Collaborations and International Partnerships

Prospective TNE and Articulation Partnerships

Transnational Education (TNE) is central to our internationalisation strategy, and we are committed to developing impactful, sustainable partnerships that will advance the work of the University and our partner institutions.

Why become a partner of the University of Greenwich?

There are many reasons to apply to become a collaborative partner of the University of Greenwich, but here are our top five:

  • Experience counts

    With an institutional history going back over 120 years and almost 20 years experience of specifically engaging in collaborative provision overseas, University of Greenwich is a market leader in the field of international partnerships.

Partnership Models

The University remains open to exploring new opportunities through the following types of partnership models.

Franchised Programmes: this refers to existing (or sometimes, modified versions of existing) University of Greenwich programmes which have been approved for delivery on campus, and which may also be approved (‘franchised’) for delivery by an external partner.

Validated Programmes: these are new programmes devised and developed by a partner (or jointly with the University of Greenwich) using the University of Greenwich’s protocols, which are then approved (‘validated’) by the University for delivery by that partner as a University of Greenwich award.

Externally Validated Programmes: these are programmes devised and developed by a partner to its own specifications and approved (‘validated’) by the University of Greenwich as equivalent to a University of Greenwich award.

Articulation Agreement: these involve a formal link between UoG and an external partner, providing a guarantee that a cohort of students who achieve an agreed standard in a programme at the partner will be able to progress to a particular stage of an award-bearing programme in the UoG, provided there is a close curriculum ‘fit’ for articulation purposes.

Progression Agreement: The University recognises progression from a programme a student has completed at a partner institution, either to the beginning or to a more advanced stage of an award-bearing programme in the UoG. Applications are received on an individual basis.

Joint award: A programme developed jointly with at least one other institution, which may also have degree awarding powers, leading to a Greenwich award, or a degree awarded jointly by both institutions.

Dual Award: A programme of study jointly delivered by a partner institution and the UoG leading to the granting of both a Greenwich award and that of the partner institution.

How to become a partner

If you are interested in building impactful, sustainable, and mutually beneficial partnerships, please download the partner proposal form and return the completed form to the  International Partnerships Team.