Full time
Year 1
Students are required to study the following compulsory modules.
- Food and Wine (15 credits)
- Global Wine Business (30 credits)
- Grape Growing and Winemaking (15 credits)
- Understanding Wine Styles (15 credits)
- Wine Component Analysis (15 credits)
- Wine Marketing (15 credits)
- Study and Research Skills (15 credits)
Year 2
Students are required to study the following compulsory modules.
- Drinks Market Analysis (15 credits)
- English Wine and Sustainability (15 credits)
- Wine Sales and Social Responsibility (15 credits)
- Wines of the World (30 credits)
- Industry Work Placement (15 credits)
- Wine Tourism (15 credits)
Students are required to choose 15 credits from this list of options.
- Sparkling and Fortified Wine (15 credits)
- Independent Enquiry (15 credits)
- Research Methods and Statistics (15 credits)
Part time
Year 1
Students are required to study the following compulsory modules.
- Grape Growing and Winemaking (15 credits)
- Wine Component Analysis (15 credits)
- Wine Marketing (15 credits)
- Study and Research Skills (15 credits)
Year 2
Students are required to study the following compulsory modules.
- Food and Wine (15 credits)
- Global Wine Business (30 credits)
- Understanding Wine Styles (15 credits)
Year 3
Students are required to study the following compulsory modules.
- Drinks Market Analysis (15 credits)
- English Wine and Sustainability (15 credits)
- Wine Tourism (15 credits)
Students are required to choose 15 credits from this list of options.
- Sparkling and Fortified Wine (15 credits)
- Independent Enquiry (15 credits)
- Research Methods and Statistics (15 credits)
Year 4
Students are required to study the following compulsory modules.
- Wine Sales and Social Responsibility (15 credits)
- Wines of the World (30 credits)
- Industry Work Placement (15 credits)