Dr Michael Wynn-Williams

Senior Lecturer in International Business

Key details

Dr Michael Wynn-Williams

Senior Lecturer in International Business

Dr Michael Wynn-Williams holds a BSc Hons degree in psychology from the University of Hertfordshire, an MBA from Heriot-Watt University and a PhD from Cardiff University on the economics of the automotive industry. He is the author of the book "Surfing the Global Tide: Automotive Giants and How to Survive Them". He maintains a professional interest in all car matters, particularly the emergence of electric vehicles, and has published articles in AutomotiveWorld, The Times and his own blog, AutoCognition.

For a number of years he was an automotive analyst, latterly for the IHS organisation. Now as leader for the BA Hons International Business degree programme Dr Wynn-Williams is able to draw on his experience of living and working overseas, notably Japan and the United States. To accompany the programme he has authored a new text book, Managing Global Business, published by Palgrave.

Research / Scholarly interests

  • International business
  • Economics of the automotive industry
  • Electric vehicle marketability