People Directorate

Occupational Health and Wellbeing

This page provides information to staff of the University on occupational health and sickness absence procedures.

Occupational Health and Wellbeing

There may be times when an employee’s physical or mental health impacts on their ability to carry out their role and/or is causing their absences from work. The university may, in its duty to provide a safe and healthy environment for its employees, seek medical advice from an occupational health specialist by making a referral to them to request a consultation between you and the provider. Occupational Health is a clinical speciality that examines the relationship between work and health and the impact on each other.

The university uses an external provider, which is common practice for large organisations and the university’s chosen provider Health Partners (formerly Duradiamond Healthcare), use a secure online portal for referrals and reports.

Once your line manager has made a referral a member of Health Partners will contact you to arrange a consultation, usually by telephone.

They will produce a report from their consultation with you and advise on fitness to work and impact of any disability or health problem on your ability to perform your role, including any reasonable adjustments that should be considered.

This employee guide and information for staff provide some guidance on what to expect when you have been referred for an occupational health assessment.

Further information is available here:

Any queries should be raised with

Referrals for pre-placement/post offer occupational health assessments for job applicants are managed by the People Directorate.

Please use this form to offer your anonymous feedback on the university’s Occupational Health service.

Sickness Absence

The University's policy and procedure for managing staff sickness absence can be found in the Sickness Absence Policy and Procedure.

Managers who wish to discuss:

  • concerns about a member of staff's sickness absence
  • an occupational health referral
  • reasonable adjustments for disability

should contact the Senior Business Partner for their area.

Mental health and wellbeing support for staff

You can also see an overview of the mental health and wellbeing support that's available to employees.

Other information

Find out about Disability Parking Permits.