2nd Mar 2021 11am
- 12pm
This activity takes place online We often underestimate the power we yield as consumers. What we buy can have a significant impact not only on the environment but also on society. Fairtrade came about in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s in response to helping support communities impacted by the low prices they receive in the wholesale market for their products. When you buy fairtrade labelled items you are investing in a system that certifies a range of food stuffs, plus other items such as clothing, and even gold! For food for example, coffee, tea or bananas, some of the cost of the purchase will pay for a fairtrade ‘premium’. This not only guarantees a minimum price for the products, it also enables a proportion of money to go into health and education for fairtrade certified farming communities, it also is used to train farmers and growers in more sustainable farming practices. This session will bring together Starbucks who will speak about why they use fairtade coffees, teas and sugars and the positive impact this has on farming communities. The university’s caterers BaxterStory will provide insight into how we use fairtrade in our catering provision and we will have academic Professor Jeremy Haggar will discuss how fairtrade works for farmers, what the fairtrade rules are and explore the evidence of how fairtrade benefits farmers and their families. Click here to join the meeting
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