Dr Keren Darmon BA, MA, PhD


Awarded a PhD in Media and Communications from the London School of Economics in 2017, with a Feminist Media Studies thesis, I lecture to undergraduates and postgraduates in Media & Communications degree programmes as well as supervising dissertations and consultancy projects at the University of Greenwich (Since 2019).  

My Research focuses on Women in PR, Marketing and Advertising from a feminist and anti-racist perspective with a particular interest in women-only professional networks.  

Following the completion of my PhD, I was a Guest Lecturer at LSE (2017-2018), Wake Forest University, London - INSTEP - (2018-2019) and Goldsmiths (2020), before joining the University of Greenwich in December 2019. 

I am a former practitioner with more than 12 years' experience in central government communications. Skilled in Media Relations, Stakeholder Engagement, Public Affairs, Crisis Communications and Corporate Communications.

Responsibilities within the university

  • Lecturer
  • Dissertation Supervisor
  • Member of the Vice Chancellor’s Advisory Board on Tackling Antisemitism


Class Teacher Award, Student-led Teaching Excellence Awards and Class Teacher Awards, 2018, for teaching in LSE100, London School of Economics and Political Science

Class Teacher Award, Student-led Teaching Excellence Awards and Class Teacher Awards, 2013, for teaching in MCLabs, London School of Economics and Political Science

Full Scholarship, for Student Excellence, 2002-2004, DePaul University, Chicago, IL, USA

Recent publications

Academic Editorial Experience

Associate Editor, Engenderings, Gender Institute Blog, London School of Economics and Political Science (2018)

Peer Reviewer, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies (2016), 13:1

Guest Editor, special issue of Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA PGN on Protest in the New Media Ecology (Volume 6, Number 3, November 2013)

  • Darmon, K. (2025). Time to change the'change': stigma and support in blogs about the menopause. Gender a výzkum/Gender and Research, 25(2), 93-116.
  • Darmon, K. (2024). Women-only networking in public relations: discourse analysis of the entanglement of barriers and benefits. In Women’s Work in Public Relations (pp. 231-245). Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Adi, A., Stoeckle, T., Kuyucu, M. A., Arzuaga-Williams, R. M., Baquerizo, G., Benecke, R., Darmon, K. ... & Young, H. (2023). The Future of PR/Comms and their Social Impact. Results of an International Delphi-Method Study (pp. 1-78). Quadriga University of Applied Sciences, Quadriga Hochschule Berlin.
  • Darmon, K. (2017). Representing SlutWalk London in mass and social media: negotiating feminist and postfeminist sensibilities (Doctoral dissertation, London School of Economics and Political Science).
  • Darmon, K., Fitzpatrick, K., & Bronstein, C. (2008). Krafting the obesity message: A case study in framing and issues management. Public Relations Review, 34(4), 373-379.


Console-ing Passions, Bournemouth University (July 2018): Looking Like a Slut: Content and visual analyses of SlutWalk London Images in Newspapers and on Blogs

MeCCSA Conference, London South Bank University (January 2018): Looking like a Slut: Content and visual analyses of mass- and social-media images of SlutWalk London

Techniques of Art and Protest, King's College London (September 2015): SlutWalk London's Contentious Visual Aesthetics: A feminist intervention?

Consuming/Culture: Women and Girls in Print and Pixels, Oxford Brookes University (June 2015): SlutWalk London: Challenging contemporary postfeminist media culture?

Rethinking Mediatisation of Politics, London School of Economics and Political Science (April 2014): Framing SlutWalk London in the New Media Ecology