Professor Leigh Doster PhD, SFHEA, PGCHE, MA, DipIM, BSc Hons

Pro Vice-Chancellor & Executive Dean

Key details

Professor Leigh Doster

Professor Leigh Doster

Pro Vice-Chancellor & Executive Dean

Leigh is the Pro-Vice Chancellor/Executive Dean and has responsibility for the strategic leadership and management of Greenwich Business School. Leigh leads the Faculty’s Senior Leadership team and her responsibilities include students, staff, programmes, partnerships, research and knowledge exchange.

Leigh has over 20 years’ experience as an academic, her discipline area is Marketing, in particular Consumer Behaviour. She has previously held a range of senior management roles at Coventry University, the University of Westminster and Oxford Brookes University. Prior to academia, Leigh worked as a marketing practitioner in industry for companies such as Volvo Trucks, British Rail and BP Oil.

Responsibilities within the university

As PVC/Executive Dean, Leigh’s responsibilities include:

  • Developing a vision, strategy and plan of delivery aligned to the University 2030 Strategy
  • Creating a positive colleague community that is inclusive, diverse, equal and which engages and motivates colleagues and provides a sense of belonging
  • Ensuring the operational and resource management is effective, regulation compliant and provides long term financial sustainability for the School
  • Ensuring that the School has the appropriate people talent, development and succession planning in place to achieve academic, leadership and research excellence
  • Ensuring the achievement of all the university’s key target metrics (NSS, PTES, TEF, REF and KEF)
  • Strategic development of the programme portfolio to meet the future needs of applicants and employers
  • Developing strategic partners and networks for mutual benefit and to support key government initiatives
  • Developing and implementing the School’s accreditation strategy
  • Putting enabling infrastructures in place to encourage and incentivise research, enterprise and entrepreneurial activities
  • Ensuring that we engage with and support our local region and communities.


  • Chartered Institute of Marketing
  • Senior Fellow of Advance HE
  • Chartered Association of Business Schools
  • External Examiner for Birmingham City University
  • External Examiner for Robert Gordon University Aberdeen
  • External Examiner for Stafford University
  • External Examiner for Leeds Metropolitan University
  • Reviewer for the Academy of Marketing

Research / Scholarly interests

Leigh's research is in the area of consumer behaviour. She focuses on teenage identity in social media, examining self-presentation and voyeuristic tendencies in social networks and evaluating the effect on identity formation and consumption practices. Leigh contributed to several Knowledge Transfer Projects as part of the KEEN scheme at Coventry University.

Recent publications

  • Doster, L. (2014) Fear Of Missing Out: Is Voyeurism Driving Teen Consumption of Social Media? European Marketing Academy Conference, Valencia, Spain
  • Doster, L. (2013) Facebook Stalking: Exploring teenage voyeuristic practices in Social Network Sites, CTC Child and Teen Consumption 2014. Edinburgh, April 2014 (extended abstract accepted)
  • Doster, L. (2013) Fear Of Missing Out: Is Voyeurism the Real Motive behind Teen Consumption of Social Media? European Academy of Consumer Research, Barcelona (ACR proceedings publication)
  • Doster, L. (2013) Millennial Teens Design and Redesign themselves in Online Social Networks. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 12 (4), 267-279
  • Doster, L. (2011) I Tag, therefore I am or am I? European Marketing Academy Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Doster, L. (2010) An Exploratory Study of UK Teenage Behaviour in Online Social Network Environments, European Advances in Consumer Research 9
  • Doster, L., and Tyrrell, J.M. (2010) 'Marketing Communications in the Classroom - The Parents' View.' Journal of Marketing Communications 17 (1), 1-15
  • Dunn, C.M., and Doster, L. (2003) 'Store design and its effect on customer profile, behaviour, duration of visit and turnover: A study of UK licensed betting offices.' In Communicating with Customers: Trends and Developments ed by Veloutsou, C. Athens: Atiner Publications