Every industrial project draws upon over 50 years of work in this field by our team of professional consultants.
Design and Troubleshooting
Whatever your materials handling problem, The Wolfson Centre can help. We offer a wide and flexible range of consultancy services to industry. Our independent and impartial site inspections can provide valuable insight into the causes of process problems.
Many of the industrial projects we are engaged in progress from an onsite audit of material storage and handling systems. We issue detailed reports from these inspections, within which the causes of plant issues and options for remedial action are clearly laid out.
(Image - Tarmac Building Products)

Hoppers and silos
Hoppers, silos, bins and bunkers are widely used in industry, and in most instances provide a reliable means for storing and discharging bulk particulates.

Pneumatic conveying
Pneumatic conveying is a very commonly used method for transporting bulk solids – from large scale ship bulk cargo unloaders, to small in-plant systems.

Product characterisation
Determining the baseline characteristics for a material and any subsequent changes imposed by processes or handling operations is critically important for plant optimisation.

Product feeders
In order to obtain the desired flow pattern, feeders must be designed and assembled to work in unison with vessels.

Product quality
Industries invest significantly into processes that engineer raw materials to create high value products. In many plants the quality of such materials can be compromised during transportation, silo filling and static storage.

Abrasion and wear
Our experts can advise on the most appropriate route to mitigating or controlling wear issues for a given piece of plant.

Overall system design and integration
The efficient operation of processes is dependant upon the compatibility of all aspects of the bulk handling systems. Design for an integrated approach to matching storage and feeding equipment is at the core of reliability for many plants.

Expert witness services
For companies involved in litigation, arbitration or adjudication matters, we can provide reports, analyses, 'forensic engineering' or court appearances.

Problem not listed?
There's far more to powder related problems than simply being unable to achieve flow from a hopper without the use of a hammer!