
Spring Term Course Catalogue

Please note that the course list is subject to change and subject to timetabling restrictions and all courses will be confirmed once the student arrives and registers at the university at the start of term.
Levels relate to the year of study:
  • Level 4 = First year of undergraduate studies
  • Level 5 = Second year of undergraduate studies
  • Level 6 = Final year of undergraduate studies

Faculty of Business (Greenwich Maritime Campus)

Students should contact the Study Abroad Partnerships team with any questions

Subject Course titleLevel Course code
International Business and Economics Fundamentals of International Business Strategy 4 BUSI1651
International Business and Economics International Business Functions 4 BUSI1694
International Business and Economics Introduction to Financial Management 4 FINA1142
International Business and Economics Managing the Network Organisation 5 BUSI1574
International Business and Economics History of Economic Thought 5 ECON1138
International Business and Economics Operating in Emerging Markets 5 BUSI1575
Human Resources and Organisational Business Management Practice 1 4 INDU1106
Human Resources and Organisational Business Management Practice 2 5 BUSI1315
Human Resources and Organisational Business Teams in Organisations 5 INDU1107
Human Resources and Organisational Business Managing in Critical Context 6 BUSI1475
Systems Management and Strategy Innovation in Competitive Environments 5 BUSI1327
Marketing, Events and Tourism Financial Aspects of Marketing and PR 4 MARK1193
Marketing, Events and Tourism Creative Content Marketing 4 MARK1225
Marketing, Events and Tourism Brand Management 4 MARK1227
Marketing, Events and Tourism Event Finance, Sponsorship and Partnership 4 FINA1128
Marketing, Events and Tourism Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Events 4 BUSI1642
Marketing, Events and Tourism Sustainable Tourism 4 CATE1179
Marketing, Events and Tourism Food: Production and Consumption 4 CATE1172
Marketing, Events and Tourism Advertising Campaign Management 5 MARK1228
Marketing, Events and Tourism Media Planning and Buying 5 MARK1198
Marketing, Events and Tourism Managing the Events Workforce 5 INDU1149
Marketing, Events and Tourism Sustainable Mass Tourism 5 CATE1200
Marketing, Events and Tourism Contemporary Issues in Marketing 6 MARK1120
Marketing, Events and TourismSocial Marketing 6 MARK1148
Accounting, Finance and EconomicsEconomic and Financial History4ECON1177
Accounting, Finance and EconomicsHistory of Economic Thought5ECON1138
Accounting, Finance and EconomicsInternational Trade and Development5ECON1171
Accounting, Finance and EconomicsEconomics of Social Change5ECON1190
Accounting, Finance and EconomicsQuantitative Finance Research Project6FINA1109

Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences (Greenwich Maritime Campus)

School of Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Design, and Criminology

Students should contact Simon Dye ( with any questions on the courses below.

Subject Course titleLevel Course code
Literature and Languages American Fictions 2 (Study Abroad Term 2)


Literature and Languages Short Story Writing (Study Abroad) 5 COML-1081
Literature and Languages Literature of the Gothic (Study Abroad Term 2) 5 COML-1083
Literature and Languages Shakespeare and Appropriation 5 ENGL-1139
Literature and Languages Modern Bestsellers 5 ENGL-1154
Literature and Languages Modern Identities: Literature of the Global
Eighteenth Century (Study Abroad Term 2)
6 ENGL-1157
Literature and Languages Transnational Literatures (Study Abroad Term 2) 6 COML-1063
Literature and Languages The Canon and its Discontents (Study Abroad Term 2) 4 ENGL-1107
Literature and LanguagesBritish Theatre since 20056ENGL1166
Languages Course 1 (French) Study Abroad Term 2 4 FREN-1010
Languages Course 2 (French) Study Abroad Term 2 6 FREN-1012
Languages Course 3 (French) Study Abroad Term 2 5 FREN-1014
Languages Course 1 (Italian) Study Abroad Term 2 5 ITAL-1012
Languages Course 2 (Italian) Study Abroad Term 2 6 ITAL-1014
Languages Course 3 (Italian) Study Abroad Term 2 6 ITAL-1016
Languages Course 1 (Spanish) Study Abroad Term 2 6 SPAN-1008
Languages Course 2 (Spanish) Study Abroad Term 2 6 SPAN-1010
Languages Course 3 (Spanish) Study Abroad Term 2 6 SPAN-1012
Politics and
International Relations
Language, Soft Power and Cultural Diplomacy
(Study Abroad Term 2
6 LING-1024
Politics and
International Relations
International Relations and International Security
(Study Abroad Term 2)
6 POLI-1045
Criminology Crime and the Media 6 SOCI-1097
Criminology Crimes of the Powerful 6 SOCI-1129
Criminology The Parameters of Hate 6 SOCI-1136
Sociology Key Thinkers in Sociology (Study Abroad Term 2) 6 SOCI-1104
Sociology Migration and Citizenship 6 SOCI-1123
Sociology Sociology of Gender and Sexuality 6 SOCI-1128
History Rebel Earth? History and Politics in the Anthropocene 5 HIST-1080
History Projecting Nations: Film, History and Propaganda 6 HIST-1079
History Empire and Nation in the Middle East 5 HIST-1067
History Britain and the
Suppression of the Slave Trade 1807-1867
6 HIST-1072
History 'The Turbulent British': A history of protest across the
British Empire 1770 - 1930
5 HIST-1081
Drama Intercultural Performance 5 DRAM1175

Faculty of Education and Health (Greenwich Maritime Campus)

Early Years Education

Students should contact Jane Speare ( with questions. Please note that in some cases students may need to take part in a placement and should therefore get in touch very early to discuss any additional requirements.

Subject Course titleLevel Course code
Early Years Education Engaging Play


Early Years Education The Young Mathematician 5 ACAD-1277
Early Years Education Young Explorers: Developing Knowledge
and Understanding of the World
5 ACAD-1279
Early Years Education Understanding and Managing Children's Behaviour 4 PSYH-1045
Early Years Education Keeping Children Safe from Harm 6 SOCW-1007
Early Years Education Comparative International Social Policy 6 SOPA-1007
Early Years Education The World from a Child's Perspective 4 SOPA-1023
Early Years Education Social Policy and Social Pedagogies 5 SOPA-1024
Early Years Education Mentor Preparation for the Children's Workforce 6 OMED-1231
Early Years Education Early Intervention 6 ACAD-1287

Faculty of Education and Health (Greenwich Maritime Campus)


Students should contact Christian Perrin ( with questions.

Subject Course titleLevel Course code
Psychology Introduction to Psychology Part 2


Psychology Cognitive Psychology & Neuroscience 5 PSYC-1059
Psychology Social Psychology 5 PSYH-1043
Psychology Personality and Individual Differences 5 PSYH-1039
Psychology Applied Clinical Neuropsychology 6 PSYC-1068
Psychology Investigative Forensic Psychology 6 PSYH-1035
Psychology Psychology of Sport 6 PSYC-1012
Psychology Cross-Cultural Psychology 6 PSYC-1092

Faculty of Education and Health (Avery Hill Campus)

Sports Science

Students should contact Christian Perrin ( with questions.

Subject Course titleLevel Course code
Sports Science Control and Disorders of Movement


Sports Science Advanced Exercise Physiology 6 ANAT-0017
Sports Science Functional Anatomy & Biomechanics 1 4 ANAT-1002
Sports Science Pathophysiology of Disease 6 ANAT-1003
Sports Science Exercise Testing and Training 5 ANAT-1087
Sports Science Physiological Basis of Sport and Exercise Performance 4 ANAT-1089
Sports Science Advanced and Clinical Immunology 6 OBIO-0049
Sports Science Sport Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation 6 OBIO-1012
Sports Science Analysis and Training of Performance 6 OBIO-1084

Faculty of Engineering and Science (Greenwich Campus)

School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences

Students should contact Neil Saunders ( with any questions.

Subject Course titleLevel Course code
Computing Advanced Programming


Computing Computer Forensics 2 5 COMP-1553
Computing Operating Systems 5 COMP-1562
Computing Distributed Interactive Application Development 5 COMP-1565
Computing Computer Systems and Internet Technologies 4 COMP-1589
Computing Penetration Testing and Ethical Vulnerability Scanning 6 COMP-1671
Computing Information Analysis 5 COMP-1631
Computing Principles of Security 5 COMP-1634
Computing Database Management and Administration 6 COMP-1638
Computing Enterprise Web Software Development 6 COMP-1640
Computing Requirements Analysis 6 COMP-1645
Computing Information Systems Management 6 COMP-1646
Computing Human Computer Interaction and Design 6 COMP-1649
Computing Cyber-Physical Systems 6 COMP-1660
Computing Application Development for Mobile Devices 6 COMP-1661
Computing Advanced Networks 6 COMP-1665
Computing 3D Computer Graphics 6 COMP-1685
Computing Component Programming 6 COMP-1690
Computing Installation Development Project 5 COMP-1698

Academic Research for Games and Digital Media

5 RESE-1155
Mathematics Operational Research: Linear Programming 5 MATH1170
Mathematics Actuarial Mathematics and Risk Modelling 6 MATH0160
Mathematics Optimisation Techniques 6 MATH1026
Mathematics Modelling and Analysis of Financial Instruments 6 MATH1046
Mathematics Mathematics for the Life Sciences 6 MATH1134
Mathematics Coding and Cryptography 6 MATH1137

Faculty of Engineering and Science (Medway Campus)


Students should email Jeanette Swan-Wallis ( with any questions.

Subject Course titleLevel Course code
Science Metabolism and Disease 5 BIO-1581
Science Bioanalytical Techniques 5 BIOC-1025
Science Investigative Methodology 1 4 CHEM-0660
Science Investigative Methodology 2 5 CHEM-0663
Science Instrumental Analysis 5 CHEM-1067
Science Green Chemistry 5 CHEM-1068
Science Environmental Impact Assessment 6 ENVI-0303
Science Climate Change 6 ENVI-0449
Science Conservation and the Environment 6 ENVI-1133
Science Quaternary Environmental Change 5 ENVI-1152
Science Advanced Topics in Molecular Biology 6 GENE-0002
Science Biogeography and Ecosystems 5 GEOG-1025
Science Volcanic Processes & Environmental Systems 6 GEOL-1019
Science Forensic Geoscience 5 GEOL-1027
Science Basic Principles of Nutrition 4 NUTR-0001
Science Specialised Topics in Nutrition 6 NUTR-1001
Science Sport and Exercise Nutrition 5 NUTR-1017
Science Nutritional Epidemiology & Health Promotion 5 NUTR-1018
Science Public Health Nutrition 6 NUTR-1020
Science Introduction to Medical Science 4 OMED-0072
Science Mentor Preparation for the Children's Workforce 6 OMED-1231
Science Haematology and Blood Transfusion 6 OMED-1313

Faculty of Engineering and Science (Medway Campus)


Students should email with any questions

Subject Course titleLevel Course code
Engineering Environmental Engineering and Sustainability


Engineering Power Engineering 6 ELEC-1028
Engineering Quality Engineering 6 PROD-1002