IT and Library Services


An ePortfolio can be considered to be an extension of the paper based-portfolio, bringing with it the obvious benefit of making a portfolio of evidence portable and shareable anywhere that you have Internet access.

e-Portfolios and Blogs - Allowed and Supported


An ePortfolio has a much broader scope as an online collection of reflections and digital Artefacts (such as documents, images, blogs, resumés, multimedia, hyperlinks and contact information).

Key Service Information

Features and Benefits

  • Learners and staff can use an ePortfolio to demonstrate their learning, skills and development and record their achievements over time to a selected audience.
  • Mahara is integrated to Moodle


  • The service is available to all members of university staff and students


    Support hours:

    09.00 - 17.00 weekdays other than University and Bank Holidays

    User service issues:

    Any dissatisfaction with the service should be addressed in the first instance to the IT Service Desk:
    Telephone: 020 8331 7555, visit the IT Service Desk pages or you may also submit a query online

Help & further information

Support: How do I's and other issues.

  • Please contact the IT Service Desk

Help Documentation: Provided by Mahara and ILS

Ad hoc support provided by ILS

Other relevant information can be found in:

ILS Website