Key details

Sofia Lachhab
PhD Researcher
Supervisory team: Professor J. Andres Coca-Stefaniak, Dr Tina Šegota and Professor Alastair Morrison
Sofia has been a PhD Candidate at the University of Greenwich since January 2019. Her main research interest is crisis management and resilience development in a tourism context and specifically with regards to the management of small businesses in a multi-crisis environment. Sofia holds a Master's degree in International Tourism and Hospitality Management from Bedfordshire University (UK) and a Bachelor degree awarded by the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of SAISS in Fez (Morocco). Sofia has worked for Hilton Hotels and Walt Disney World.
Sofia is a member of the Institute of Hospitality in the UK, the UK Council for Hospitality Management Education (CHME) and a reviewer for the International Journal of Tourism Cities.
Responsibilities within the university
Crisis management and resilience development in a tourism context
- Member of Institute of Hospitality, UK.
- Member of Council for Hospitality Management Education (CHME), UK.
- Reviewer for International Journal of Tourism Cities
Research / Scholarly interests
Sofia’s current research interests include crisis management and resilience within small tourism businesses in a multi-crisis destination. Sofia is a PhD student member of the University of Greenwich Tourism Research Centre. She has had a book review published and is currently working on her first research article for an academic journal. Sofia has presented her research at a number of national and international conferences, workshops and seminars. She is a reviewer for the International Journal of Tourism Cities.
Recent publications
- Lachhab, Sofia, Šegota, T., Morrison, A.M. and Coca-Stefaniak, J.A. (2022), “Crisis management and resilience – the case of small businesses in tourism”, In: M.E. Korstanje, H. Seraphin, S.W. Maingi (eds.), Tourism Through Troubled Times: Challenges and opportunities of the tourism industry in 21st century, Bingley: Emerald,
- 4th Tourism Research Network PhD/ECR Symposium 2019, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University, UK, 14- 15 May, 2019.
- The annual Council for Hospitality Management Education (CHME) research, Learning and Teaching conference, the main theme of CHME 2019 – 'Transforming Hospitality', University of Greenwich, UK, 21-24 May,2019.