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Please note that the course list is subject to change and subject to timetabling restrictions and all courses will be confirmed once the student arrives and registers at the university at the start of term. Levels relate to the year of study:
Students should contact the Study Abroad Partnerships team with any questions.
Department | Course titleBUSI-1695 | Level | Course code |
Human Resources and Organisational Behaviour | Cross-cultural Management | 5 | BUSI1313 |
Human Resources and Organisational Behaviour | Business Ethics | 5 | BUSI1314 |
International Business and Economics | International Business Environment | 4 | BUSI1695 |
International Business and Economics | Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility | 5 | BUSI1342 |
Systems Management and Strategy | Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship | 5 | BUSI1326 |
Systems Management and Strategy | Sustainable Transport | 6 | TRAN1028 |
Systems Management and Strategy | Innovation in Action | 6 | BUSI1322 |
Marketing, Events and Tourism | Introduction to Advertising | 4 | MARK1192 |
Marketing, Events and Tourism | Global Marketing Management | 5 | MARK1195 |
Marketing, Events and Tourism | Problem Solving and Value Proposition in the Experience Economy | 5 | BUSI1713 |
Marketing, Events and Tourism | Sustainable Events | 5 | CATE1175 |
Marketing, Events and Tourism | Special Interest Tourism | 5 | CATE1180 |
Marketing, Events and Tourism | Financial Planning for Hospitality | 5 | FINA1139 |
Accounting, Finance and Economics | The Economy and the Environment | 5 | ECON 1118 |
Accounting, Finance and Economics | Quantitative Research Methods | 6 | FINA 1108 |
Students should contact Simon Dye ( with questions.
Subject | Course title | Level | Course code |
Literature and Language | American Fictions (Study Abroad Term 1) | 5 | AMER-1004 |
Literature and Language | Short Story Writing (Study Abroad) | 5 | COML-1081 |
Literature and Language | Literature of the Gothic (Study Abroad Term 1) | 6 | COML-1082 |
Literature and Language | Contemporary Approaches to Shakespeare | 5 | ENGL-1138 |
Literature and Language | Decadent Bestsellers | 5 | ENGL-1153 |
Literature and Language | Modern Identities: Literature of the Global Eighteenth Century (Study Abroad Term 1) | 6 | ENGL-1156 |
Literature and Language | The Canon and its Discontents (Study Abroad term 1) | 4 | ENGL-1106 |
Literature and Language | Contemporary Approaches to Shakespeare | 5 | ENGL-1138 |
Literature and Language | British Theatre 1995-2005 | 6 | ENGL1168 |
Drama | Applied and Socially Engaged Drama | 6 | DRAM-1166 |
Languages | Course 1 (French) Study Abroad Term 1 | 4 | FREN-1009 |
Languages | Course 2 (French) Study Abroad Term 1 | 5 | FREN-1011 |
Languages | Course 3 (French) Study Abroad Term 1 | 6 | FREN-1013 |
Languages | Course 1 (Italian) Study Abroad Term 1 | 4 | ITAL-1011 |
Languages | Course 2 (Italian) Study Abroad Term 1 | 5 | ITAL-1013 |
Languages | Course 3 (Italian) Study Abroad Term 1 | 6 | ITAL-1015 |
Languages | Course 1 (Spanish) Study Abroad Term 1 | 4 | SPAN-1007 |
Languages | Course 2 (Spanish) Study Abroad Term 1 | 5 | SPAN-1009 |
Languages | Course 3 (Spanish) Study Abroad Term 1 | 6 | SPAN-10113 |
History | 'The People's War': The Second World War, Society, Culture and Legacy | 5 | HIST-1064 |
History | A Global History of Genocide | 5 | HIST-1085 |
History | Londonopolis: Material Lives in a Capital City, c.1600-1800 | 5 | HIST-1086 |
History | Writing Lives: Narratives of Defiance in North America & Britain 1850 -1950 | 6 | HIST-1082 |
History | Cities of the Sultans: Life in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire | 6 | HIST-1074 |
History | Footprints of Everyday Life: The Environmental History of Modern Britain | 6 | HIST- 1083 |
Politics and International Relations | Language, Soft Power and Cultural Diplomacy (Study Abroad Term 1) | 6 | LING-1023 |
Politics and International Relations | International Relations and International Security (Study Abroad Term 1) | 6 | POLI-1044 |
Criminology | Criminal Justice Process | 4 | SOCI-1101 |
Sociology | Key Thinkers in Sociology (Study Abroad Term 1) | 5 | SOCI-1103 |
Criminology | The Criminology of Disobedience | 5 | SOCI-1118 |
Criminology | The Psychology of Terrorism | 6 | PSYC-1123 |
Criminology | Crime Stories: The Inequality of Justice | 5 | SOCI-1137 |
Criminology | Perspectives of Violence | 5 | SOCI 1138 |
Sociology | Family and Society | 6 | SOCI-1124 |
Sociology | Globalisation: Social and Political Perspectives | 6 | SOCI-1125 |
Sociology | Gender, Race and Crime | 6 | SOCI-1126 |
Media | Dataspaces: Data and the Web | 5 | COMP-1699 |
Design | Narrative and Sequence | 5 | DESI-1217 |
Students should contact Jane Speare ( questions.Please note that in some cases students will be expected to take part in a placement and should get in touch very early to discuss any additional requirements.
Subject | Course title | Level | Course code |
Early Years Education | Child Development and Learning: Birth to Five Years | 6 | ACAD-1198 |
Early Years Education | 4 | ACAD-1274 | |
Early Years Education | Language and Digital Literacies | 5 | ACAD-1278 |
Early Years Education | Understanding Creativity in Early Years Contexts | 5 | ACAD-1281 |
Students should contact Christian Perrin ( with questions.
Subject | Course title | Level | Course code |
Psychology | Introduction to Psychology Part 1 | 4 | PSYH1031 |
Psychology | Brain and Behaviour | 5 | PSYC1060 |
Psychology | 5 | PSYH1038 | |
Psychology | Developmental Psychology | 5 | PSYH1042 |
Psychology | Psychopathology and Clinical Psychology | 5 | PSYC1038 |
Psychology | Social Forensic Psychology | 6 | PSYC1073 |
Psychology | Introduction to Organisational Psychology | 6 | PSYH1007 |
Psychology | Psychology and Neuroscience: Trends and Issues | 6 | PSYC1037 |
Psychology | Psychology of Exceptional Human Experience | 6 | PSYC1036 |
Psychology | Advanced Social Psychology | 6 | PSYC0045 |
Psychology | Child Psychology and Education | 6 | PSYC0049 |
Students should contact Christian Perrin ( with questions.
Subject | Course title | Level | Course code |
Sports Science | Applied Performance Analysis | 5 | OBIO-1082 |
Sports Science | Introduction to Sport Psychology | 4 | OBIO-8004 |
Sports Science | 5 | PHYE-1077 | |
Sports Science | The Science of Football | 5 | OBIO-1025 |
Students should contact Neil Saunders ( with questions.
Students should contact Jeanette Swan-Wallis ( with questions.
Subject | Course title | Level | Course code |
Science | Basic Chemistry for Life Science | 4 | CHEM-0571 |
Science | Advanced Topics in Forensic Science | 6 | CHEM-1028 |
Science | 5 | CHEM-1034 | |
Science | Skills in Crime Scene Examination, Evidence Recovery and Law | 5 | CHEM-1096 |
Science | Sustainable Futures | 5 | ENVI-1151 |
Science | Earth System Science | 5 | ENVI-1153 |
Science | Environmental Management | 5 | ENVI-1156 |
Science | Medical Microbiology | 6 | OMED-0074 |
Science | Medical Biochemistry | 6 | OMED-0075 |
Science | Genetics | 5 | GENE-0579 |
Science | Research and Professional Skills in Geography and Environmental Science | 5 | GEOG-1024 |
Science | Introduction to Geographical Information Systems | 5 | GEOG-1035 |
Science | Readings in Geography and Environmental Science | 6 | GEOY-1030 |
Students should contact with questions.
Subject | Course title | Level | Course code |
Engineering | Computer Modelling of Civil Engineering Problems | 7 | CIVI-0941 |
Engineering | Analysis and Design for Seismic Action | 7 | CIVI-1001 |
Engineering | Engineering Enterprise | 6 | GEEN-0049 |
Engineering | Operations Management | 6 | GEEN-1015 |
Engineering | Process Improvement Techniques | 6 | GEEN-1042 |