changing World of Work. Kluwer Law International, The Netherlands , 107 . pp. 155-167 . ISBN: 9789403517643 (doi: ) NB Item availability restricted.
Conference proceedings
Thomas, David , Corby, Susan, Tsay, Crystal (2018), Can HR and H&S work together to bring about sustainable rehabilitation?. APOSHO/IOSH. In: , , , APOSHO. APOSHO/IOSH, , 33 (doi: ).
Working paper
Burgess, Peter , Corby, Susan, Höland, Armin, Michel, Hélène , Willemez, Laurent , Buchwald, Christina , Krausbeck, Elisabeth (2017), The roles, resources and competencies of employee lay judges: A cross-national study of Germany, France and Great Britain. Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. In: , , , . Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Düsseldorf, Germany ISSN: 2509-2359 (Print), (doi: ).